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Wanted. w 'ANTED, a Second Cook. Hotel, early. Apply Badcliffe’g 6730-18 w w 'ANTED, an assistant Ironmonger. Apply by letter only, Trent, Bros. 63afr8 ANTED, a Man Cook. Apply to John Gngg, Long beach, Ashburton. 6425-10 WANTED, Buyers of Propeity to look at Courtney’s advertisement re Taranskt Farms. SCSI WANTED, a Reporter, shorthand and general. Apply, immediately, to the “ New Zealand Times," Wellington. 0673*16 WANTED, six respectable Lads. Reference# required. Wages, 15s per week. Marks, Fruiterer, High street. 6845 WANTED, immediately, a Maltster; reference# required as to steadiness and ability. Apply to C. Oram, Eaiapoi. 6725-18 WANTED, General Servant, good Cook, and Laundress. Apply between 10 and 11, Mrs Neville Barnett, Armagh street east. 6040 WANTED, Tenders for Ploughing 500 acres of land near Biver Hinds. For further partf cnlars, apply to Watt and Co., Christchurch. 507 s WA • TED, to Hire, with a view to Purchase, a Portable Steam Engine, not less than 8-horse. State terms. Box 14, Temuka Post Office. 6606-15 WANTED to Purchase in a good situation a Cottage of four i r five rooms for cash; must be reasonable. Apply, by letter, to C.Z., “ Times" office. " ' WANTED, a good Shoeing and General Black, smith, constant employment; the highest wages riven. Apply to A. Simpson, Blacksmith, Amberley. 6466-11 WANTED, a smart active young Man, thoroughly acquainted with the boot and she# trade; reference required. Apply at the office of this paper, 5396 WANTED, by young man of 22, situation a# Clerk or otherwise; seven years' reference from former employer. Alpha, office of the " Lyttelton Times." 6715-17 WANTED, by Mount Somers School Coaamittee, a qualified Mistress; salary Government scale. Apply Chairman School Committee, Mount Somers. 3469 WANTED, to Sell, 34 acres of land, at Greendale, near the Chapel, adjoining Hr F. W. Adams’ farm. For farther particulars apply to H. Marks, Manchester street, 5300 WANTED by a yonng Man in an office. Board and Residence- in Lyttelton, either in • privae family or otherwise. Address, stating terms, to Omega, Post Office, Lyttelton. 6586-14 WANTED, in any quantity, the following goods—Old Lead, Zinc, Brass, Bope, Canvas, Cotton Bags, and Cast-iron ; Tires for sale ; at Carson’s Marine Stores, Shearer's Arms, Windmill Bead. WANTED, an Assistant for a Chemist and Drnggist bushiest. (to# tritotoetoaiy and thoroughly competent will be *' liberally. Address, 11, H. Camara. WANTED, a Certificated lUmI Tapu District School.; alary, lodging money, £BO perannum. ' " ' testimonials, to be sent to the C Peryman, on or before the 4th of Hay next. 6429-10 WANTED, a Middle-aged Woman as Housekeeper in a small family about 20 mile# from town. Will be required to cook and wash. A widow with not more than one child would not be objected to. Apply to Mrs Frankish, Colombo street. 6734-18 WANTED, a Certified Hale Teacher for Otaio Government School; salary, £l3O per annum, with new house of seven rooms; a married man preferred. Applications, with testimonials, to be sent on or before April 15, addressed Chairman Otaio District School. 60ts WANTED, a Certificated Mistress, for the Malvern School; dutes to commence on May 1. Salary £SO, with £2O lodging money. Applications, with testimonials, to be sent on or before Tuesday, April 23, to John Jebson, Chairman School Committee, Sheffield. 6471-11 WANTED— Tenders for ploughing, harrowing, sowing with rape, and rolling 225 acres of land near Barr Hill, South Bakaia. Specifications to be seen at the offices of the undersigned, also ok Barr Hill and South Bakaia Hotel. - Robert Wilkin and Go., Hereford street, Christchurch. 5701 AN Experienced Accountant is open to bn engaged in making np Tradesmen’s Book*. Terms moderate. Apply to W, 1., office of this paper. 6JW-17 SCHOOLMASTEB.— Wanted, for the North Kowai (old) school, salary £IOO per annum ; duties to commence immediately, or at not nun* than one month from appointment.' Applications, accompanied with testimonials; to be sent to Alex. Greig, Chairman, before April 30 next, addressed Amberley. 6305 _L Washdyke. Wm. Balfour. T |0 DRAPERS.—Wanted, a Junior Bond. Apply to Orr and Co., Ashburton. 63884 TO MASTER BAKERS.—Wanted a situationaa Bread Baker, email goods it required; town or country ; good references. Address L.C., Pori, office, Christchurch, 670&J7 ELLESMERE BACON CUBING COMPANY. (LIMITED). THE above Company invites Applications for the office of WORKING MANAGE K of it# Factory. Applicants will be reqdlnffi.bbV their qualifiications, accompanied* " or references, and amount of i Person appointed will have to find; , _ and lodging. Applications. must b#~#tot to 1 later than MONDAY, April 22. T ' formation, apply at the Company’s I 6603 15 A. L. GLASSON. I YOUNG Man wants Employment, any capacity ; used to horses and rough carpentry. AmoSg tow
liost, Found, &c. T OST, a dark bay Filly, on St, Leonard’s station. 1 i Anyone that gives information where she is will be rewarded j a white hind foot; no brand. H* Divine, Parnassus Station, Amuri. 6517-18 OST,—A small black Leather Bag, containing I' I an ivory back hair brash, between last Than* day week and to-day. Whoever finds the same, and returns it to Collins' Hotel, will be rewarded.67os*l7 Q-t EBWAED.—Lost, on March 6, a Bay Colt ow JL (draught), about 16 hands high, two hind feet white, blaze down face, long toil, white spot in near eye; brand indistinct; unbroken, Q. PocockKowai Pass, West Coast road. SW-I O-g BEWABD, S&X on March . . branded fa near shoulder. Any the same to B. Wilkin end Co., Christchurch, will receive ttsaabe '.—Lost, from the Whoatshssfcj 4, bay hack Mar%;.wMlgfiaaas OO BEWABD will be paid iar fdtfe» tionas will lead to the omiviatiow 'of fiO person or persons wlio ranonittilMhi isiofcili® from the gates on Lot No. 6 of Mr Stafford's property at Lansdowne. G. franks, HalswelL 6430-10 AO BEWABD. —tost, about Feb." 1, from rbZ Malvern, a Bay Man. nearly thoroughbred, two hind fetlocks white, blase down face, long tail, roan on left eye, shod all round; had a rope on neck when lost. Any person returning* or giving information respecting the same to George Pocoek, West Coast road, Malvern; or John Doherty, Masonic Hotel, Southbrook will reoslve the above nward, 6786-18 ’ Oil BEWABD—Lost from Highbank Station, South Bakaia, a very dark grey draught eolt, 3 years old, collar marked, branded like It on near shoulder. Anyone giving such information am shall lead to its recovery will receive the above reward. Apply, Cleland and Husaey, Highbank Station, South Bakaia, or Charles Lake* Sooth 44-g BEWABD.—Lost, from Papanui, about a 3Q. L week ago, one bay Horse, black points, branded on near shoulder KM. Anyone returning the same to Gay’s Stables, or giving such information as wi l lead to his recovery, will receive tha above reword.—John Gay. 58V ~f n SHILLINGS BEWABD.—Lost from Philipstown on April 1, One Bam, The above reward will be paid, to any person returning it to Duncan and Son, Nurserymen, ferry Boad. 653&7 10 SHILLINGS BEWABD.-Loet on Friday .» v afternoon from the Public Library, a black wavy-coated Betriever Pup, about five months old. Begistered number on collar, 11,048. Apply toEcv F. A. Hate. Christ’s CoUege. S6B*-a SI HAY ED OB STOLEN.-A dark bay about 14 hands high. age syrs. returning tame to Bev E. Waddell, Ptebwtm Manse, will be rewarded.
Impounded. IMPOUNDED mt Greendmle, from Bangor tion, on April 2 . V.', 75 mixed sheep; brands indistinct. If not claimed by April 16, will be sold. 0063 G. GOODMAN, Ponndkeeper. Educational. mb H. F. JOWIB, (Formerly Organist St Franem Catbedril,’’Jio* bound; St Johft'iiTpoiik»•oA .. IS now prepued to tukapdpil* » Singing. . • For terms inquire Ot » hoßMbHifbstiMt.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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1,240Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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