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Fnr^iabing Warehouse _ U>-\ XV/r.'n.ij/.JTir^yv/' 8 -^. > "^/jb. :" V ' • ' : ' ; ? i "•:>•■'-• •!'-• --- / r> ' ; i. • " •:■)•. •.•'■■ '■'- -■: ■-'•. » ;--j? ■ ■••.•'■ '.: •:• ■-■-.: ..'i- ;•m \7^OU can get a CHEST of DRAWERS JL ; for ! 5OS at E. K. MdKLisiEy ? iß. §ere— Large Stock to select from; !'• • "1 l .' ■' <■• ■' ■:-<•<•;; _^_^ IF you are about to farnisb^he pan sjnpply you with a good IRON OR WOODKN BEDS^4p at fnT^arg^^ jpriws.^ "TF yon do < not want > anything,- come and *■ see his stock ofWasnstands irom 10i 6d ; Dressing Tables, 9s 6d ; LookingC^jiasaei from Ib, •■ ■■' ■ ■ - • - ■'■■'•^ •''• :; ' ; '"■ AND tell your friends that he is also selling Hair, Flock, and other Hattresses at Invercargill prices. : ' PAILLASSES,BoIsters,PiIiowB,. Blankets, Counterpanes; in fact, anything required to make a homo comfort* able. •-.•>' UPHOLSTERY FURNIBHIHBB Of Every Description in Stock jind Supplied at Retipnabfojiatei^ll THE lon§ col 4; mghisi have. ! M^T^, so secure a good Lamp from him, and en-^ joy yourself at home. Great variety from I 6deach. 3 /. i _\''[-. 'V' '"'■"' . f i qj± OVER 20d02' | at jpr^c^fre» 38 6d upwards; Gome and see for your- ' sdves-i a grandibfc r ; \ . .^ ' l ' L ; - n ' mABLES— m^hehV RoWiijl, H^»l| Card -I. — all Borts,sii!es, and priceff at K. K MoLISKEY'S, Main Street; Gore. • ; ■ ■i' ' in ■ . . • •■> GET your : Fenders »ndf Fire Irdna at ; McLiskst's. ' Grande Bele^tion at lQverearglHiiri^^.^:;;- ;>r (X , ' /S H ji;P Wio'M '£&$ 8, .^litchenlDrestew, *-J WsiAntJCß; Boofccftscs, etc, in stock or made to order at shortest notice. OERAMBULATOaS' Cots,: CradlfiJS- and •i^ Bassinets;' - 1 ' ; ; '- f; •-:"'^ ihdi Every desoriptioß of China, Gt\aatJ t Enamelled and Earthenware i in stock— very ohoap.^ij : "D RUSHWARE, Baaketware, Toilet Ware, J-' Bird , Cages. ."-; . . ". : 'V.a. .. ! . : ' iu . fl LA^Ps.'liAkp:^ : Liii^; nl^&s, ■; ; ; JBJrom Is 6d. upwards^ - t brtn —rr-. rr ri .'■ — •■ — :--■■■ .-• ;vi.w'j ''..<!.\ s.if" "PHOTO ALBUMS, Scrap Alhwn6»i\^prk« ■ J-; boxes, Dolls, Toys, Clocks/ aad* 1001 other artUlea ; will b« so^ OF COST to make room for other; linefei FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Main-Stbeet, Gobi. •. ■■■• u<-^ General Noieeg. . '? SLAUaHIERINa LiCENS^ I HEREBY give notice, that I haraapplied on Ist June, to the Chairman of the Southland County Council for a Slaught* ering License in respect. •of my "; yaide, situated and being in section 16, Block X Wendon, Waikaia. ." ; \ k135 JOSEPH , DAVltiStiir.'dto* SLATTGHTEEika LIciNSJK IfIBREBY, give notice, that; | applied on 23rd Mfty to this OhairmitJ of the Southland pbtin^^p^nncij 5 , !|o^ a Slaughtering License in respect of my situated and being BecUon : l,\Bl^M L, Weij&on, Waikaia. : '.V,.',""'. : "^.. TV'ssi ''" ; 1 k99 i ; D» GiLLANDBBS. _____ j^u-M .', T HBraßY^^pi^i^Rttii hjafdjtppjLied' J- on 4th June to the^ Chairman * : ot -the Southland CoWnty ' Council lor a fUau^^ng License : in ; repect of ;my premiset ifiifexkted, at Oaklaadß, Upper WaikalaT " ; ; . « PUBLICANS' LICENSE F£BS/>«ki , ' " Ths LioKNppa Aer^ 1881^ ~^« . ..-.'•: .'■.'.< Section 1 70«v.--»o i&' nvw'J . " Every ceriificate shall be void, ttblffi« the sum required to be paid^ for, «tae Licensa thereon authorised to be paid* • to?lf he proper officer entitled to receive theisame within fourteen days .after the granting . of such certificate." ; ;i ,,;, %,. :A . It is hereby .nQtified that License. Fees ca»hot be ] re«;eiyed' >y the Treasurer >of Southland County, unless the sajin^ bsfp^id to him within the time specified in Section 70 of "The Licensing^ Act,' iggi, 1 * 1 namely fourteen days from the date of granting certificate by the Licensing Committee. 'By ordeiv ■ ;•■■•■■•■•■•• ■•-:■■• •<• . m-.v w» * -' R. P. WLCQOtftS: •" st * k157 . County Ulexk 1 aud freaa^r. SO U -TH-'i AND * G 0 XT 7 k^^r» ARREARS 0? GENERAL HATE 186tf-Y. It is hereby notified that the Southland County Connoil has issued instructions fdsuo< for recovery of all Rates for the year 188^7 still remaining Unpaid. .■: - -.i->j ;B. P. MAcGOUN, ] k96 , . County Clerk and Treasurer. ' ' — : — -■ •■ s ■■•■ , "t r"* g O XJ T H LA S I) , C O ti Ifij* ELECTORAL ROLL AND i DEFAULIisSS - - • Train-'' ■ . ' "^ It is hereby 'nbtifi'eS.'t^at'any whose names are on. the Pefaufters' liatm&y have their namea placed ' oii the JBlectQral Roll, provided they pay "all arrears of Rales on or before; BGtft Jdixe^' 188^ at the. Cfrnm of the Southland .County' Council, Gljf<!e street, In veroargilli ' ■ ! • "- ; « ** ■ ' . •• * v- ', •' . : R ' ?;• M ! AGGbtJN, r° J •
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 4
Word Count
646Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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