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the outward pa*t • of any such structure within,. in any of the cases aforesaid, ten fact of any structure or footway, or shall have pei mission for constructing any stage or scaffolding, or depositing any building or other materials, or building rubbish upon or across any footway or street, neglecting, before beginning to execute such, or to do such act, to cause to be put up so as to separate from tjhe . street and from the remainder (it any) of the footway so much of the premises where the work is to be executed as fronts the site of such work and the area upon which, according to the terms of permission, such stage or scaffolding is to be constructed, or such materials or rubbish are to be deposited, such sufficient hoards or fences, together wivh such convenient plat- i form or handrail, if there be room enough to serve : as a footway for passengers outside of such hoard or fence, as shall respectively be approved of by any such officer as the Board shall have appointed in their behalf, or neglecting to continue such hoard or fence with such platform or handrail, as aforesaid, standing and in good condition to the satisfaction of such officer during the time limited, as aforesaid in the said permission, or the last renewal thereof, and for such longer time as the public safety or convenience requires, 01 in all cases in which it is necessary, in order to prevent accidents, neglecting to cause the same to be sufficiently lighted from sunset to sunrise, or neglecting to remove such hoard, fence, platform and handrail, and make good the footway and street within a reasonable time after the provisions of tlr's Regulation have been fulfilled. 15th. Any person placing any obstruction upon any street line, whereby life or limb ia likely to be endangeied. 16th. Any person being the owner or tenant of any building or fence abitting on any street, where the footway has been formed, who by omitting or neglecting to secure and maintain the foundation of such building or fence, causes or allows the formed footpath to fall in or to be otherwise damaged, . : 17 th. Drunkenness or disorderly conduct' in any public street or place. : ! 18th. Any person behaving in ati indecent manner, or indecently exposing his person in ; any street, or public place. , ( 19th. . Any. person . committing a nuisance of any kind in, any public place Of public or private right-of-way. , '■ 20th. Any person found fighting or committing a breach of the peace in any street or public place. . < 21st. Any person having any opening j in the fence or building in his occupation, and permitting fowls, geese, ducks, or turkeys to pass from his property on to the footpath or .streets, and, make, the pathway filthy. , 22nd. Any person creating, a. disturbance at any public meeting of the citizens or in any licensed hall, theatre, or public place, or Street. ..•::...,-' • - •;■-.'. 23rd. t Any person who shall in, any, street sing, say or recite any profane or indecent; or 1 ob'Bcene song, use 'any. profane, . indecent ;or obscene langnage,'paint, draw or write any profane, indecent or obscene representation, figure or word, on any fence, building, hoarding! or distribute, or expose, or offer for sale or exhibit any profane, indecent or obscene book, painting, drawing, engraving, photograph representation, print, or paper ing24th. Leaving upon any public street, or thoroughfare, ,any plough, harrow, cart or other vehicle, without any horse or animal harnessed thereto, unless in consequence of any accident having occurred. 25th. Any . person leaving any hole, excavation, or dangerous formation in pi near any public place, street, or thoroughsare, without fencing' or enclosing the same, or without keeping a light burning upon such formation from sunset to sunrise. 26th. Any person throwing any offensive matter, or any animal, with the intention of drowning it, or any dead animal, into any river (except the Mataura) or watercourse, or place from whence the supply of water for the use of any of the inhabitants of the said township is obtained. 27th. Any carter riding on any oart, dray, or waggon without having and holding proper and sufficient reins and no competent person haying charge of the animal or animals drawing the same. 28th. Any person driving any vehicle whatsoever, or riding any animal, and when meeting any other vehicle or animal not keeping on the left or near side of the road or street, or when passing any other vehicle or animal going in the same direction, not going or passing, or not allowing any person desirous so to do to pass, when practicable, on the right or off side of such other vehicle or animal. i 29th. Driver of any horse or vehicle- injurng any person or property whatsoever by negligence or by driving on the wrong side of the road, or by being away from his horse cr cattle, so as to be unable to have the full control of them. ' - , 30th. Any person driving any cart, waggon, or dray, without the name and residence of the owner thereon being painted in a legible and permanent manner, on the right or off side, in letters of at least one inch in length. : 3.lst. Any person destroying, damaging, or obstructing any aqueduct, ; dam, sluicepipe, pump, watercourse, or fountain. 32nd. Any person singing or playing or causing to be played in any public street or thoroughfare within the township any musical instrument or instruments or blowing any horn t or Tinging any bell on the day known aa Sunday, or the Sabbath-day, without having previously obtained permission .from the Board. ; 33rd. Driving any private carriage, buggy or other vehicle, through any street in,f;he Township after sunset and before sunrise unless the same shall be provided with proper side-lights. •• • ; = 34th. Upon every dray ,"cartj and express waggon used in any street in the Township after sunset and before sunrise there, shall be carried a light, so fixed as to be visible in front and rear, to the satisfaction of the Board. 35th. It shall not be lawful to drive into or through any part of the Township any cattle intended for sale, slaughter, or shipment, unless immediately preceded by a person on horseback or on foot, 36th. No person shall erect any portico or verandah or lamp or horsepost over or on any thoroughfare without the written permit of the Board first obtained, and in case any owner or occupier shall erect any portico or verandah, lamp, or horsepost without having obtained such permission it shall be lawful for the Board to give written notice to such owner or occupier, requiring him, within seven days, to make such alterations in such portico or verandah as shall be specified in such notice. 37th. No cart, coach, dray, express, or other waggon shall ply for hire in the Township of Wyndham unless the same shall have been i duly licensed as hereinafter mentioned. 38£h. Licenses for coaches may be granted by the Town Clerk or such othei officer as the Board may appoint on their behalf. 39th. For every such license there shall be paid to the Town Board the sum of 20s. 40th. In every such license there shall be specified the number of the license, the name and surname, and the place of abode of every owner of the cart, dray, or waggon in respect of which the license is granted. 41st. Every such license shall be yearly, and shall terminate on the 31st day of March, in each year j and each such license shall include only one cart, dray, waggon or coach. ! 42nd. No driver shall feed any horse under his charge in any public or private street, or in any public place whatsoever, save by means and out of a nosebag properly made and attached to the head without removing the blinkers of auch horse. 43rd. Every owner or occupier of any building used for public, meetings, or of any hall or other such or any ground in which public * amusements are conducted, shall once in each year register at the office o£ thte Town Board such building or . ground together with the situation thereof, and the purpose being such as aforesaid for which the same is to be kept, and the name of such owner and Qccupier ; ami every person who causes, and
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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1,394Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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