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Shipping Woticea, JgHAW, AND COMPANY (LIMITED). LBION (Under Postal Contraot with the Government for the conveyance of her Majesty’s Mails), will desnatchtheir EOYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS POE LONDON as under, calling at Eio do Janeiro, TeneriSa and Plymouth. Second-class passages by mail steamers from Thirty-five Guineas. WOOL, TALLOW, AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds Carried at LOWEST CURRENT RATES. All particulars can be obtained by application to EDWARDS, BENNETT & CO., fDALGETY & COMPANY, Ltd,, 3 THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE 4 AGENCY V ' CO. OP N.Z., Ltd.. v. 1509 D Loading Agents. POE KAIKOUKA. s.s. JANE DOUGLAS. ’(The direct steamer, not calling at any way ports), on SUNDAY. At 6 p.m., and each Sunday at same time. Cargo not later than 10.30 train on Saturdays. 5938 CUPP & GRAHAM, Agents. TT YTTELTON AND PENINSULA STEAMJU SHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. Weather and other circumstances permitting, Steamers will leave as under: Destination. Pigeon Bay | Little Akaloa S Okaia’a Bay ) Le Don’s Bay Akoroa... } ) Kaikoura •Returning next day. All freights PROM Lyttelton to places other than Akaroa Wharf and Kaikoura, must bo prepaid. Special trips to other Bays as arranged. Por rates of freight and passage, apply to CUPP & GRAHAM, 3f9X Agentas S HIRE LINE DIRECT STEAMERS. OTAGO TO LONDON. The above magnificent Steamers, which have all been specially built lor New Zealand trade, and make an average passage of forty-six days, will bo despatched at regular intervale. Steamers are fitted throughout with ELECTRIC LIGHT, and accommodation is provided for S 3 Saloon Passengers, STEWARDESS is carried. SALOON PASSAGE MONEY £35. OTAGO TO LONDON. Through Tickets issued by undersigned from LYTTELTON to LONDON at £36 ss. For fuller particulars apply to the Managers, TURNBULL, MARTIN & CO., A nstralian Mutual Provident Buildings, 5154 Princes street, Dunedin. FOR KAIKOURA AND WELLINGTON (Taking Cargo for Napier, Blenheim, Foston, Wanganui and New Plymouth.) T HE S.S. WAKATU (The largest and most comfortable Steamer in the trade) will Sail for the above On FRIDAY, MAY Gth, At G p.m. Latest Goods 2.50 p.m. KINSEY Sc CO., 176, Hereford street, Christchurch, and 499 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton. FOE WELLINGTON AND NAPIER WHARF. 543 S.S. KAHU Will SAIL for the above THIS DAT, .At 4 p.m. CARGO AT REDUCED RATES, KINSEY & CO., Christchurch and Lyttelton. GREAT REDUCTION IN COALS. WE are Delivering the BEST SCREENED NEWCASTLE COALS in Christchurch and Immediate Suburbs to our Railway Siding at 27 s 6 D for one TON 14 s for HALE-TON NET GASH When ORDERING, or ON DELIVERY, KINSEY & CO., 176, HEREFORD STREET. X 397 FECIAL REDUCED P AE E S £3 By Rail and Coach To Non-Reeideutial Tourists are Issued by THOS, COOK & SON, Cathedral square. X 486 Messrs J. M. HEYWOOD & CO..'Agents. fIIHOS. COOK & SON RESERVE BERTHS JL by any line of Steamers, to and from all parts of the world. Lowest rates guaranteed. No commission charged. Special arrangement, or prepaid passages. J. M. HEYWOOD & CO. Agents, Cathedra square. X4SG By Special Appointment CAMPBELL & CRUST. H, Cntrsi. Ghas. S. Owen, NEW ZEALAND EXPRESS COMPANY, GENERAL CARRIERS, CUSTOM-HOUSE AGENTS, FORWARDING AGENTS. -jpAECELS DELIVERED the WORLD OVER. ■*" CITY AND SUBURBAN PARCELS DELIVERY. luggage Stored and Forwarded, Furniture Carefully Removed. j A Branch has just been started at Auckland, under the management of Mr H. Ciujst, whose I many years’ experience are a guarantee of efficiency. A large and commodious Warehouse has bean taken, providing the very best, accommodation for Commercial Travellers’ Sample-rooms. Manufacturers’ and Warehousemen's attention is called to tho increased facilities for distributing heir goods* CHEISTCH CECH OFFICE, 1)1, MANCHESTER STREET. Telephone 340. AND AT DUNEDIN. WELi INGTON, AUCKLAND, OAMARU AND INVERCARGILL. X 376 Public Notices. “CARBINE.” TO ALL SMOKERS. 4t ” CIGARETTES, manufactured \_j from the finest selected Virginia sun-dried leaf and Turkish tobaccos, arc GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PUKE, and are tho most pleasant and fragrant smoke in the market. Sea that each packet has a truthful, COLOURED PICTURE of tho celebrated HORSE CARBINE, and a Card in each giving full details of all performances by this king of horeeo. Ask your Tobacconist for this brand, and see that you get the right thing. Wholesale from KIND-WAED & CO., 260, Colombo Street, Christchurch, 36SP Sole Agents for N.Z. CITY STABLES, next Prose Office. —AU kinds of Drags, Coaches, Buggies, Dogcarts and Saddle Horses on Hire at Moderate Charges. Good stabling by the Week, month or year. Booking Office for Snnnyside, Tai Tapu, Halswell, Lincoln and Prebbleton Coaches. W. R, Sanders, Proprietor, F4U
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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730Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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