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J. H. Bennett. THIS DAY, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1878. imfoetantlland sale. JOSEPH HENRY BENNETT, under instructions from Mr W. Savage, will submit to Public Auction, At 12 o'clock, The undermentioned valuable Properties, Vis. sLot I—All that valuable Property, consisting of 3} acres or thereabouts, situated'on the Stanmoro road, formerly the property .of E. W. Tippetts, Esq. Also, Property at North Ashburton.' Lot 2—201 acres of Land opposite Dr Trevor’s, on the Wakauui road. This property must became very valuable, considering the increasing prosperity of the district. Lot 3—Colombo street south, opposite the Show Ground. Sydenham, 12 very valuable .Sections, suitable for building purposes. The wonderful progress of. this Borough is sufficient to show the value of property in the district. GOVERNOR'S BAY. } acre section, near Beeohey’s Hotel MAKIKXHI, i acre section, building allotment close to the Hotel. ST, ASAPH STREET. Section of land on which ore two Cottages, now let to good tenants. LYTTELTON. . “British Hotel." ■, The Lease of the above Hotel, without exception thebest position in Lyttelton. The above sale will be held by the kind permission of Mr Charles Clark, at his auction rooms, on the above date. ... , ,■ 1 Plans. &c., con now be seen at the place of sale, J. H. BENNETT, Auctioneer. . TERMS. One-third cash, the balance at 1 and 2 years, bearing 8 per cent, interest. B. Walton & Co. SALE OP FANCY AND OTHEE GOODS.
rPTXTB "HI V TUESDAY, APEIL9, 1878. MESSES E. WALTOV ft CO. have received instructions from the Importers to SeH by Public Auction, at their Booms, Hereford Street. Christchurch, next to Messrs Miles# HassaV andCo„ the following:— _ „ , . One large sample case of W. S. s extra superior cosaques, bonbons, Ac., Ac. 1 case wire dish covers OU UUAOO viaj tfivtsa , 1 roll new 3-ply Kidderminster carpets* 105$ yards 1 graudpiauo, by Broadwood • • , 1 first-class full compass piano, by Ascherherg 1 first-class full compass piano, by Neufeldt 2 first-class full compass pianos, by Traumun 1 second-hand piano, full compass, by Bord 1 harmonium And a quantity of other miscellaneous goods. TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1878. 2 o’clock. 6583-14
C. C. Aikman. SOUTH BAKAIA. ME. C. C. AIKMAN is instructed by Neil M’Lean, Esq., to Sell, by Public Auction, at South Eokaia, ' THIS DAT. TUESDAY, APEIL £>, 3.000 2.000 EWES WETHEES Mixed Ages. Prom the wen-known . FLOCK AT ACTON STATION. Sale at 2.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APEIL 10. TO MERCHANTS, "BANKERS, TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. 3 VALUABLE BUILDINO SITES IN CANTEBBUSY STBBET, LYTTELTON, TO BE LET On exceedingly favourable terns, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At tixe Boyal Hotel, Lyttelton. MB C. C. ALEMAN is favoured with instructions by the Eev. B. Freeman, TO LET, as above, for gl Teats, THESE EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES, In Canterbury street* Lyttelton, Adjoining the. Boyal Hotel, The Lessor giving fuß valuation at end of term, and engaging to submit them again to Public Auction for a further term of TEN years. The above is a tare opportunity for securing some of the best business Bites in Lyttelton bn terms so advantageous to the Lessee, as to make the property almost equal to a Freehold. Sole at 3 p.m. A plan of the property and draft lease can be seen on application to' 0. 0. AIKMAN, Auctioneer, 5936 Or EDWD. J. T. FOBD, Estate Agent.' H. E. 'Alport. THIS DA Y. SALE B Y AUCTIO N At the Hereford street Salerooms, Christchurch, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 9, At 1 o’clock. ME H. E. ALPOBT will sell by public auction* at the above time and place— Drawing-room, Dining-room, and Bedroom Furniture, comprising— Drawing-room suite, in marone rep, chairs, conch, tables ’ '' i Chests of drawers, washstauds, iron and wood bedsteads, Ac., Ac. ■ ■ ■■ Also, ' In the matter of the Bankrupt Estate of Alfred C. Josling, The book debts and books of the above, estate- 6895-17 NOTE.—Alteration in Date of Sale. TO PUBLICANS, CONFECTIONEE3, AND ! OTHEBS. FIRST GRAND ANNUAL FETE OF THE ODDFELLOWS’ SOCIETY, AT THU' AOEICULTUBAL SHOW GBOUNDS, ' " ' OK ■■ • ; EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 22, 187& £IOO to be given in Baoe and Sport Frizes, ■> And £l5O in Art Union Frizes. 3500 Tickets, at One Shilling each, have been already sold, entitling the holder to admittance to the grounds, and also to 'a chance in the Art Union, MB H. E. ALPOBT has received instructions from the Committee of the above Society to Sell by Public Auction, ■ ON SATURDAY NEXT, APEIL 13, . At 11 o’clock. At the Hereford street Salerooms, Christchurch, As follows, viz:— The right to erect .two Publican’s Booths bn the ground, to be pointed out by the Committee. No. 1. In addition to a publicans’booth on the show grounds, to have the privilege of supplying Refreshments of every description at a 801 l to be given at the large Oddfellows’ Hall, Lichfield Street, on the evening of Easter Monday. „ 2. Publican’s Booth for refreshments on the grounds only, , , ~ 3. Confectioners Booth. . „ 4. The right of aU sporta/otherthaJUtaßea and usual games on such occasions. ■ ■ S - Ample particulars to be obtained on applioacation at the office of the Auctioneer. . . 6727-18
Bonn ft Parkereon. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOB SALE, AT AMBERLEY. SATDEDAY.TpEIL 13/1878. Messrs bekn a~pabkeeson have received instructions from A. G. Gray, Esq., to Sell by Public Auction, at Amberley, on the above date, ACHES LAND At Amberley. The land will be first submitted in one block, and should it not realise owner’s valuation, will then be submitted in 15 LOTS, Hanging from 17 acres to 66 acres. The lahd'is all laid down in English grass, is well watered, and in splendid condition for cropping, as no grain crop has been.taken off for. seven-years. The terms ore mpst liberal, being— . i __ Ten per cent, at sale Ten per cent, in six months Balance can remain on mortgage for a term of years at 8 per cent. Title, land Transfer. * For further particulars and plans, apply .xo the Auctioneers. Sole at 2 p.m. Immediately on arrival of mid-day train from Christchurch; 6010-15 BENN A FABKEBBON, Auctioneers. Miles, Hassal, & Co. PEBLIStINABY NOTICE. RICH GRAIN-GROWING LAND FOR SALE. MILES. HABSAI, a CO., in conjunction with J. T. FORD A CO., hove been instructed by the Son W. S. Peter, to oiler for sale by Public Auction, at their Wool Salerooms, Christchurch, at an early date (exact date will appear in a’ future advertisement). 1 non AQBBS heavy wheat land, I IUUU _ Situated on the ' SOUTH HINDS RIVER, This property will be cut up into forms varying from 150 to 200 acres each. The land has been partly cultivated, and port still remains in tussock. Not-. withstanding the excessively bod season this year, the land .under grain cultivation has yielded an average of 25 bushels to the acre. ‘ i Any person in want of a really first-oloss farm should inspect this very valuable property 1 ( and as it will be offered in farms from 150 to 200 acres each, it will enable the surveyor to lay off each block so as to have permanent water on each form. Very liberal terms will be given. Flans and terms will shortly be obtainable at the offices of MILES, HASSAL A CO., Christchurch, or J. T. FOBS A CO., Auctioneers, 6131-10 Christchurch,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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1,187Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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