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Business [Notices. ' SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS 1 FOR TO-DAY AND FOLLOWING DAYS. w Havo just oompletel a largo and moat important purchase of ADD-WOOL COLONIAL DEESS TWEEDS (upwards of Two Thousand Yards), aU this Season’s Designs and Colourings, and shall submit same for Salo TO-MOEEOW SATURDAY) and DUBING NEXT WEEK, as below FULL DRESS OP 12 YARDS, USUAL PEICB, SPECIAL PEICE, 30s. 18s lid. Also, in conjunction with the above, we shall offer the SAMPLES of a GERMAN MANU. FACTDEBE, comprising Ladies’ Fancy Wool Shawls, in a variety of colours and combinations t suitable for Evening Wraps, &0., Ladies’ Knitted Wool Petticoats, Black and Coloured I Jerseys, Wool Vests, Children’s Wool Pelisses, Infants’ Wool Polkas. &0., all choice and perfectly fresh goods, which we have purchased on such advantageous terms as will enable us to - sell them at about HALF-PRICE, ; ‘ ' IN THE SHOW-ROOM. J2^ adies ’ good SEAXSXTE MANTLES, Small and Medium Sizes, USUAL PRICES, SPECIAL PRICES, Sis to 105 s. SOs 6d and 49s 6d. gj LADIES’ FUB-EDGBD CLOAKS, LINED and QUILTED SATEEN / , ÜBU*L PBICE, SPECIAL PEICB, 25s 6d. ISs lid. 37 LADIES* BLACK JEBSBYS, suitable for House Wear. USUAL PRICES, SPECIAL PEICW9; 6s 6d to 11s 6d. 2s lid and Ss lid. AT THE RIBBON COUNTER. 3960 r '*’^ DS OF PLAIN FAILLE EIBBON, Chiefly Dark Shades, USUAL PRICES, SPECIAL PRICES, lid. 6|d, Is, and Is lid.- Id. 2d, 3d and 4)d. 1730 YASDS OF ALL SILK EIBBON VELVET, Good Shades and ' Assorted Widths. USUAL PRICES. SPECIAL PRICES, IOJd, Is 3d and Is lid. did, 6id and Sid. /' SHOPPING BY POST. By means of the Parcel Post you can do your Shopping by Letter, and though living in the moat distant country district, you can havo all the advantages of purchasing at onr Establishment brought to your very door. LETTER-ORDER DEPARTMENT. The Letter-Order Department is now under careful management, and with confidence we guaranies tbs same prices and attention to orders sent by letter as when a personal visit is made. The Newest Fashions, the Most Reliable Goods and Popular Cheap Prices are thus brought within the reach of all. PLEASE NOTE—GOODS SENT IN EXECUTION OE POST ORDERS, IP ‘ NOT APPROVED, CAN BE RETURNED. W. STRANGE AND CO., CHRISTCHURCH
SHOOTING SEASON, 1892. l shby, Beegh & Co. Bare much pleasure in announcing the arrival ol THIS SEASON'S SUPPLY or GUNS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION iso ALL SPORTSMEN'S REQUISITES. Great Variety and Beat Values. BLEY'S, KYNOCH'S, SMOKELESS AND CLUB CARTRIDGES AND CARTRIDGE CASES. Inspection Cordially Invited. ASHBT, BEKGH & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, 217, High street. Y2Bl DEVELOPMENT OP THE EROSENB Gl BADE; FURTHER REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OP FLOUR. HEW PRUNES, NEW PIGS, •Good Luck" Kerosene, or “Royal” or “Light of the Age," at 10s 6d per case or 53 6d the tin; •• Luxene,” 12s tli® ca*o lilk-drensad Flour—2slb 2a 83,501 bsa 3d, 1001 b 10a, toiler* Flour** 251 b 3a. SOlb Sa ICid, lOOlbllsfid. lew Prnnea. lOd per lb; 141 b tin, 9d par lb lew Box Fig*. 84 the box Jhoice ling Fish, 6sd per lb loneleaa codfish, 6|4 per lb luaket Tobacco, the bast dark tobacco ex taut, per lb ling of All, per 1b... ... a d 410 6 3 la to . per tin ’reah Herrings, per tin Inllet.pertin ... lippeced Herring, per tin jppared MaokareJ, par tin loater Paste, per tin ... ... 'lnest Factory Cheeao, per 1b... lesiccated Ooooanat, per lb ... lew Pigs, per lb. 80. extra, fine lew Muscatels, per lb lew Dates, per lb, 6d, extra fine, par box ... lew Apricots, Pears. Peaches, per tin la to looseberry Wine, per bottle* omato Wine, per bottle Ilder Wine, per bottle linger Wine, per bottle landelion Wine, per bottle ... ... ••• lasp. Vinegar, English, per bottle la ad A ■rramatta JClmejuioe. par bottle lOd, ships’ reserving Sugar, per lb, Queensland ... reserving Sugar, per lb, Milliquin lanritins Snowdrop, per lb rushed Loaf, per lb, Sid. per owt cask 0 10 0 9 ■usnea iiOal, per id, aju, per own can*. ... :esarvltaa (for pwaervmg Butter, Meat, Bacon, Ac,). per lb Line of Elegant Japanese Teapots, containing three-quarter pound fine tea ... mey Baskets, containing |lb do iddieand lib tea... HOUQUA BLENDED TEAS. t>nqua,perlb ilgravia, per lb .. ist Cheap, per lb :«t Pean Sago, pot lb ... ako Tapioca, per lb ... ist Bio Tapiooa, per lb ... xxl Bice, per lb sax's Corned or Boiled Beef, 21b tina ... hole Ginger, par lb 2 0 2 4 1 6 T, TAYLOR, CASHEL STREET (Opposite the Caf4), Christchurch. £223 STARTLING DISCOVERT. Professor Oswald mbtcalpe having found out how Stammers Originate, luarantees to Cure the Worst Case Permanently b Two or Three Lessons, personally or by correaiwsdence. Failure Impossible. MONTREAL STREET. Next Anlsebrook’s Factory. X 533 Dr EBSMAKINu.-PRICE SMaterial Brasses from ... 8a 6d Cashmere or Merino from 10a 6d Work by the Day 3a Od By the Week 15a 6d Fit and Style guaranteed. Mrs and Miss Mountain, 859, Colombo street north, third house from Bridge, next to Smith's. Frui erer's. X 419 PER Bay to be made by gr,. TO -X-./L persons'of either sox, in their own localities, at work for us. New business. All meal with wonderful success. Anyone can do the work. You don't need capital, or aoout the tame as none. We wiil start y°, u * space to explain here. But you can make a snug little fortune honourably and easily. The employment is particularly adapted to the region in winch this publication circulates. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Full particulars and in. ■ truotionamailed free. Now i 9 the time—don t delay, bat write to ua at once, &iin£oa and Co BtaW* --
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 3
Word Count
928Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 3
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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