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TO THE EDITOR. Sir,—l notice in your columns of yesterday a report of a meeting of ratepayers, held at the Burwood Hall, on Wednesday evening. I think it only fair to my friends to state my reasons for not attending that meeting. In the first place, I was never invited to attend the gathering, which, by the report, was evidently arranged in Mr M'lntyre’c interest; and, secondly, I think my fellow residents will agree that it was beneath mo to take any notice of a meeting of this nature, called by anyone who was ashamed to affix his name to the advertisement. Had Mr MTatyre, who now admits calling the meeting, given me notice of it, or signed the advertisement, I would have been there.—l am, &c., JAMES PATTERSON.
TO THE EDITOR. Sib, —A deal of correspondence has taken place in your columns in connection with the Now Brighton Ward election. Being a resident in Brighton for some years, I have watched the enormous growth of the place, and as one signing himself " The Inner Circle ” invites “ Ratepayer No. 3 ” to state what Mr Patterson has done for the welfare of the district, I would like through your columns to emphatically state I consider no man in Brighton has done more than Mr Patterson has for the place. For instance, just look for one minute how he has worked earnestly and long for the erection of the pier (being Chairman of the Company). He was one of the promoters of the present Tramway Company. He was instrumental in the erection of our present school: and as for Road Board work, the improved state of Sea View road, the lighting and other improvements in the township are all due to his energy. I could go on showing clearly that he has New Brighton at heart, and l hope that the ratepayers will show their appreciation of his services in the past and return him at the top of the poll to-day.— I am, &c., RATEPAYER No. 3. XWe.jjaye expunged the latter part of our correspondent’s letter, which, was devoted to a very unfavourable criticism of Mr Patterson’s opponent. This part of the letter should'have been published while Mr M'lntyra had an opportunity to reply.—Ed. L.T.]
TO THE EDITOR. Sib, The complaints made at tbs Drainage Board meeting as to the laxity of the Avon Road Board in collecting rates are only echoes of what has been the feeling in the district itself. The fact that in Ricoarton there are no arrears shows that it is possible with good management to get in the rates. Of all the rural districts Avon shows by far the worst position,.and. if the drainage rates are not collected it stands to reason that' the general rate is in- arrear to a far larger amount, lb is about time there was a change, as. there is evidently a screw loose somewhere.—lam, &c., RURAL.
TO THE EDITOR; Sir,—ln common with many other ratepayers I think that Mr Patterson showed very little reep.ect for the people in the district when lie failed to put in an appearance at the meeting last night. After a three years’ experience on the Board he should have come forward to meat the ratepayers, and give some account of his actions. ■ The meeting was quite iu the dark as to the accounts of the Board, which do not yet seem to have been audited. The report of Mr M’lntyro’s address was very condensed, but the ground was pretty well gone over, and very little missed. Those present were well satisfied with the meeting, which was most orderly. Mr Patterson’s absence, as contrasted with Mr M'Jntyre’s pledge to meet the, ratepayers whenever they wished, and give the fullest information on 411 points, both as to facts and figures, certainly showed a want of candour.—l am, &c., AN OTHER RATEPAYER.
TO THE EDITOR. Sib, Circle” in his desire tor “lance-breaking.” Nothing would have delighted me more; but really he gives me no argument to answer. I have nothing to do with his innocence, and know bur. little of tbe great intellectual power of this gentleman be supports. Mr “Inner Circle” states he takes part in this election in a coldblooded way. I do nob. If I have a conviction at all I support it earnestly, and my conviction at present is that Mr Patterson is the better man of the two. I therefore say so as straightly as I can, and support my assertion as warmly as lies in my power. In doing so, however, I have carefully refrained, Mr “Inner Circle,” from casting one single “axe” against the opposite party. v Go to! and in future do likewise. ' “Voter” is more sensible, but, unfortunately, is ignorant of tbe fact that there is an amendment affecting the “Koad Boards Act, 1882,” quoted by him. That amendment completely knocks the legs from under his contention, as he will find if he takes the troublo to look it up. He will then see, also, that the Board is acting in a perfectly legal manner.—l am, &c., RATEPAYER No. 2.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 6
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854AVON ROAD BOARD. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 6
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AVON ROAD BOARD. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 6
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