Jubilee Announcements* BOROUGH OF GORE. QUEEN'S JUBILEE. AT the request of a number of Burgesses, I hereby declare TUESDAY, 21s! June, a Public Holiday. JOHN MacQIBBON, Mayor. Gore, June 16, 1887. k207 HOLIDAY AT MATAUKA. AT the request of a number of gentlemen, I hereby invite the residents of Mataura Township to observe Tuesday, the 21st iost,, as a public holiday, in honor of Queen Victoria's Jubilee—an event I have been credibly assured is not likely to occur again during my lifetime. i HUGH CAMERON, Chairman Mataura Town Board. Mataura, June 15, 1887. PUKERAU FOOTBALL CLUB. Pin HE above Club intend celebrating the -*- Queen's Jubilee by a CONCERT AND BALL on WEDNESDAY, 22nd insh, in the Athenseum Hall, Pukerau, when a varied and attractive programme will be presented Tickets—is Double ; 2a 6d Single. REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED t . k2Ol A DOUGLAS, Hon. Sec. Meetings, Amusements, etc. MATAURA PLOUGHING MATCH ASSOCIATION. mHE ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH -*- will be held in Mr James Balneaves' paddock at Mataura on TUESDAY, STH JULY. The Committee having resolved to exclude Champion Prizetakers from competing in the ordinary classes, a special Champion Class will be made. Ist Prize, £ — ; 2nd and 3rd, honorary certificates.. Entry money, 10s. THOMAS MaoGIBBON, Hon. Secretary. Mataura, June 18, 1887. 233k GORE PLOUGHING MATCH COMMITTEE. A MEETING of the Gore Ploughing Match Committee will be held on Saturday, 26th inst., at 12 noon sharp. Business — To receive annual report and balance sheet, elect office- bearers, and arrange for annual match. Full meeting particularly requested, HUGH McLEAN, 229k Convener For Sale or to Let EOR PRIVATE SALE. ANEW THRASHING MILL & ENGINE by Hornsby, just ready to start work A PP Iv to OARSWELL, WHITE & CO. TO LET. /COMFORTABLE .4-roomed COTTAGE Scullery, and Outhouses, with half J acre garden. Cheap to good tenant. kl3l GREEN & SOUNESS. j TO LET FOR ONE CROP. THE farm near Riversdale, known as Spath's, contaiuing 290 acres. Apply \o k192 , , GREEN & SOUNESS. First Class Farm For Sale, : Near Otakabama Railway Siding. 6)f\f\ ACRES of rich, wheat growing, flat Land, subdivided into three paddocks. Cottage, Stable, Large Sioukyard, &c. -To be sold cheap, and on very easy terms. GREEN & SOUNESS, 191k Auctioneers Auction Sales VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARM FOR SALE. MONDAY. 4th JULY, At 1.30 p.m. THE N.Z. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY will offer for sale by Public Auction at their Offices, Gore. The Farm recently occupied by James Ferris, comprising section 491, Hokonui District, containing 198 acres. LIBERAL TERMS— declared at sale. JNO. TURNBULL, Manager J. E. WATSON, k2lO Auctioneer. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Otago and Southland District, SIMPSON AND ANOTHER V. BRENNAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under a Writ of Sale issued out of this Court by Thomas Morell Macdonald and William Russell, solicitor, at the suit of the execution creditor, all the estate and interest of the defendant Edward Brennan, being an estate of fee simple in Sections 68 and 47, Block XVI, and Section 9, Block 11, Town of Gore, will be sold by me at the Courthouse, Invercargill, on SATURDAY 2nd day of July, 1887, at three o'clock in the afternoon ; unless the writ ph ill have been previously satisfied. H. McCULLOCH, Sheriff, The Officer Executing the Writ. Invercargi.ll, Bth une, 1887, ki62.
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 5
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