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Bullock fe Co. , CLEARING SALE OF PIRBT-CLASB DRAUGHT MAKES, FARM IMPLEMENTS, *o. MESSRS BULLOCK a CO. hare received Instructions, ffpm O. Tisoh, who la leaving for North island, to Sell by Public Auction, without gATUBDATft APRIL 18, . At the Bazaar, Burnett street, Ashburton, Grey mare, Polly; by Old Wellington, She is the dam of several prlm takors st the Christchurch Show. Good in all hinds Of , harness, and staunch . , Grey:more, Dina, 8 off, out of Polly by Sir 'Walter Scott} staunch ■ „ Bay hone, Prinon.jO years, old; good in. all .hinds of harness; good shatter Kate, 4 years old i good m saddle and harness X 3-year-old colt, broke into eaddle ■ • IMPLEMENTS. 1 double-furrow plough, nearly new 1: 2'single ' do IWlronhartows'1 horse-power ohaffoatter, nearly new 1 reaping machine Idr&T . 1 Plough and shaftharness, with Scotch collars Also, The Goodwill of 259 acres Educational Reserve, on the Ashburton Porks The land is fenced, and well watered. There is a good timber Cottage, and' seven horse stable, with obaff-houne attached: ihe lease having elevenyears to run; at alow rental., 0732-18 ASHBURTON TOWNSHIP. M ESSES TANCkEDS & ALLEN'S SUBURBAN ALLOTMENTS "About to be sold. - Lithographic \ plans and catalogues can now he obtained atthe-offlees of - MULES, KASSaL, ACQ., Christchurch; 6701-17 '■<’> BTJLLOOK & CO., Ashburton
Clifford-ft Co.CLIFFORD* CO. MESSES CLIFFORD* CO Im% received in- - structions to Soil by : Auction, at their Booms. Cashel street, oh Wednesday, apeil io,; ... At2o’clock p.m., ; . . 50 cases Brandy, in bond ’ 15 half-chests new season’s Tea f Just landed, 100 boxes ~ T per Arawsta. Also, ■' , i Household Furniture and Sundries . 10 tons Potatoes 2 tons onions, in strings, 6781-18 Auctions UNDER' DISTRESS FOEEENT. ” AUwright v, D’Authreau. A SALE of General Draperywill take place on TUESDAY MORNING NEXT, at 12o’clock, in London street, Lyttelton; unless the rent and costs are sooner paid. 6687-17 ELETCHEB, Bailiff. 1 Tenders. ; TO BUILDEES. TENDBBS are invited for the re-erection of the KaikainuiHotel. Plane and specification may be seen at my office,: where- tenders will be recalved oh or before Friday; April" 12. The lowest or any tender not necessarily-accepted. 68694 J. S. M. JACOBSEN, Architect, *o. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for. the erection of two Cottages, in Tnam street. Flans and specification maybe seen at •my office, where tenders will be received On or before April-9. The lowest or any ..tender not necessarily accepted. 6370-8 J. S. M. JACOBSEN, Architect, do. THE BOARD OF THE EDUCATION DISTRICT ' OP CANTEEBUET. . SPRINQSTON SCHOOL. FRESH TENDERS are .invited for making ALTERATIONS at. the above school, and for Ventilating works. Painting, Ac. Plans, epecifica- , tion.and conditions con be seen at the office of the Architect, Union Buildings, Cashel street, Christchnrch. Endorsed tenders are to .be sent to the Chairman of. the. Board not later than "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17. 6729-18 THOUAS CANE. Architect. CANTEEBUEY SALETAEDS COMPANY (Limited), TENDEES WANTED. F|I{!NDEBS will he received at the office of the ■’ -1 Company, Hereford street, up to five o’clock p.m. oh Tuesday next, April 10, for alteration and additions to the cattle yards. Flans and specifications eon he seen at the residence of the Tardaman, at the Saleyards, Addington, who will point out the nature of the work, the additions and material required. 6416-10 GEO. A. MAKEIG, Secretary. TENDEES are invited for the supply of One Hundred Tons-of COAL, either AA or Co-operative, the former . preferred. . Separate tenders for each mine, to be delivered at the Lyt- : telton Gas, Coal, and Coke Company’s Works within : two months from date of acceptation of tender, i Tenderer to state when- coni will he delivered. Ten- ' deni -to bo sent in on. or before Moudiy, April 15 next, to THE CHAIRMAN, Lyttelton Oiu, Coal, and Coke Co., Limited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 6688-17
WANGANUI HA.BBOUE AND BIVEE CONSBEVATOBS BOAED. SEABED Tenders for Nos. 1,2, sad 3 Contracts of the Wanganui Biyer Improvements will be received by the Cnsirman np to Noon on THUBSDAY, May 13. ' • Telegraphic tenders will also he received on con* ditions named in the specifications. Flans and specifications can be seen at the offices ot the Public Works Department, Wellington, the Harbour Boards at Auckland and Lyttelton, Messrs Barr sad OUiver, Dunedin, and at the office of the Board, Wanganui. The lowest or any tender not neoessuily accepted. EDWAED CHUBTON, Secretary. March 29.1878. ' 6411-10 IJLOUQHINQ —Wanted, Tenders for Ploughing . about. 40.. acres of land, part English grass and port tussock. E. L. Higgins. 6556-13 FOB SALE, by Tender.» FAEM of 60 Acres, with six-roomed hours, stable, well, Ac j at present occupied by Mr C. Jarvis. Theaboveia within* halt a mils <3 the Templeton station. Tenders, addressed Mr B. BENNETT, Templeton, to be sect in by April 90. '2817 ■' " /■ ■ Money. TApi are prcpored to AdvanceMouey on pianos, . . household furniture, *o. We are also purchasers. Mont dePiete, Colombo street. 6289-4 BUM of £BOOO to bo advanced, in smns of £3OO and upwards. Preference being given _ iouso securities,' Apply to Hanmer and Harper, solicitors, Christchurch. 6135 LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY OFFICE LICHFIELD STEEET. THE above . Society discounts Bills daily. Loans from £lO to £SOOO on Personal security, Deeds of Property, Shares in Public Companies, and other securities, at current rates. Entire Charge for £lO, repayable at 10s per week £1 ex>, „ 90s ~ ... ... £8 Advances made' on Furniture, Stock in Trade Farm Stock, ho. All applications, personally or by letter, strictly TO LEND, in sums of £SOO and upwards. . SICK ft COWLISHAW. THE NEW ZEALAND TBUST AND LOAN COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital ... £1,000,000. Smns of £SOO to £20,000 ready to be advanced upon freehold security and leaseholds in connection therewith. . . For further information, apply at the .v > Company's Offices, 8852 Hereford street. VIOTOBIA LOAN AND DISCOUNT AGENCY, MANCHESTEB STREET.
THE above Agency is prepared to advance soma _ of moiay, from £lO to £SOO, upon farm stock, merchandise, goods. personal or other security. Loans can ba made re-payable by weekly, monthly or quarterly instalments. Renewals effected. Bill* discounted daily. All applications, personby letter, strictly confidential. MAKES, Manager. UNCLE SAM'S PAWN SHOP. to £SOO, on (nothing. Jewellery, BlUa of I - ■ N.B, Merchandise. BUla of Lading, Ac., lowest Sttebest chabgbdl -Ladies’ and gentlemen’s wearing apparel bought, sold, or eaohanged. A large quantity t_ and second hand Jewellery, of all descriptions to be sold Tory cheap. Note the address— «7l LiehlaU street, near the Oddfellows’ Hail. BOBOUGH OP AKEOWTOWN. SPECIAL LOAN OP £4OOO POB WATER SUPPLY. THE Bate payers of the Borough of Arrowtown, in the Provincial District of Otago, haring Passed a resolution authorising the Town Council «f the said Borough to borrow the sum of £4OOO for Water Supply pnznoaea, it has been resolved by the said Council to Lane now Pifty 6e" - -—■-- ~ v i now Pifty Debentures of £SO each, haring a currency of 40 yean, and bear, tourinterest at« per centum per annum. The undersigned haring been duly appointed agents for tbe said Council, offer the debentures for sale, Tbe debentures are a first charge upon the gene* rslrates, rents, and.licenses of the Borough. A special rate will also be levied and pledged as a security for the repayment of this loan, and the interest thereon. ■ Por further particulars, apply to STREET * MOBHIB. 8990 . Liverpool street, Dunedin. COBB A GO’S LINE OP BOTAL HAIL COACHES—CBBIBTCHUBCH TO AKABOA. fTJHESE COACHES leave the Booking Office. JL Christchurch, on Tuesday, Thursday,- and Saturday, at 8 a.m. j returning from Beecher's Hotel, Akon>s,on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 194#' SAMUEL LEE, Proprietor. Cobb’s Office.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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1,233Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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