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i * *• ,<Jens*i|l Notices. \< - ; S O U TH L AND C O tT N T Vi JUBILEE HOLIDAY. ;TT IS nEREBi" ; NOTIFIED that the JL Southland County Council Offices will be closed on Monday/Tuesday, and, Wednesday, the 20th, 2lst and. 22nd. June, in obseryance of the Jubilee 5 in honor of the completion' of the fiftieth year of the reign of Her ■Most Gracious Majesty Qaeen Victoria. ; IT IS ALSO. NOTIFIED that the Surfacemen employed by the • County Council are granted Monday and Tuesday, the 20th and 21st June, as holidays on the occasion. R. P. MACGOUN, : ; klB7 .. ... • County Clerk and Treasurer GOU Tlf LAN D COU NTT ; ELECTORAL ROLL AND DEFAULTERS ; LIST. ■ It is hereby notified that any .Ratepayers whose names are on the Defaulters' list may have their names placed on the Electoral Roll, provided they pay all arrears of Rates on or before 30th June, 1887, the Office of the Southland County Council, Clyde street, Inveroargill. R. P. MAGGOUN, k97 County Clerk and Treasurer. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Public Notification Under Section 34 of 11 The Rating Act, 1882." Resident Magistrate's District of Southland, New Zealand, to wit. To John William Rook, address unknown. YOU are hereby summoned to attend at , the Resident Magistrate's Court, to ba holden at Ihvercargill the twenty-seventh day of June, 1887, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to answer the demand of the Southland.. County Council. for the sum of eighteen shillings and nine p«nce, particulars whereof aie hereunto annexed. Herein fail notjbr the caae^will be heard in your* abaence. : * Given under my hand -at Invercargill aforesaid this 6th. day of June, '. '-" ,' '^ 87 - ' ' ,' . ■' " ; WILLIAM G., P. O'CALLAGHAN, . •'■_■;■ ■ > Clerk of the Court. General Rate year 1885-6, on Sec '" '■ " : tions 5 and ? 6f, VU t Wyndham, , k valued fat £300.- ; Rate at three ...farthimfS in the pound— eighteen '- shillings and nine pence ; due r: ' 15th July, iBBS. ' .'".'' ' ' t Wm.G. Fox, Collector of Rates, kl9B'^ Southland County.- --~ SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Publio Notification Under Section 34 of " The Rating Act, 1882." Resident Magistrate's District of Southland, New Zealand, to wit. To Mabtin WKLLBttOCK,addreai ankhown. YOU are hereby swnrnaoßed to attend at the Resident Magistrate's Court, to be holden at Invercatgill the twenty seventh day ot Jane, 1887, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to answer the demand of the Southland County Council for. the sum of eighteen shillings and three pence particulars whereof are hereunto annexed. Herein fail not,or the case will be heard in your absence. : Given under my hand at Invercargill aforesaid this 6th. day ofr June* -1887. . . WILLIAM G. P. O'CALLAGHAN, ' . . Clerk of the Court. General Rate year 1885-6 on Sections 13, 14, 111, Surrey XI, Hokonui ; 31, 32, 35, Surrey VI., Hokonui ; part 12, 111, Gore ; 26, 27, 28 of 63, XVI, Gore;. 6, 111, Gore; block G, Gore Domain, valued at £268. Rate at three farthings in pound—Sixteen shillings and nine pence, due' 15th July, 1885. And year : lßß6-,7 on Sections 31, 82, 35, Survey No. VI, Hokonui, valued at £24— One shilling and sixpence; due Ist September, 1886. ; ..,,-. Wm. G. Fox, . Collector of Rates, k199 :; ; ' ' "Southland County. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Public Notification Under Section 34 of "ih«. gating Act, 1882." Resident .Magistrate's District of Southland, . . }.< Neir Zealand, to , wit. To JOHM Thompson, address unknown. YOU are hereby summoned . to attend at the Resident Magistrate's Court, to be holdbn at Ihvercargill the twenty seventh of June? 1887, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to .answer the demand of the Southland County Council. for the sum of one pound nine shillings and six pence, particulars whereof are hereunto annexed. $ /Herein fail nor, or the case will be heard in your absence. . ..:...• Given under my hand at Invercargill aforesaid this 6th day of June, 1887. '. WILLIAM Gi P. O'CALLAGHAN, Clerk of the Court. General Rate year 1885-6 on Section 29, IX, Tuturau, valued at £148. Rate at three farthings in the pound— Nine shillings and three pence; due 15th July,lßßs. And for jear .1886-7, at £324— One pound and three pence j due, Ist September, 1886. Wm. G. Fox, , Collector of Rates, k2OO . Southland Count j. IN B A N KB, U P T C Y. In the District Court of Western Otago,being a local Court of Bankruptcy, holden at 1 Invercargill: In the matter of "The Bankruptcy . Act 1885," and the amendment thereof, and of the Bankruptcy of John Johnston; of Otaria, in the Provincial District of Otago, laborer, a Bankrupt. NOTICE IS- HEREBY v GIVEN, that John Johnston, of Otaria, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, laborer, has this day' been adjudicated a Bankrupt, and that the fust mae+in<? of his creditors will be held at the R.M. Courthouse, Gore, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of June, 1887, at the hour of 1 p.m. Dated this 16th day of June, 1887. RODERICK MACLEOD, Deputy- Assignee. C.J. Aldbidge, Solicitor, Gore. k212 WILLIAM POLLOCIiT (Late of Gore). DESIRES to inform his frienda and the public generally that he has taken the EOYAL MAIL HOTEL, Clinton, Where Good Stabling, Excellent Accommodation, and the Best Liquors may be had. £10 KEWABD. THE East Gore Domain Board offer a REWARD of £10 on conviction of the person or persons removing or damaging Trees and Shrubs in the East Gore Domain, , E. MACGIBBON,
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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885Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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