funerals. Friwde of Mr Frederick Alexander are 'l ' respectfully Invited to attend tlio Funeral oT&i* late daughter, Alicia Maude, to leave hia residence, Bnfloa street. Waltham, This Day, at three o'clock, for the Public Cemetery. sgn h. SCRIMSHAW, Undertaker, Wo. 41, Durham street south. Telephone No, 430. Shipping Notices. TEB NSW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S ■ TOTAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMERS (Under Contract with the New Zealand Government) * BE appointed to Sail - **■ with Her Majesty's Jliils! as under, for LONDON. Via Bio de Janeiro and Teneriffe. -1 * And theneeiorward every fourth Thursday. These will he followed by equally suitable . Vessel*.. 'T WOOL, TALLOW, FLAX, iGEAIN, *o„ Carried at LOWEST CURRENT HATES. Far freight, Ac,, apply to NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED. ChrißtohTiroh ; Cr to the Branches and Agents of the Company EOOU> throughout the Colour. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LIKE. FOB LONDON DIBBCT. m T |HE Splendid New Steel Barque ELGINSHIRE Jb now Loading, and will Sail 19ra MAT. .AU cargo a t lowest currant rates. For freight, apply t» THE COMpANY . s OFFICES, j|3s Lyttelton and Christchurch, XI HION Steamship Company OP NB'W ZEALAND, LIMITED. STEAMEBS SAIL AS UNDER:— Destination. j Steamer. | | C a^. FRIDAY, MAY 6. IUNEDIN (clixeot) ... | Rotorua j 12.10 | VESTPOET (direct) I Wamni* 1 4 1 ITDNET, via Wei-1 J I Iwalt.r. I 5.30 l 930 ► No Cargo. SATURDAY, MAY 7. ELLINGTON, Pic-1 I ;on and Nelson ... I Penguin I 9.5 lEYMOUTH(direct) JanetNicoll* 1 4 9.30 ■ No Cargo. MONDAY, MAY 9. fELLINGTON, Nel-1 I 1 ton and Westport ... I Brunner I 1.25 | 9.30 ,K ABUA. Timaru and | | Dunedin ... I Omapera I 2.40 j 9.50 TUESDAY. MAX 10, JNGTON and I an I Rotorua OTJRNE, via ] Chalmers, Bluff j B chart I Ta An&u* i 5.30 1 9.30 1 i4p.m> 112.10 | Mon • Tranships at Port Chalmers to Talnne.THURSDAY, MAT 12. ELLINGTON, Tara-1 I J naki and Manukau ... I Takapuna I 5.30 I ELLINGTON. Na-j j pier, Gisborne and j . , Auckland I Manapoun | 4 I :DNET, via Weitington... ... i Hauroto a.m. 9.30 9.30 9.30 FRIDAY, MAY 13. INEDIN (direct) ... I Penguin 1 12,10 | 4p.m. | I | Ttur SPECIAL NOTICES. tj from Auckland : Ovaiau, May 20th, )NG* and SAMOA, from Auckland ; Upolu, * (CALCUTTA, via Newcastle: Botokino, about 10th May. Has accommodation for a few saloon tnd steerage passengers. S,B. JOHN A MPERSON TIME-TABLEj for Daily, Sundays excepted Every Monday Wednesday Friday ... Saturday... Sunday Port Levy, a to uffl £ £>’3 IgS 6 p.m. 9.30 am X 526 J, F, WARD & CO,, Agents. M'CLATCHIB & CO.’S COAL AEEIYALS. PEOM NEWCASTLE, SUPERIOR COAL. THIS DAT, 5.5. HAUEOTO, ■ Followed by 5.5. ROTOKINO. FROM WESTPORT, S.s. WAINUI, DISCHARGING this day, AND WEEKLY ARRIVALS. WE HAVE ALWAYS IN STOCK A FULL SUPPLY Of tbe Celebrated WESTPORT )ALBROOKDALE COAL. RETAIL DELIVERIES f PART OF TOWN AND DISTRICT AT LOW CASH RATES. 241. HIGH STREET. Telephone 192 X 268
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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