Public '-Notices. T. WREAKS, Gtsaih & JPeoduce Merchant, 166, 0T ASAPH ST3EET AND 92, MANCHESTER STREET, Corner of Tuam street. COBNSAGKS AND TWINE. 9914 Chaff Cut and Corn Crushed for the Public. MARINE HOTEL, SUMNER. CJ HAE LE S E* ]M[ ORTON, PEOPKIBTOE, Begs to inform the Public generally that he has taken possession of the above Hotel, so success" fully carried on by his late father, J. W. Moetok, and trusts by his personal supervision of all matters connected therewith to merit a fair share of public patronage. Public and Private Dinners, Picnics, Afternoon Teas, Fishing Excursions, Ao„ carried out in the bast style. Private Apartments as per arrangement, BILLIARDS. Wines and Spirits of the Best Brands only. F 334 OHAELES E. MOETON, Proprietor. Tjqndoh ¥ assigns, THEEE-QUAETBB JACKETS, THREE-QUARTER CLOAKS, BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT TRIMMED BEAVER AND ASTBACHAN, 6 s TO 63 s - Also. SPECIAL PURCHASE—LADIES’ TWEED DISTEES, 16° 11° EACH, WOETH 25 S ‘ Just Opened, ex s.s. Arawa. (Gr® Jj* Heath & Go. FT MESSES DBLAMAIN & CO. Having found it expedient to OPEN A BRANCH IN EANGIOEA, AND Having secured Commodious Premises in High: street (immediately opposite the E.M. Court),' ARE NOW PREPARED TO CARRY OUT THE LIVERY BUSINESS in all its Branches. Tho establishment is in full charge of MR JOHN BURT, whose many years’ experience la the District will prove a sufficient guarantee that Clients will receive every attention. Drags, Wedding Carriages, Buggies or Saddle Horses ordered from Mr Burt will bo supplied at the shortest possible notice. HORSES C AREF ULLT BROKEN and TRAINED TO SADD.bE OB HARNESS. J,B. also respectfully wishes to intimate that he is now in a position to supply all kinds of Horse Feed, Chaff, Beans, Peas, Oats, Flour, Outmeal. Potatoes, Ac., at the lowest remunerative prices, A TRIAL SOLICITED. J: HURT, Manager, F6lO DELAMAIN & GO, Eangiora. CRITERION HOTEL, PRINCES STEBET, DUNEDIN, J. LISTON (late of the Douglas Hotel), PnOPIUETOBi VISITORS, Travellers, Families, and the General Public caunot do hotter than patronise this favourably known Commodious and Central Hostelry- General _ and Private Sittingrooms, and Suites for Families. TEEMS VERY MODERATE, Special Feature—ls Luncheon from Ito 2. HOT, COLD AND SHOWER BATHS. Two Alcock’s Best Billiard Tables. Very Best Wines, Ales and Spirits. Night Porter in attendance. Connected with Telephone Exchange. X 619 J. T. BROWN AND SON. TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS. WE HavoLAEGE STOCKS of SEASONED TIMBER AND ALL BUILDING REQUISITES. Parties intending to huild or enlarge their Promises can arrange for the whole of their requirements at short notice, and at Lowest Rates, JUST LANDED, Fresh Supplies of WESTPOET and NEWCASTLE COALS. Deliveries in Large or Small Quantities, Quality in every case guaranteed. And all at LOWEST RATES. RETAIL YARDS and OFFICES, corner Colombo and Tuam streets. WHOLESALE YARDS, St Asaph street. P.0.80x 306. Telephone No. 78. KSfO v - MJUk B ‘ By Special to H.E. Appointment the Governor. J. W. GIBB, ARTISTS’ Colourman and Picture - frame Maker. Moreen’s Buildings, Cathedral Square. Moderate Prices. Country orders promptly attended to. F 326 YOUR GROCER FOR PHCBNIX JAM. Awarded 10 FIRST ORDERS OF MERIT AT THE Now Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, AND Guaranteed made from the Finest Select N.Z, Fruit. Annual Output exceeds 600,0001 b, FACTORY AND HEAD OFFICE—DUNEDIN. AaENTS CHAPPELL & PONDER, Brokers and Toa Merchants, S72P 220, Cashel street (Twentyman and Cousin’s Buildings). ROOFING FELT. MEDAL BRAND, THREE-PLY. 8 UITABLB for all kindsof Outhouses, Sheds or Stacks. Easy application. Small cost, 'nil particulars, EDW; F. DOMBEAIN, 38X Cashel street, Christchurch. " CARBINE.” TO ALL SMOKERS, CIGARETTES, manufactured Vy from tho finest selected Virginia sun-dried loaf and Turkish tobaccos, are GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE, and are the moat pleasant and fragrant smoko in the market. See that each packet has a. truthful, COLOURED PICTURE of tho celebrated HORSE CARBINE, and a Card in each giving full details of all performances by this king of horses. Ask your Tobacconist for this brand, and sae that you get the right thing. Wholesale ‘from HIND-WARD S CO.. 260, Colombo Street, Christchurch, 263 P Sole Agents for N.Z.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 1
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