SMppiag Woticea-, (gHAW. gAVILL AND LBION COMPANY (LI-MITSO). (Under Postal Contract with -gfgt the Government for the coavo 3 , anooof her Majesty’s istisw- Mails), will despatch their ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS POP LONDON as nnder, calling at Bio da Janeiro, TeaeriSo and Plymouth, Second-clpßß passages by mail steamers from Thirty-five Guineas. WOOL, TALLOW. AND PRODUCE 0£ all Kinds Carried at LOWEST CURRENT BATES. All particulars can be obtained by application to EDWARDS, BENNETT & CO., I'D ALGETY & COMPANY, Ltd., 3 THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE * AGENCY 1 CO. OP N.Z., Ltd., (, 1509 D Loading Agents. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. T? HE Company’s Steam* ships willbe despatched .with Her Majesty’s Mails, as follows, for LONDON, calling at Albany, Colombo, Aden, Brindisi, Malta, Gibraltar and Plymouth: Bates of PASSAGE MONET from LYTTELTON, via MELBOURNE or SYDNEY To London, in Hirst Saloon .„ ... £63 to £7O ~ Second ~ £37 Return Tickets from ... £65 to £lls In the Second Saloon the arrangements have been thoroughly re-organiaed, and the Accommodation which the Company now offers is unsurpassed. For further information, apply to 412 DALGSTT & COMPANY, LIMITED, Agents at Christchurch and Lyttelton, FOR KAIKOURA. mHB s.s. JANE DOUGLAS, direct steamer, not calling at any way porta), on SUNDAY, At 6 p.m., and each Sunday at same time. Cargo not later than 10.30 train on Saturdays. 5938 CUFF & GRAHAM, Agents. Lyttelton and peninsula steam* SHIP COMPANY. LIMITED. Weather and other circumstances permitting, Steamers will leave as under:— Pigeon Bay | Little Akaloa ) Okain’s Bay J Le Don’s Bay Akaroa. Knikoura •Returning next day. All freights FROM Lyttelton to places other than Akaroa Wharf and Knikoura, muse he prepaid. Special trips to other Bays as arranged. For rates of freight and passage, apply to CUFF & GRAHAM, 3792 Agents: FOR KAIKOURA AND WELLINGTON . (Taking Cargo for Napier, Blenheim, Foxton, Wanganui and New Plymouth.) T HE S.S. WAKATU (The largest and most comfortable Steamer in the trade) will tail for the above Oh FRIDAY, MAY 6xh, At 6 p.m. Latest Goods 2.50 p.m, KINSEY & CO., 176, Hereford street, Christchurch, and 499 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton'. GREAT REDUCTION IN COALS. WE are Delivering the BEST SCREENED NEWCASTLE COALS in Christchurch and Immediate Suburbs to our Railway Siding at 27 s 6 U for ONE TON 14 s for HALE-TON NET CASH When ORDERING, or ON DELIVERY. KINSEY & 00., 176, HEREFORD STREET. 2397 3.5. J( NDERSON -TIME-TABLE.' Port Levy, >»>» ooP- a 5 k h S p.m, 9,Soam J, P, WARD & CO., Agents. 3, M. HEYWOOD & 00., *D AILWAY CARTAGE CON XCL TRACTORS AND GENERAL CARRIERS. CUSTOM-HOUSE, CLEARING ... AND FORWARDIN G AGENTS. Merchandise Cleared and Delivered at Through Bates. Parcels Express to Europe Every Mail Steamer atLowost Through Ratos. Agents, Thos. Cook and Sons, Tourists and General Panaengcr Agents. Rates and all information re Shipping, Clearing and Excursion Business supplied upon application to J. M: BEY WO OD & CO., Cathedral fcquareChristchuroh, 273 And Norwich quay, Lyttelton; SPECIAL REDUCED FARES By Bail and Coach To Won-Residential Tourists are Issued by THOS. COOK & SON, Cathedral square. X4S6 Messrs J. M. HEYWOOD & CO..'Agents. /inHOS. COOK & SON RESERVE BERTHS ’jj by any lino of Steamers, to and from all parts of the world. Lowest rates guaranteed.No commission charged. Special arrangement, or prepaid passages. J. M. HEYWOOD & CO. Agents, Cathedra square: X4BB P Appointment 9 CAMPBELL & CRUST. H, Crust. „ „„ t .„„ CnAS ’ S ‘ owen ’ NEW ZEALAND EXPRESS COMPANY, general oareiees, 3USTOM-HOUSE AGENTS, FORWARDING AGENTS. AECELS DELIVERED the WORLD OVER. CITY AND SUBURBAN PARCELS DELIVERY. Luggage Stored and Forwarded. {Furniture Carefully Removed. A Branch has just been started at Auckland, under the management of Mr H, Ceust, whoso many years' experience are a guarantee of efficiency. A large and commodious Warehouse has been taken, providing the very host accommodation for Commercial Travellers’ Sample-rooms. Manufacturers’ and Warehousemen’s attention is called to the increased facilities for distributing heir goods. CHRISTCHURCH OFFICE, 171, MANCHESTER STREET. Telephone 340. ANJ) AT DUNEDIN. WELJ INGTON, AUCKLAND, OAMARU AND INVERCARGILL. 2376
Page 1 Advertisements Column 2
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 1
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