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Business ZTotices. UNIVERSAL •>; * CO-OPERATIVE BOOT: AND SHOE COMPANY, (LIMITED.) ANNUAL BALANCE, MARCH, 1892, NOTICE. TO SHAREHOLDERS AND CUSTOMERS HOLDING COUPONS. Friends ate reminded that Holders of our Coupons, who wish to PARTICIPATE in the DIVISION OP PROFITS For the PAST TEAR, must SEND in their Coupons on or before TUESDAY NEXT, MAT 10, Otherwise they will not be entitled to any Bonus. | See conditions printed at back of each coupon, | BONUS DIVIDEND IS PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OP THE COMPANY, ON AND AFTER MAY 11. 1892, E.’ SMITH, 399 Y MANAGING DIRECTOR,
NESTLE’S SWISS CONDENSED MILK (NEST BRAND) 13 made from the Fare. Rich Milk.. for which Switzerland is so universally _ famed. 1 It contains all the Cream of the original Milk, and i is of the highest character, thus providing a; Healthful and Nourishing Food, especially adapted; for infants and invalids. When opened it will keep perfectly sound, fresh: and sweet for several days. Every tin is guaranteed to be of the Best, as on# quality only is invariably put up, via,, THE BEST. J NESTLE’S MILK OBTAINED THE GRAND PRIZE, AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION, 1889, BEING THE HIGHEST AWARD THAT COULD BE CONFERRED. X4Ol . Thus showing its superiority over other makes.' I IMPORT Direct all kinds of ISLAND FRUIT, have at all times a large stock of the Best at Moderate Prices. Real Good, Ripe BANANAS 14 a shilling. The best show of FRUIT iu the Colonies la i : AT CUMMING’S, High and Colombo streets. Telephone No. 483. Goods delivered in Town and Suburbs.- X 373 DRESSMAKING. NOTICE OP REMOVAL. MRS E. STEVENS (late of Bond street,' Loudon, and Melbourne) begs to inform: her customers that she has removed from 73,1 Cheater street, to 201, Kilmore street west, where! she still hopes to receive their patronage. Fit and' style guaranteed at very moderate charges. MRS B. STEVENS, 603 X 201, Kilmore street W., Christchurch, : Educational. MISS TAYLOR'S Classes for Dancing ore : resumed. Mondays 7to 9. Wednesday ! Afternoons 3.30 to 5.30. Calisthenics a special; feature. Wednesday evening, 7 to 9, Class for: beginners. Other classes to be formed when! required. Fee 15s the course of 12, from data of I joining. Practice class ICa 6d the oonrse. The; modern and the original dances artistically j taught, forming a varied and pretty pregramma ,• for a dance. Private classes formed; private! lessons given. Country classes visited. 238, J Armagh street west. FI6I Wanted Known, WANTED Known-Newest Paris Millinery! just to hand; also Plush and Sealetta; Jacketsand Mantles. G. L Heath and Co. X 7 1 WANTED Known—Tho new interchangeable! Spectacles and Folders, largest assortment! in the Colony, at Kennett’s, 183, High street. XB3 ; WAN TED Known—Cabinets 10s, O.D.V.'S 6s. i Dutch and Bnll, Photo Artists. 113,: Victoria street. Satisfaction guaranteed. Xl7# ; WANTED Known—We ora showing splendid; value in Ladies' Jackets, Mantles,: Cloaks, Millinery, etc. Black, Beattie and! Co. X27J ANTED Known—We are offering Dress! Meltons at 5s lid, 8s 3d, 8s Ud, 9s 6dthaj dross; making from 12s 6d. Black, Beattie and; Co. X 27 ; WANTED Known Couches, Chairs andi Mattresses re-upholstered and re-covered • at reasonable prices, at C. Effey’a, 26, Lower High street. X 575 t WANTED Known—Townend’s Bilious and; Liver Pills euro general lassitude, nervous’ prostration, female weakness. Sold everywhere, *, price Is. Look for coupon. X 473 _) WANTED Known—Townend’s Bilious and) Liver Pills cure sick headache, want of j appetite depression of spirits. Sold everywhere,! price Is. Look for coupon. X 473 \ WANTED Known—We are showing Tweed; Dresses at 6s 6d, 6s 9d, 8s Sd, 9s, 9s 6d,l 9s lid, 10s 9d and 12s 3d; really good value.! Bla ck, Beattie and Co. !X27 j WANTED Known— pedal lino in Double,! bed Size Blankets, steam shrank; all] wool, good value for 27s 6d, our price 21s. Ready i money does it. Toneyciiffe and Carey. X 335 * WANTED Known —Just to band, Mannfac*! turers’ Samples of Ladies' Flannelette Underclothing; good materials and vary low; prices. W. M'Clea and Co.. 210, High street. XSS7, WANTED Known Useful Christmas I Presents Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy t Aprons, Gloves, Hosiery and Sunshades, splendid; variety and roady-money value. Toneyoliffe and; Carey. 5335 ’ WANTED Known During our Sale now going on. Pebble Spectacles,valuo 10a, for 4a j 6d. A large quantity of Is 6d Specs for 6d per pair, i S, Clarke and Co., 148, Colombo street. XSQI ■ WANTED Known— The prettiest gift for the season, your own Portrait on Opal, ■ cabinet size 10s, oarte-de-visite ss, or with 12 well,. finished prints 17s 6d and 10a. Dutchandßul],: Victoria street. X 172 WANTED Known— The Temporary Shop of, J. F. Btratf, 255, High street, opened every night this week until 11 p.m. for re-marking . the Stock, amounting to £BSO, bought at 8s in tho| £; sale commences -aturday. X 423 WANTED Known—Mrs yuartermaln is a: Cash Purchaser of Ladies’, Gents' and; Children’s Left-oif Clothing. Letters by post or .■ otherwise attended to. Address, Jlta_ G. Quortermain, 154. High street. X 131! WANTED Known—Watches cleaned and; warranted twelve months; 4s; clocks,! 2s 6d; brooch pins, 3d, Highest price given for! old Gold and Silver. S. Clarke and Co., 143,; Colombo street, Christchurch. X 502 WANTED Known—The Temporary Shop of J. F. Stratz, 255, High street, opened'• every night this week until 11 p.m, for re-marklng i the Stock, amounting to £B3O, bought at 8s in the: £; sale comiaencaa Saturday. X 428 : WANTED Known—looo cases of Kerosene, ■ 150 teat, faucet taps, water-white, smoke,; less, odourless, at 10s 6d per case, 6s 6d per tia, I Musket tobacco 4s lOd par lb. King of Ail 6s 3d, : Wine Sap Ss3d, Nailrod 4s 64, at T. Taylor's,; Cashel street. X 222. WAN TE D Known—Just landed. Boneless Cod ■ Fish, 6sd par lb; Loch Fyua Salt Herring,; ‘•Caller Herrin,” S for la; quartar-barrola ditto* | 255; Silvaoaa, orLochFyno Fresh Herriags^tho: true Caller Herrin, in lib tins; Smoked Bed Her • ring* 8 for Is, at T, Taylor’s, oppositetho CafO, W‘ 'ANTED Known—For Sale or To Let. in a v v superior and healthy neighbourhood, a. Family Residence, with every appointment COIOT*. lated for comfort and convenience, both inside ana, outside; hot and cold water service, Ac.; kitonen offices complete in all details; stabling and grmmuß; arranged with a view to every convenience, ttioo to suit tho times. Photos can be seen, or carda. to view had, on application to Allan Hopkins,: Cathedral Square. juiu ‘ > - WANTED Known—SpaoialsalaatC.Luxton's ; Cashel street. Everything must be sold. : Our beautiful, unbeaten New Season s Millinery which is such an attraction to ladies, all to be soa; at low prices. Ladies’ and Children a Ulstoa,> line of Children’s Jackets, Flannelettes, Agtroottaa ■ and Other Trimmings. Sheetings and FlMmel*, and heaps of useful and seasonable must all be cleared in a short time, Como ewlyj and get the bargains. aow
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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1,125Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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