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extended from 1884, were disputed, and i« was staled that a contra. existed;-^- --! Judgment for amount, with costs, Ll Us A Brown v I S Simapn—Claim L 8 2s 9d. Mr Fletcher fr plaintiff and Mr Finn for defendant. The claim was for goods supplied to one Finch, who was working on a farm at Kivers- • dale. Finch owed Brown L 7 4s 6d, | land in order to obtain some , more 'goods got an order from Simson, which ! bore that Finch was to get « L 6or L 7 |on the old terms/ and payment : pf the i account was guaranteed. The L 7 4s 6d was paid a few days afterwards. It was now contended by the defence that the order was simply a guarantee to pay the old account in order that Finch might get more credit on his own responsibility. His Worship gave judgment for the amount specified in the order, namely, L 7. . Miscellaneous Notices. Gash Advertisements under this headingireforring to vacant situations, situation! wanted, houses tor sale or to let, articles lost or found, &c, not exceeding sixteen words, will be charged ONE SHILLING per insertion. STRAYED on Sunday from Dr Cotlew at Chatton, a Clumber Spaniel, red and white, answers to name of "Joe." Any information thankfully received. k2lB T^ARM AT RIYERSDALE TO LET. Jj Two hundred acres. Apply Abch. Flbtchbr, Solicitor., Gore. , k216 WANTED, a female General Servant ; must be able to cook. Apply to Mrs Costbllo, Commercial Hotel, Gordon. LOST — Ten Crossbred Sheep, branded F ; blue stroke along back. Finder please give information to AiTKKN & Latham, Gordon. ' k215 TWO double breech-loading lfl-bore GUNS, | new, £7 each, by •• Wild " Birmingham. On riew at Ensign OFFICE. WANTED— A Smart learn the Butchering. Apply AITKEN AND Latham. . ; = jgok TTI YOU want Covers to fit, call at JIJJ BItEWEB & Trembath's. U~7{ YOU want Cheap Harness dall at " Brewbb & Tbbmbath's. . TTTI YOU want cheap Saddlery call at LJu Bkbwbr & Trbmbath's. - r . , TTTT? YOU want Buggy Rugs or Mats, call XJD at Bisawßß & Trbmbath's. : "I"T7! YOU want Buggy Lamps or Candles |_ Jj call at Bbbwbb & Trembath^s. ITT7IYOU want Chafl^ or Oats, call at |_ Ju Bbewbr & Trbmbath'b. r Tjl YOU want Rock Salt call at Brbwbb |_-Ju & Tbembath's. TTHI YOUR Horses are Sick, call at LJC Brewer & Trbmbath's.; T Bil lOU want your Parcels call at 1. JJ Brewer & Trbmbath's, Agents for New Zealand Express Company. TT7! YOU want MONEY, DON'T come LJt- to Bbewer & Tbembath's. "tutueau road boaud. WAIKANA SUBDIVISION. MR WILLIAM STEPHENSON, bfikg the only Candidate nominated this day for the Extraordinary Vacancy, I hereby declare him daly elected. J. H. PERKINS, •" Returning Officer, Mataura, June 14, 1887. ". k203 TOI TOIS BO AD BOAED. ELECTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Election will be held at the Board's Office, Fortrose, for the return of ■ Six Qualified Persons for the Toi Tois Soad Board District— Tokanui Sub-Division— Three Members Titiroa Sub-Division — Three Members On Saturday, 25th June, 1887. Nomination of Candidates in the prescribed form, addressed to the Returning Officer, may be delivered at the Board's Office Fortrose, till 12 noon of SATURDAY, 18th June, 1887. A POLL (if necessary) will be taken at the Board's Office, Fortrose, on SATURDAY 25th June, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 6 p.m. E. LOGIE, Returning Officer. Fortrose, 4th June, 1887. k!75 OPEN WEDNESDAY NEXT! 3L.OOZSI OUT FOR Cheap Drapery & Clothing ! CRAVEN AND CO., from Dunedin, AT GORE AGAIN, next to Howell's Hotel; JOR A FEW DAYS ONLY I TTP WARDS of TWO TONS of DRAPERY, &c, must be sold Cheap for Cash. 20 doz. Sample Lengths of Curtains, Is to 2s 6d Fancy embroidered Table Covers — half price, 6s 6d Silicia Lining from 2Ad Curtains — per pair 2s lid Pocket Handkerchiefs, Is lid doz Umbrellas from Is 6d 150 Ostrich Feathers from la Black Velveteen from Is 6d, Silk do. all colors, 3s lid Girls' Ulsters, 2s 6d up 120 Wool Shawls, 6d to 2s 6d Double-width Milton Cloth, 2s 6d per yard ; 200 pairs Kid Qloves, evening shades, Is pair or three pairs for 2s 6d 500 yds Silk Rep, very rich, 2s 6d yard, fully 50 per cent, below landed cost 1000 yds Dress Stuff from 7s 6d doz. up Collars 3d box Waterproof Overalls 2s 6d per pair — usual price, 6s 6d 20 boxes Frilling 2s 6dper doz. up Ladies Ulsters from 5s lid Ties and Collarettes, in large variety Wincey 5d up Tweeds from Is 6d Silk Gloves Hose from 2d A lot of Men's Coats, Trousers and Vests — must go 1 bale of Men's Heavy Wool and Cotton Drawers, direct from the maker — Bargains 200 Shirts, Is 6d up Lot of Boys' and Youths 1 Suits 1 Singers Sewing Machine, warranted in perfect order — £4. 4s Calicoes, Flannels, Sheetings, and a large stock of goods FOB A FEW" DAYS ONIiY CRAVEN AND CO., Next to Howell's Railway Hotil,Gorej
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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816Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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