We are now in a position to notify that there is a full r^nge. of , Winter Drapery just 1 opened out ' at the .'Cash /.Warehouse. ;The Millinery Department has been largely in- • creased . Jf you have a look at their window or r walk. inside and see the show, you will go" away cdnvinced that it is, the. largest stock of Trimmed Hats ever offered in Gore and the price's j^re .%uc^.. jthat , are Bure ;; wiir commerfjt > sp^e^ sale., , i: A. magnificent , lot of Triinmingsin plu9h', velvets, and Batftns.- 1 -' Boyne B.i?p^,,,Gpi;e. . ....,, • . I . .1 Mr ;|p,hn Mpriaon, of Dipton, writas.tp th)» ! • Southland Times ' stating that ferrets (of which a dosen Were liberated in his Vicinity about sis: ye'ays'ago, and a large number recently V have apparently been successful in de3tioying the rabbits. Hearguea that those of the animals .< which attach themselves, destrtiGtivelyi to to wizards are tame ones which bave escapeS, and states that the sooner they are destroyed the better. Bveni£ a few fowls 9hould be killed occasionally, so. are the rats; And while admitting that ; ferretsj etc, may not be an unmixed blearing, rabbits and rats are still, less so. ■'•.'. Amerioan Go's Hop Bitters are tk . Purest and Best Bitters Eve Made. They -are 'compounded from Hops, Malt Buchu,, ; Mandrake, -and- Dandelion, — the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world ani contain all the beet and more curative properties of. all -other remedies being ; the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. . ■••-.' ; : • . . They give new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whose employments cause, irregularity of the bowels or urinary . rgans, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic aud mild Stimulant, American ' Co.'s Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic arid stimulating, without intoxicating^ No matter what your feelings or. sympi. tonis are, what the. disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. .. Don't wait until you are sick, but i£ you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life Hundrodg Ji^v.e been saved by so doing. L£>oo wiji be paid for a case they will not cure or help. , ...,,,.. ' Prosecute the Swindlers. If when you call fol 1 ' American Hop Bitters (see green tioig of Hops 071 the white label and OvSoule'sndmi blown in the bottle), the vendor hands out • anything but American Ifop Bitters, refuse it and shun that vendor as you Would a 1 viper ; aud if he' lias taken your money for anything else indict him fortho fraud and sue hint ,for damages -for, thp, swindle, i aud wo • will pay you ibei-a|ly.foj; thc.qpnvictivn, . . -■•■
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 4
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