Beg to announce the opening of our NEW WINTER GOODS Per Steamers Tongariro, &o„ &c.. Also the Finest and Largest Consignment or NEW MILLINERY Wo hare o er received, consisting of 3000 NBli7 HATS AND BONNETS > Which aro now being shown; ULSTERS, DEESS MATERIALS FURS, JET TRIMMINGS, &c„ &0., In Great Profusion, SPECIAL NOTICE. Before leaving for England, ME ARMSTRONG nstruoted that the WHOLE of these NEW GOODS, together with our REGULAR STOCK, should bo Cleared at LOWEST SALE PRICES. Onr Customers will, therefore, be able to got the Pick of Newest-faahioned Goods at Lowest Prices in New Zealand, as there must La a POSITIVE CLEARANCE Before the Proprietor’s Return, 5231 He who invents a new sance is a public benefactor."—Souebaise. SOLAR SAUCE. THIS novel and exquisite Sance, now introduced to the Pualio of Christchurch for the first time, will be found to he a most delicious and peculiar relish. It is a combination of the finest Emits and aromatic Spices, blended with great skill, and specially suited as a Sauce for Maiton. The selling price places it within the reach of everyone; and its valuable properties in assimi. latingand promoting digestion should cause tho name of SOL V.R SAUCE to become a household word. Knowing tho great number of worthless sauces now ou the market (tho principal components of which are vinegar and cayenne pepper), the proprietors ot the SDLaK SaUC IS conceived the idea of producing a genuine Fruit Sauce out of fruits grown in the Colony; and they have now peifeoted an article which they can confidently recommend, and which they are certain will soon appear on every well-appointed table. Prepared for the proprietors at the St George Preserving Works, Dunedin. To be had from the Trade generally, or from IRVINE & STEVENSON. —— ' X3SB Feice: Half-pint Bottle, 6d; 9d, S. MANNING & CO., LIMITED, BREWERS OF THE FAVOURITE CHRISTCHURCH SPARKLING PALE & BITTER ALES s To be obtained in roGSHEADS, BARRELS & KILDERKINS AT CHRISTCHURCH BREWERY on Draught at tho Principal Hotels in Christchurch and Canterbury. PALE ALE AND EXTRA STOUT IN QUARTS AND PINTS. Telephone No. 898. Cablegrams, " Retniw,” Dun edin. Postal address. Box 356, Dunedin. Dunedin, 31, Baud sueet. Edgar |'f intee, Manufacturers’ Agoat and General Importer. Editor of N.Z. “ Maaufaclurere’ Advertiser and Buyers’ Guide.” Manufacturers or Patentees desirous of extending their business, &c., are invited to correspond. Agents and travellers work the whole ot New Zealand. Buying or BOilin* for -clients attended to, • X 513
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 3
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