Auction SaleslAN S. SIMSON" will sell by public auction at Goie on TUESDAY, the 28th inst., at 1 p.m. — 200 Crossbred Wei hers 500 Crossbred Wethers 10 head of Fat and Store Cattle. h22_ CLEARING SALE OF STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS One and a-half miles from Riversdale. * FRIDAY, 2_th JUNE, 1887, At 12 noon sharp. LAN S. SIMSON has received instructions from MrJas. Barron to Bell by Public Auction on the promises at the above time and place WITHOUT RESERVE :— I£\ Draught Mares and Geldings, _ to 6 _ij years -| 3 -year old Colt -| Lady's f*f\ Head Cattle, comprising 3-year-old |Ow Steers, and 12 Cows just at calving 10 pigs ~1 f\{~\ Crossbred Lamba 1OO BWCB 3 D.F. Plough?, one subsoil ; Set Tripod I Harrows, Set 5-leaved Harrows, Set • 6-leaved Harrows, Set. Hasten and Beattie's Flexible Harrows, 9-feet Cambridge Boiler, Br-feet Cambridge ( Boiler 2 Reapers and Binders (one only cut 50 acres), back delivery Reaper (Reid and Gray) , 2 Road Draya (with frames), 3 sets blocks and Chaing 2 Swiag Ploughs, Four-wheeled Trap and harness, LaUy's t*ide Saddle 12 Collars, Hames, and Winkera 3 Cart Saddles and Breeching Leading Chains, Plough Chains, Back Chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCHEON PROVIDED 1 The special attention of buyers for the Melbourne and other markets is called v the above sale, as Mr Barron is kno.v n o hay | some of tbe best horses in Southlaa ■ No entries of Horses except those adver. i tised will be taken. k166 ____ Sale to commence at IS noon sharp SATURDAY, 25th JUNE. AT TATTERSALL'S BAZAAR. LAN S. SIMSON has received instractiona > to sell by Public Auction on account of the Mortgagee at his Bazaar on the above date at 1 o'clock WITHOUT RESERVE : £f Draught Horses 9 Cows -| McCormick Reaper and Binder 1 Tip Dray "| D.F Plough (Reid and Gray) -| Set 6-leaved Harrows 2 Sets Shaft Harness, 3 Sets Leading Harness On account of Vendor : -| /~\ Draught Horaes £\ Road Drays £\ D.F. Ploughs £\ Sets Harrowa -J Chaffcutter — 3 knives 1 Cambridge Roller. k2!7 STOCK SALE AT WYNDHAM. j THURSDAY, 30th JUNE. WILSON, TAINE ie CO. will hold th«i_ next stock sale at Wyndham on above date. Early entries are requested. SATURDAY, 2nd JULY, At 2 o'clock. tfIBST CL__SS HOTEL AT Wl__TD- ' HAM. WILSON. TAIWE & CO. have received instructions from Mr T. B. Mortimer, who is selling out on account 01, ill healthi. to sell at their rooms, Inver a -gill, as above : The well known Wyndham Hotel and six sections ia Wyndham Townsh'p. The Hotel ia built of wood, and contains 25 rooms, and is well and faithfully built ; adjoining the Hotel is a large I'ublir Hall ; aleo, large Livery Stable, contaiuing 12 stalls, 9 loose b.jxrs, co.ich houses, &c, and the Mataura. Ensign Office is also on the . i e;tion ; quarter acre garden well stocked. This house is doing a roaring trade, the best in fact south i.f Dimedin, and bad health is the sulc reason for Ihc owner selling out. Liberal ;ebms at Sale. k225 SATURDAY, 2nd JULY, At 2 o'clock. IN THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS KING BANKRUPT. WILSON, TAINE & CO. have received instructions from the DeputyOfficial Assignee (R. Macleo-1, Esq), to se'l aTtheir rooms on above date : Sections 3 and 8, Block VII, and Sections 4, 5, and 6, 16A, and 25, 26, 2, and 10, Block VIII, Toi Tois District, containing 584 >cres. 3 roods, 14 poles. Improvements : Four roomed house, Btockyard, j and sheep yards ; 350 acres in .English grass, 150 acres stubble, 74 fenced and drained, and 10 acres bush. Fences all in good repair. The above is a graud property ; not n better grazing or wheat-growing farm in Otago or Southland, and the pick of the noted Fortross District. Terms at Sale. k226 NOTICE. i T WILL not be responsible for any prc- -*- perty left in my stable, unless given into my own charge. j P.^FLANAGAF, ! , k209 Provincial Hotel, Gordon,
Page 5 Advertisements Column 4
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 5
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