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Hoad Board Notices. AVON KOAD BOAED ELECTION, NEW BRIGHTON WARD. A POLL will be taken THIS DAT at the Burwood schoolroom, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., for the ELECTION of ONE MEMBER to represent the New Brighton Ward on the Avon Road Board. The Candidates are— M'lntyre, George Patterson, James. G. S. HICKMAN, 574 Returning Officer. EICOARTON ROAD DISTRICT. THE following are the Number of VOTES POLL ED this day for each of the candidates for the Eiccirtou Road Board Boag, TV 215 Barrett, Henry John ... 122 Feather, James 231 Hall, fl. J 234 Horner, William ... 144 Jackson, J 174 Nunweet, Henry 271 Stanley, William 162 And I hereby declare Messrs Nnnweek, Hall, Feather, Boag and Jackson DULY ELECTED members of the Riccarton Road Board. N. ELLIS, Returning Officer, Riccarton Road Board. Fendalton, May sth, 1892. 575 WAIPARA ROAD BOARD,' ANNUAL ELECTION. THE following dnly qualified electors for the Waipara Road District have been NOMINATED as Candidates for the office of Member of the Waipara Road Board at the present Election James Douglas George Dean Greenwood Joseph Henry Hall James DuprC Lance James Little John Little. A POLL for the election of FIVE of the above Candidates will be taken on FRIDAY, the 6th dav of May, 1892, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., at The Road Board Office at Waikari; and at Mrs Gibb's House at Cabbage Tree Flat. JOHN G. S.’TONKIN, Returning Officer, Waikari, 29th April, 1892. EYRETON ROAD BOAED ELECTION. THE following are the numbers polled for the several candidates at the Election of Mem* hers for the Byreton Road Board District, May 4th Chapman, R. W. ... 203 Evans, E 193 Giles, Lot ... ISI Heyward, Jas 121 Hcpkins, R 179 Pash by, Thos ... ... 142 Wright, Jas.,,, ... ,„ 122 I hereby declare Messrs B. W. Chapman, Richard Evans, Lot Giles, E. Hopkins and Thos. Pashby duly ELECTED Members of the Eyretoa Road Board. E. WRIGHT. 511 Returning Officer. I therefore declare the FIVE First-named Gentlemen DTJLX ELECTED MEMBERS.of the Lincoln Road Board. P. W. EAST, Returning Officer. May 4th, 1892. 667 KOWAI ROAD BOAED ELECTION. IN Consequence of Mr Robert M'Adam having retired as a Candidate from this Election, thus Reducing the number of Candidates to the Number of Vacancies to be filled, X hereby declare Messrs Richard Bristow, Thomas Henry Evans, Robert Biugley Holdsworth, Herman Mahler and John Mathers DULY ELECTED Members of the Kowai Road Board. JAS. DUTHIS, Returning Officer. Balcairn, May 4th, 1892, 512 Tenders. WEST CHRISTCHURCH SCHOOL. WANTED Tenders for the supply of Fuel for the ensuing Twelve Months, viz. Westport or Newcastle Screened Coal, Black Bine or Manuka Firewood in short lengths. Tenders to be tent to the Chairman. Mr J. Mnnnings, Lincoln Bead, before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, 10th iust. 545 TO CARPENTERS. WANTED, Tenders for TAKING DOWN a large COWSHED and ERECTING the same after removal. Particulars on application to Wh. A. M‘LAEBJS, 469 243, St. Asaph street. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for BUILDING ADDITIONS to Cokei’s Hotel, Manchester street. Plans, &0., can he seen at the office of the Architect, to whom endorsed tenders are to he sent by noon on S aTUEDAY, May 7. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. THOMAS CANE, Architect, 195 4, Grain Agency Buildings, f*IENDEKS will be received at our Office till 4 i o’clock on THURSDAY, May I2th, for PULLING DOWN and RE-ERECTING STORE at Heathcote, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specification may be seen at onr office. COLLINS and HARMAN, Arohitectt, 538 203 Gloucester Street. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are required for BRICK STOREROOM at Cool Storage Building, Lyttelton. Plans and specification can he seen at my office. Endorsed tenders to be sent -to Secretary Lyttelton Harbour Board not later than noon of WEDNESDAY, Ilth May. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FREDK. STEOUTS, 302 Architect. TO PUBLICANS AND CATERERS. fjnENDEES are invited for LEASING the E Refreshment Booms at the Addington Saleyarde for one or more years. Tenders to be sent in on or before MONDAY, the 9th May, 1892. For particulars, apply to THE SECRETARY. Canterbury Saleyards Company, Limited, 192 Triangle, Christchurch. fjipo BE LET BY TENDER—--1 (t A ACRES at FEBNSIDE, known as I"" Boys’ Farm Term, Five Years. Offers by May 10. Particulars from the undersigned. Tenders to be left with J, B. Sheath, Eangiora. IGI ALBERT PARSONS. Hp O LET BY TENDER TEN YEARS* LEASE OP A FARM AT BELFAST. Now occupied by Mr Thomas Flack, Containing about 900 ACEES * Conditions of lease may be seen at my office on and after TUESDAY, 26th lust. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, B. HALE, Trustee in the Estate of the late 9818 C. B. Turner. fjpHß Undersigned have FOR SALE, at Little River Station, 200,000 FEET TOTAEA and BLACK PINE, at Bed Pine prices. Special quotations for delivery at ny railway station. Xl4l WOOD & LAUEIE. JOHN WALLER & CO., TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, Tuam street. Railway Siding, Windmill road, ARE Prepared to SUPPLY at LOWEST CURRENT RATES, every description OF BUILDING MATERIALS, Including Red, White and Black Pine Totara, Kauri and Mottled Kauri Baltic 9x2, 9x3, 11 x 3 VDIi Timber, sft and 6ft Palings Lysaght Orb Iron and other brands Knight, Levan's and Colonial .Cement Kauri Flitches, asserted sizes Kauri, Bed and White Pina Flooring, Lining Architraves, Mouldings, Shelving and Skirting Under Cover, ready for Immediate Use. DOORS and SASHES, BUILDERS’ ;v IRONMONGERY COALS and FIREWOOD. COUNTRY ORDERS promptly executed, and delivered Direct from Railway Siding. XH9
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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926Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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