A cpncert is to bo ,givefc by; :thj34f»iri^ BJ^bMpiin jaid of tfeft school i unds on «the evening ,o£ the jnß*' The h,a# not feeejn long existence, but asi it; is < mainly /<h>9ls ppsed of new ij, is ; that a treat is in store for us- ks\i**,h The follovviQg/^tVer.baa A^een received, by Mr. T. J., Collins, secretary Progress Association, from Mr y meent Pyke, M.H.R,, fy appointmeriit cadet at railway atation*:-—^ Welliaatbn.Bth:, Jinerißß7:— Mr/Pofx Collins : Hear Sir»— l nave for waraed tne resoltrtion feapecttng .the appdmc^ ment 01 a eadefc 'to the . prqper quarter^ with a letter from myself stronjdf, nh commending that the appointmenf&B made., , It is questipnable wnetber } ia the present state 'of public 'adairfl^i&nr kctibn wiir'.be .ti^,\j^t;j' } |^ Ji jgi» yba any reply ¥ may' ! irefieiyp.~l am, The weather is" simply deUehtfnltot farming purposes,, and consequently ploughing is being .vigorously pro* ing, expensively, ground that has lam in itsT natural 'ite'ie' 4 daring^ the J^AnjP years' of his 'occupfincy 1 of it.' ( .' " •!' Th^ ''deiniind 'for^rabbi^k'ms^pi iseason haa given an .impetus to the rur trade. .There is ..scarcely a r man trevoliin^ n'o^ in this aiatnct ; in' ! «e & tc£ orworki* ffc l; w r tb (i be;;;iio|ff u^"m inand will '%c" permanent \aa a' s vljrV large sta^P qf men would, find remune.r^ alive employ men 6in this district 'if tnp Government^'could lie' induced/to' grr^ a bonus for' skins duriog the 'aummat months When they are ( of little valu^, I think it Wu!4 go'a long way tp» wards solving the 'question of the unemployed I .in the large^ ce'ntw*Jii" ! iii they ; would' find remunerative ' em«» ploy ment in the : country- district*. *
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 6
Word Count
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 6
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