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Byelaws--27. Any Commissioner not attending in compliance with an order for a call of the whole Town Board, . without reasonable excuse to the satisfaction of the majority thereof, shall be guilty of- an offence. 28. Any Commissioner may of right demand the production of any documents of the Town Board applying to tha question under discussion. . . . 29. The Town Board shall vot« by show of hands, and any Commissioner present and not voting, not being disabled by law from bo doing, shall be guilty of an offence. 30. The Chairman shall, in taking the sense of the Town Board, put the question fira in the affirmative, then in the negative, and the result thereof shall be recorded in the minutes. 31 . At every meeting of the Town Bpard all motions, whether original motions or amendments, shall be reduced into writing, signed by the mover, and delivered to the Chairman immediately on their being moved and seconded. 32. No second or subsequent amendment whether upon an original proposition, or on an amendment, shall be taken into consideration until the previous amendment is disposed, of , ... 33. If an amendment be carried, tbe question or amendment as amended shall become itself the question or amendment whereupon any further amendment upon any portion of the question or amendment coming after such first mentioned amendment may be moved. 34. If an amendment be negatived, then a second may be moved to the question to which the first mentioned amendment was moved ; but only one amendment shall be submitted to the Town Board for discussion at a time. 35. The mover of every original proposition but not of any amendment shall have a right to reply, immediately after whicb^ the question shall be put from the chair ; but no Commissioner shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same question unless permission be given to explain, or the attention of the chair be called to a point of order. . 36. No discussion shall be allowed on any motion for adjournment of .the Town Board, but if on the question being put the motion be, negatived) /the subject then .under ..con* pideration, or the next onthe ojder; paper,shall be discussed,or any other that may be allowed precedence, before any subsequent motion for adjournment be made. LAPSED QUESTIONS. 87. If a debate on any motion moved and seconded be interrupted by the number of Commissioners present becoming insufficient for. the transaction of business., such debate may be resumed at the pqib'i .where it was so interrupted, on motion upon notice. PETITIONS. : : 38 ,' No • petition shall, be 1 presented after the Town Board shall hare 'proceeded to the orders of the day. • ' ; 39; It shall be incumbent on every Commissioner, presenting a petition to acquaint himself with the contents thereof, and 'to assertain that it does not contain language disrespectful to the Towa Board, and that I the .contents do not violate any byelaw or any ! provision hereof. ; . ■ j. 40. Every. Commissioner presenting a ! petition to the Town Board shall write his name, at the. beginning thereof. . 41. Every petition shall be in writing, and not printed or lithographed, and shall contain the prayer of the petitioners at the end thereof and be signed by at least one person on every skin or sheet on which it 'is written. 42. Every petition Bhall be signed by the persons whose names are appended thereto, byt^heir names or marks, and by no one, else^except in cases of incapacity by sickness. 43. iMo letters, affidavits, or other documents shall be attached to any petition. 44. Every Commissioner presenting a petition to the Town Board shall confine himself to a statement of the : persons from whom it comes, of the number of signatures attached to it, and of the material allegations contained in it, and to the reading of the prayer thereof, PENALT* FOR OFFENCE OB MISFEASANCE. 45. If any person shall be guilty of any wilful offence or misfeasance, or wilful or negligent act of commission or omission, contrary to any provision contained in this subdivision, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five pounds. BYELAW No 1. PAET 11. Any person guilty of any of the following offences, omissions, or neglects within the Township of Wyndham, shall, on being convicted of any such offence, neglect, or omission, be liable to pay any penalty not exceeding five pounds (L 5) : — , Ist. Throwing any glass, filth, dirt, rubbish, or other matter of a similar nature upon any street, footway, court, alley, or public place whatsoever, i 2nd. Biding, driving, leading, or wheeling any barrow,, cart, dray, bicycle, tryaicle, or carriage upon or. along any footpath without permission of. the Town Board to do so. • • . 3rd. Placing any timber, bricks, stones or other building .materials upon any. footway, channel, surface drain, or carriage road, without the permission of the Chairman or Town Board,, . . . . , 4th, Drawing or ..trailing any. sledge, timber or other material upon any footway or carriage road, to the injury of such footway or carriage road, without permission as aforesaid, ' 6th, Allowing any nightsoil or other | Offensive matter to be spilt or otherwise cast on to or upon any road, street, footway, public place or thoroughfare. 6th. Placing any placard or other document, writing, Or painting on or otherwise defacing any house or building, or any wall, fence, lamp j>ost, railway post,, or gate | without the consent of the occupier or owner thereof. ■ ' ' ' ', 7th. Opening any drain or sewer, or removI ing the surface of any footway or carriage road without authority from the Town Board to do bo, or permitting to enter any drain any matter in so concrete a form as not to flow readily through the drain, or whereby such drain may be blocked: Bth. Neglecting to clem any private yard, way, passage or avenue, by which neglect a nuisance, by offensive smell or otherwise, is caused, or keeping thereon any swine or. Other animals whereby a nuisanctt [is caused, 9th, Rolling any cask, beating any carpet, breaking in any horse, flying any kite, using any bows and arrows, shanghai, or catapult, or playing at any game, to the annoyance of any person in any public place or obstructing any footpath or carriage road, whether by allowing any cart or animal to remain across such footpath or carriage road, or by placing goods thereon or otherwise. 10th. Throwing or discharging any stone, or other missile, to the damage or danger of ' any person or property. 11th. Furiously or negligently riding or j driving any animal, vehicle, or conveyance | of any kind through any public place, street, or thoroughfare. 12th. If any butcher or other person shall kill, or slaughter, or disembowel, or clean offal from any animal within fifty feet of a ioad line without having previously received permission in that behalf from the Chairman or Town Board. 13th. Discharging any firearms, or letting o any fireworks, or carrying any loaded firearms, sword, dirk, dagger, or other offensive within the Township of Wyndham without permission of the Town Board. Provided that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any Justice of the Peace, or any person in her Majesty's military or naval service, or any member oE the police, or other peace officer, or any member of the recognised Volunteer corps, or any special constable, or any person actually in pursuit of any felon or offender. 14th. Every person who shall intend to build or take down or cause to be built or taken down any building or other structure whether over or under ground or to alter or repair or cause to fee altered pr repaired,
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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1,271Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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