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WHAT "OLD MOORE," "RAPHAEL"' AND " ZADKIEL" SAY. Below we give the principal predictions of tlie above-mentioned astrologers, who have Ik en publishing their prophecies annually for well nigh 100 years. This is Zadkiel's 87th almanac and Raphael's 97th, while "Old Moore'' has been famous for generations as an interpreter of signs and wonders. OLD MOORE." Sepharial is the prophet of "Old Moore's Almanac," and lie publishes l general forecast, from which the following extracts are taken i—"The heaviest burden of the war,

which during tho year 1916 has been so heroically sustained by France, will now be. lifted from the West and Wll transferred to 1 urkey in tho East, where Death will assume protean forms aiid will stalk through the land from north to south and from east to west, leaving behind a holocaust of dead, led ru'n, black plague, famine, and starvation. The flight to Asia Minor, tho seed ground of all its black inheri-, tunce, the plundering and massacre of' the Christians —those th'ngs will be told in the same day that we speak of the vengeance of God. "Russia's millionth ro'l steadily onward, flooding the fields of war and absorbing more of territory than hitherto they have conceded. They swarm into Tii'rkey, overurnn'ng its borders like a swarm of locusts. Having betrayed its ancient friend, how shall Turkey appeal to its enemy ? "Will Greece survive? She has offered hospitality under compulsion, she has flirted while others have fought. Her day is not far off, but not yet. "America dominates the political world with more cupidity than strength and more opportunism than sagacity and perspective. Despite German peaceful penetration, she is yet moro Anglo-Sixon than sho can disavow. " France suffers chiefly from insidious enemies within her own bonders, and many privations will press heavily upon her, so that her progress will be impeded to some extent. Her vast hospitals will be extended into civilian lines, and she will establish hospitals wherein men of eight nationalities shall lio sido by side suffering the same evil. " Portugal will be heavily assailed, and its port will oe stormed by the fire cf the enemy. " Great Britain will add glory to her arms and great numliers to her honoured dead. "Mexico, through German influence, will become the centre of a great revolt, and will suffer a consuming defeat. "Holland can no longer sustain an armed neutrality, and great hurt will be done to her shipping. She wi'l fall foul of her allies, and her freedom will l>c> restricted. "The Gates of tho East having been broken down, there remains only the common enemy, and he will capitulate in the fullness of the year. Turkey being reduced. Austria seek* the advantage of a timely peace, but Bulgaria holds to the inflated idea of a pin-Bul-garian empire in tne East, and her sons will pay Icavy toil "Nothing can withstand tho onward march of the Allies, and now at length they will join hands over the mutilated body of the infidel, he who, with God Hi his mouth and the devil in his heart, listened to tho babble of a maniac philosopher and scorned the decrees of rrovideuce." Skinun'ng through his predictions for months, one notices in April "the net of iron closes more tightly upon Germany. . . Austria sues for peace." In May there is a big but sanguinary naval victory off the coast of England. Alien women .are interned. In .lune "Turkey is overthrown and its Government disbanded" and "the British onslaught will bo furious and invincible." In July tho south-east of England is tho scene of "assaults and misfortunes of various sorts," but toward the end of the month cessation of hostilities is in sight. On the last day of August there will lie publ'o rejoicing. "From Home there will be a notable exodus, ami I'apal authority wil be transferred to an ancient centre in France. Germany capitulates." In Ortober there w ill lie destruction of property in America by tire and explosions. In December "a new dawn opens upon the Emerald Isle." "All too soon England disbands her forces and divest* herself of tho trappings of war. Let her beware of over-eonfi-doene, for the making of a world peace is a task more arduous than the making of a world-war." GERMANY'S i< INAL DEFEAT IN OCTOBER. Raphael places the end of the war rather later than Sepharial. It is not until September tlint he announces the "final «.-ciene«i in the Great War."

In October "the planet Mars now adds his evil rays to Saturn and Neptcne and violently afflicts the Kaiser whose forces will now be driven to their last battlefield and suffer their final and overwhelming defeat. Revolution is threatened in Germany, and Italy wil] bo in the throes of internal dissension. In November "the voice of peace will now be hear d, and the ruler of Germany will surrender to the victorious Allies." In December a crisis in Great Britain's international relation, is predicted, and "it >a to be feared that a renewal of bloodshed will occur." Raphael's general forecast is made under the heads of the several countries. For France he says the planetary influences during the year are generally favourable, and our gallant French allies will render a good account of themselves. German hosts will make pree'ous little headway against them, the French will l>e at the gates of Berlin before the current year (1917) closes." For Germany he says:—"ln the tall of the present year (1916) there is an ominous direction of Mars and Saturn. Does it portend the approach of an enemy which no member of the human family has yet conquered, or the overthrow of his kingly power and the establishment of a German Republic? The latter is only a question of time. Satiated with blood and driven to extremities, starvation sind despair, the German people will revolt. Although the Ka'ser has the sun in soxtile to Saturn and applying to the trine of Jupiter, yet pNuicts are wenk and their influence can help but little. His nativity is weak in every direction, except in b'oedshed and absolutism. These are qual'ties which cannot endure; 1917 will see the end of the war, and the Emperor too." • For Knglaud after predicting the eed of the war, he continues:—"Ncveru;<■'..--, our Ky'ng'f. troubles will not erul wiih thy end of the war, for his s 'J: !*■ M-'-'iriug :lif inro of Mars.-at which threatens renewed' lioiibles. The econom'c war will l>e i- ming on. the battle between capital mid labour, or master and man, yet the one cannot do without the other. It will be a most anxious, harassing time, which will continue for some years. Troubles threaten His Majesty on every side, but let us hope that h's health and person will escape. None of the present generation will witness the peaceful, prosperous days of Que?n Victoria and King Edward. Russia's Csar is not under favourable planetary influences. "Let the Czar beware of sinister and seditious influences within his great Empire. There is trouble brewing, nnd the German Emperor's hands* will not be clean. The next three or four years will alter the ruling dynasties of most of Europe; 1917 will see the end of the war, but not the end of the Czar's troubles." And he has this to say to the United States:— "Dr. Woodrow Wilson was born on December 2S, 1856, hour unknown. The sun was separating from the squarV of Jupiter, sesquiquadrate of Uranus, and applying to the opposition of Saturn. He has the moon in conjunction with Mercury,, and in trine to Uranus. He is a clever man, but trouble, awaits him. His Jupiter is in Aries, near our own king's pscendhnt, which is decidedly favourable, and he cherishes no ill-will against this country, but wo must not overlook the fact that his Mars by progressive motion cornea over our king's ascendant, and his sun comes to a trine to Saturn. These are storng indications that the President make an effort to secure peace. . ."

INDEFINITE, BUT INTERESTING. Zadk'el is the least definite of the trio of prophets, though, his general results are the same. Here are some extracts:— " If Germany is able to maintain her defensive war through the winter of 1916-1917 it is improbable that she will be able to avoid final and complete defeat throughout the first three months of 1917. "Europe will be afflicted with 'public storrow and sadness' —as such an eclipse, that of the sun on January 23, portends—but the worst effects will fall on Prussia. As for Kaiser Wilhelm 11. (if still living), as this eclipse fell within five degrees of the place of the sun at his birth, and as Saturn is in bis ascending sign (Cancer), and the lunar eclipse falls in Cancer, it threatens him with imminent dethronement. "At Washington the portents—of the summer solstice —are not favourable to the American people. Infantile paralysis, insanity, and eruptive fevers are too likely to !>e widespread. "It is most difficult to forecast the month in which fighting will cease, because, as we have twice explained in our last two annual editions, there are so many monarchs (ten) and nations (eleven) engaged in the war; and that we have the times of birth 6f only four of tho monarchs, and one other not certain to within half an hour. If we had only three nations at war —Britain, llussia, and Germany—we could feel prettv confident that Germany would | )( . 'down and out' in the first quarter of 1917."

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3234, 3 April 1917, Page 2

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PREDICTIONS FOR 1917. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3234, 3 April 1917, Page 2

PREDICTIONS FOR 1917. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3234, 3 April 1917, Page 2