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NORTH CANTERBURY. Ill© North Canterbury Poultry, Pigeon an Canary Club's twenty-first annual show wa opened in the. Rangiora Drill Hall yestet any. The restricted train services, unfav ourablo weather, and a substantial reductio ill tho number of exhibits, as compared wit the records of late years, were a combinatioi of circumstances that interfered with th success of the show to an appreciable degree In spit-) of iJio adverse conditions that ob taincd, however, tho exhibition is worthy o high commendation, tho large majority « tho exhibits in the main sections being wel up to the high standard of merit attainei in tho past. Tho en tries totaled 569, a compared with 813 exhibits staged at th show h«ld last year. Tho falling off is at tnbutcd in a largo measure to tho absenc of championships, none having been allotto* to the club this year by tho association. In the poultry" section ther o were eighty eight fewer entres than la«t year, but in th principal classes there was strong competi tion, many of the exhibits being of a fin type. Brown Leghorns were oxceptionall; numerous, and there was a good show o Wyandottes and Orpingtons. The exhibit in Rhode Island Reds were few in number but of high merit, and thoro were somo goo< tvrds amongst a small exhibit of Anconas Bantams were well represented. As usua the principal display was in the utilil; classes, Leghorns being largely in the ma jorityj and Wyandottes a good second. Th exhibits in the pigeon section were littl more than half last year's number, but th quality was good. The challenge trophy fo the best bird in the show was won by th< Rhodo Island Red cockerel exhibited by M C. H. Bull. A special prize for tho be? bird in the Orpington classes was' awairde< to a cockerel exhibited by Mr G. Butcher nnd another special for the best bird in thi Brown Leghorns was taken by «.cookerel ox «hibited by Mr A. F. Anderson. In former years the canaries were quite i feature of the show, but on this occaeioi there were only twelv e entries. Last yea there weic fifty-seven The cookery section was confined to girl under fifteen years of age, attending Tech nical Schools in the district. There was keei competition in all the classes, and thi quality of the exhibits spoke . W *H t or *&■' success of the instruction received. The section {or fancy _ work was also i very popular and attractive one. There was an excellent show of potatoet and roots, the Ware of the section beinf the splendid display made by the Rangiori Hi?h School in the form of a comprehensive co'lection of the products of tho cxperi mental plots cultivated by the pupils, Th< co'lection included forty-nine varieties o: potatoes from about eighty varieties tostec fa«t season. The exhibit aa a whole reflected the highest credit on those responsible foi its production, and afforded conclusive proo; of the valuablo nature of the instruction being given the pupils. Mr Wi A. Banks, chsirman of the Education Board, offeree prize l " for four varieties of potatoes exnibitec by children attending primary schools ane twen'v-four entries wero made by pupil* o! eix schools. There was a small entry of garden produce, but a very attractive display of apple! of quality, mainly from the commercial orchards in the vicinity of Rangiora, All details of th fl show arrangements were »q usual most' satisfactory, the secretarial work again Vinar in the capable hands oi M> ,'W. T. "Wilson. The show will remain open until to-momm evening, .and an exhibition of over flftv cats w'P bo the Becond day's siecial attraction'. The iudere«' wero: —Pmiltrv: Most" 3". Turnbull. and T. Kennedy; pistons, Mr J. W Green: canaries. Mr A. Gapes; eookerv, Mr A. Ev Lower; fancy work.. Mis« E. E. potatoes and roots. Mr W. Stalker; fruit and; gvuden produce, Mr G. Stratford. The following is the prize-list:— ' POTTLTRT. Turkeya.—Cock (I)—C. H. Skinner t. Ducks.—Rouon draka (IJ—W. 1. Indian Runner drake (2>—M. Donohue 1, J. Dixcy 2. Duck (3)—J. Dixey 1 and 8, M. Donohue 2. Pokin drake (21—M. Donohue 1, W. Smith 2. Duck (2)—W. Smith 1, M. Donohue 2. "Wyandotte.—Silver cook (2)—L. H. HiU 1 and. special. Cockerel (2)—M. Donohue 1. A. Clfst 2. Pullet (6)-F. H. Lovell 1, T. Kennedy 2, T. W. Ambrose 3. White cock (2)—T Kennedy 1, M. Donohue 2 Hen (2)—T. Kennedy I. Cockerel (3)— T. Kennedy 1 and 2. Orpington.—Black cock (2)—T. Loveday I,' G. Butcher 2. Hen (])—T. Loveday 1 and two epecials. Cockerel (4)__G. Butohor 1 and special, T. Loveday 2, H. Ouinney 3 Pullet ft)—T. Loveday 1, G. Butcher 2, H. Quinney 8. Buff or cinnamon cock (8) —Miss Wilson 1 and special and 8, A. B. Moyle 2. Hen (1)-A. E. Moyle 1 and fcpecial. Pullet (B)—A. E. Moyle 1 and 8, A. W. Turtill 2. Rhode Island Beds.—Cock (I)—J. J. Henry 1. 'Hen (2)—L. A Walla 1, J. J. Henry 2. CockerA] (31—0. H.' Bull 1, 3 ind two specials, J& Donohue'2. Pullet (4)—o. H. Bull I,'special arid 8, M. Donohue 2. , Mmoroa.—Black hen (IH-M. Donohue 1. Andalusian (1) —A. Wallia 1. Hen or pullet (3)—A. Wnllis 1,2 and 3. Anconas.—Cock (1) —T. Wade 1 and special. Hen (5)—T. Wada 1, O. J. Forbes 3. R. Pearce 8 and o. Cockerel (3)—A. W. M'Niokel 1, K. Pearoa 2, 0.. J. Forbes 3. Pullet (4)— E Pearce 1 and,&, J. D. Gobbe 2. Leghorns.—While cockerel—o. W. Bell 1. Hen (3)—G. H. Ambler 1, L, S. Breach 2. Cockerel (3)—G. H. Ambler 1,2 and eoecial. Pallet (2)—G. H. Ambler 1,2 and special. Brown occk (S) —A. F. Anderson 1 and special, J, H. Martyn 2, L. S. Breach Z. Hen (Th- -A. F. Anderson 1 and special, J. H. Martyn 1, M. Donohue 2, L. S. Breach h.o. Cockerel (B)—A. F. Anderson 1 and special, J. H. Martyn 8, 8. Breach h o. Pullet (6yA- F. Anderson 1, J. H. Martyn 2, 8 and o, L. S. Breach 2. Hen (I)—A. W. Greenfield L Pullet (3>—R. Pearoo 1,2 and 8. Bantams.~Blaok roseoomb* cockerel (B)—J, H B- Chegwin 1 and special, Penrose and Gapes 2, T. Lovedjay 3. Pullet (4)—Penrose and Gapes 1, J. H. B. Chegwin 2 and 8. Buff Pekins.—Cock or cookerel (4)—G. Storey 1 uid 2. Hon or pullet $)—G. Storey 1,2 and a. . SELLING CLASSES. Cock or cockerel (6)—M. Donohue 1, T. Kennedy 2, F C. Martyn 3. Hon ox millet (I)—M. Donohne 1. UTILITY CLASSES. Leghorn.—White cock (4)—W. R, Halcox 1. ;D. Kirk 2; HenJß)-A. E. Moyle 1 and 2, P. Luisetti 3. ' White cookerel (11)—A. E. Moyle "1 and speoial, F. E. Martvn 2, C. W. 801 13, W. J. Martyn hc. Pullet (12)—H.. Anderson 1 and special, E. J. Olson 2, C W. Bell 3, A. E Moyle h o, T. Ward c. Brown hen (2) —V. Bedwell L Cockerel (3)—W. Brown 1 and special, J. D. Gob be 2. Pullet (7)-J. D. Gobbe 1 and special, W. Brown 2, W. J. Martyn 8. Pullet (5)~ P. Luisetti 1 and special, P. Ramsey 2. White hen (l)--M. Donohue 1. Cockerel [3) —F. Elderton 1, M. Donohue 2. Pullet (4) —A. Shankland 1 and speoial, F. Elderton 2 and 8. Minorca.—Cock cr cockerel (2)—M. Donohue 1 and special, T. D. Gobbe 2. Hen or pullet (4)—A. L. Mitchell I, special and 2. Black Orpington—Cock (I)—G. H. Squire J. Hen (B)—G. H. Squire 1, special and 2. Any other colour Orpington, hen or pullet (2)-A. W. Turtill 1 ana 2. Rhode Island Red-Cock (1)-C. H. Bull a and two specials. Hen (1) —L. A. Walls 1. Cockerel (l)-0. H. Bull 1. Pullet (8)-0. H. Bull 1, special and 3, M. Donohue 2. Anconas.—Clock or cockerel (3)—C. J. Forbes 1, R, E. Bull 2, R. Pearce 3. Hon or pullet (6)—R. Pearco 1, J. D. Gobbo 2, T. Wade S. Most Points.—Leghorns—Cockerels and pullets, L. S. Broach. Wyandottes—T. Kennedy. Orpingtons—T. Loveday. Rhode Island Reds—C H. Bull. Prize for Rhode Islard Reds, awarded by Rhode Island Club—C. H. Bull. Lovell Cup, for most points in poultry, exhibited by juvenile membors—G. Storey.

PIGEONS. . Pouter or cropper.—Cook or hen (2)—T. H. Jones 1, special and 3. Dragoon cock or tan, rung (2)—T. H. Jones 1, special and 2. Owl, English, cock or hen (j.)—Penrose and Gapes 1 and special. Cock or hen, rung (2) —J. M. Crabby 1 and 2. Owl, African, cook or hen (B)—Penrose and Gapes l y , J. M. Crabbe 2 and 3. Tumbler, long-faced, bald jor beard, black (21—G. H. Bradford L Long- ] faced, bald or beard, rung (3)—Penrose and i Gapes 1, G. H. Bradford 2 and 3. Tumbler, j long-faced, bald or beard, any other colour i fl)—-G. H. Bradford 1. Long-faced, any • other colour, rung (I)—G. H. Bradford 1. j Tumbler, long-faced, clean-lcgeed; red or yel- ! low cock (3) —T. H. Jones 1, W. H. Dacombe [ 2, Penrose and Gapes 3. Hen (1) —Penrose j and G'apes 1. Clean-logged, 'red or yellow I oock., runi? (2) —Penrose and Gapes 1 and,, ! special, W. H. Dacombe 2. Tumbler,-long-faced, clean-legged, almond cock 'll— H. Jones 1. Clean-logged, any other colour cook ft) —W. H. Dacombe 1. Longfacfld, muffed, black, rung fll—W. H. Dacombe 1. Blue ot silver (11—W. H. Dacombo 1. Any othoT colour (I)— W. H. Dacombe 1. Magpie, black cock (1)—B. Johnj son 1. Hon (1) —B. Johnson ■l. Magpie, j black cock, rung (2)—B. Johnson 1, special j and 2. Working homer, likeliest flyer, hen ; (I)—R. H. Brown X. Cock (2)—Thos. KenI nedy 1, special and 2. I JTTNIOR CLASSES. j Pouter birds (2)—H. Petri* 1, R. D. H. Brown 2. j CANARIES, | Norwioh, plain head, yellow, clear or in- ! risible ticked (2)—A. B. Benns 1 and special, •W. Martin 2. Hen fl)—W. Martin 1. Norwioh, plain bend, buff cock (I)—A. B. Benns 1. Buff, ticked or lightly variegated, cock (2)—A. B. Benns 1. W. M'artin 2. Buff, clear or invisible ticked, hen (2)—W. Martin 1, A. B. Benns 2. Buff or yellow, ticked or variegated (I)—W. Martin 1. Norwich, dark crested (I)—Miss Wilson 1 and special. Mules, goldfinch (2)—W. Martin 1. I PETS. j Parrot (I)—J. Kirk. Ringdove (I)—S. t James 1. I' " COOKERY. Open to girls under fifteen years, attending j technical schools in th e district. ' Sponge sandwich (B)—Nyra Miles 1, Ena Bruere 2, Betty Hughes 3, Bertha Marshall hc, Lilian Heagan c. Plain scones (11) — Flora Fleming 1, Kenna Shilton 2, Bertha Marshall 3. Esther Hills h c, Betty Hughes c. Plain currant cake (6)—Maude Payn e 1, . Tilly Davis 2, Lilian Dawson 3, Daphne ; Schmidt hc, Violet Price o. Pastry (s) j Esther Hills 1, Maud Ross 2, Maude Pavne 8, Nyra Miles h c, Betty .Hughes c. Best exhibit by girls attending the Borough j School—Nyra Miles 1 and 3, Flora Fleming 2. j . EGGS. ' i Hen eggs, white (2)—Mrs A. Cooper 1, L. S. Breach 2. Tinted (2)—Mrs C. H. Bull I, 1. Kennedy 2. Crochet face, fine (9)—Miss A. E. Inch 1, Miss Bennett 2, Edith Jones 8, Mrs E. J. Schneider ho, Mrs C. H. Bull c. Crochet lace, coarse (3)—Mrs Lewis Wilson 1, Miss C. Ramsey C. Mrs M. Doyle 3. Fanecrochet in wool (I)—Miss 0. Ramsoy 1. Crochet doyley (11)—Miss Violet Blain 1, Miss Wilson 2 and 3, Mrs J. E. Schneider ao, Miss Mabel M'Leod c. Fanoy knitting in cotton (2)—Mrs Hessoll 1 and 2. Men's knitted socks (2)—Jessie M'Kenzio 1, Mrs A. V. Newman 2. Knitted woollen work (»)—Miss Jean Dalziel 1, Miss C. Ramsey 2 Applique work (3)—Miss Rogers 1, Miss C. Ramsey 2 and 3. Ribbon work (I)—Miss C Ramsey 1. Mount Mellick work (2)— Mrs G. Springer 1 and 2. White embroidery (B)—Miss Jean Dalziel 1 and 2, Miss A. E. Inch 3, Miss V. Blain o. Coloured em-' broidery (s)—Miss J. Dalziel 1 and 2, Miss E. M. Guy 3, Miss Rogers h c. Miss C. Jtamsey a Canvas work (I)—Clifford C. Wilson 1. Tea cosy (I)—Mrs J. E. Schneider I. Hand-mode afternoon teacloth (4)— Mrs Lewis Wilson 1, Miss Eggleston 2, Miss Mabel M'Leod 8. Cushion (B)—Miss J. E. Croft 1, Mrs J. E. Schneider 2, Miss Eileen Doylo 3, Eileen Hawley h c, Miss C. Ramsey 0. Table centre («)—Mies Rogers 1 and special, Mrs J. E. Schneider 2, Miss J. E. Croft 8, Eileen Hawley ho. Any description of faneywork (s)—Mrs J. E. Schneider 1 and special, Miss A. E. Inch 2, Miss Mabel M'Leod 8, Miss C. Ramsey o. Potatoes.—Commonwealth Blue (3)—A. Cooper 1, Rangiora High School 2. Up-to-date (3)—Rangiora High School 1, A. Cooper 9, C. Morgau Williams 8. Red Dakota (3)— C. Morgan Williams 1, C. H. Skinner 2. King Edward VII. (2)-C. Morgan Williams 1, Charles Ewings 2. Any other variety, blue (3)—C. Morgan Williams 1, Rangiora High School 2. Red or pink (G)—R Matthews 1,. 2 and special, W. Smith .3, A. Cooper he, White or yellow (3)—C. Morgan' Williams L, Rangiora High School.2, .A; Cooper 8. Any variety first early potato (2) —C. Morgan Williams 1, Rangiora High School 2. Best collection of potatoos (2)—C. Morgan Williams 1, W. Smith 2. Swede turnips (2)—Rangiora High School 1. Green, top yellow Aberdeen (I)—Rangiora High School 1. Purplo top Aberdeen (1) Rangio-a High .School 1, Imperial green globe (2)—Rangiora High ScTiool 1 and special, C. Morgan Williams 2. Any other variety white-fleshed turnip (I)—Rsngiora High Sohool l. Yellow-fleshed (I)—Rangiora High School 1.

Globe mangolds (3)—o. H. Skinner 1, Rangier* High School 2 and 3. Long red (2)— Rangiora High School 1 and 2. Golden Tanced (I>—Rangiora High School 1 and special. Jersey Queen (B)—Rangiora High School 1.. Red carrots (I)—R. G, Evans 1. Whit* carrots (2)—o. Morgan Williams 1 and epooiai, R. G. Evans 2. Four varieties potatoes exhibited by children attending the primary schools in the district (27)-R. Croft (Loburn School) l, A. Stalker (Rangiora School) 2, R. Maynard (Southbrook School) 3, J. Taylor (Rangiora School) h.c. t A. Harper (Rangiora School) c. GARDEN PRODUCE. ' *• ' Giant onions (11)—0. Morgan Williams 1. Brown Spanish onions (2)—R. Borland 1 and 2 Eschallota (2)-W. J. Ford 1. D. Ramsay 2. Beet (3)—D. Ramsay i, Rangiora High School 3. Parsnips (I)—Rangiora High School 1 Vegetable marrow (I)—Rangiom High School 1. Largest marrow (I)—Rangiora High School 1. Table carrots (I)—W Smith 2. Leefcs vS)—R Evans 1, A. Cooper 2, Rangiora High School 8. Foliage pot plant (D-Mra C. W. Bell i. P FRUIT. Apples.—Jonathan (3)—H. A. Johnstone 1 and 3, E. K. Banfield 2. Sturmor (4)—E. K. Banfield 1 and 2, H. A. Johnstone 3. Fur Crown ($)— E K. Banfield 1, H. A Johnstone 2 and 3. Cliff Seedling (I)—E K Bayfield 1. Rymor (2)—E. K. Banfield 1 and 2. Reinette du Canada (l)-iE. K. Banfield 1. Rokewood (3)—J. C. Banfield 1, H. A. Johnstone 2 and S. Any other variety dessert apples (I)—E. K. Banfield 1. Three varieties dessert apples (3)—E K. Banfield 1 and 2, H. A. Johnstone 3. Cooking apples (I)—E. K. Banfield 1. Collection of apples (I)—H. A. Johnstone 1. Best packed case of dessert apples (I)—E. K. Banfield 1. Best packed case of cooking apples (I)—E. EL Banna'd 1.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 18141, 5 July 1919, Page 3

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POULTRY SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 18141, 5 July 1919, Page 3

POULTRY SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 18141, 5 July 1919, Page 3


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