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Entertainments. LAST DAY, MOST POSITIVELY, OF Cooper and Bailey’s MAMMOTH MENAGEBIB AND CIBCXJS. J. A. Bailey Manager* THIS TDESDAT IFTEENOON AND NIGHT. LAST TWO PEEFOEMANCEB. GBAND CHANGE OF PBOGBAMME, Forming almost an Entire Diversity of ■ BEILLIANT EQUEBTBIAN GEMS. AND GYMNASTIC PASTIMES. THE QBEAT WILD BEAST COLLECTION In all iti variety, to be seen at each Exhibition. LECTIJBES BT FBOFESSOR HO&ACE NICHOLS Doily, in the Zoological Department, from 1 to 2, and 7 to 8 p.m.
teb feeding of the wild beasts TAKES FLACE THIS AFTEBNOON. At the conclusion of the Circus Performance. It is a Novel and Interesting Sight, Well Worth Witnessing. Doors open at 1 and 7 p.m.,; Circus Performance begins one hoar later. 6570-14 Sports. 1.0.0. P., M.XT. PIOOUKHE OP Spoetb To be held on the AGEICDLTtTEAI AND PASTOBAL ASSOCIATION GBOUNDB, ON BASTEB MONDAY, APEXL 22, 1878. 1, Boys* Baoe, 150 yards, under 16, sons only. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss. Entrance, 6d. 2. Half-mile Flat Bace, Oddfellows only, in regalia. Trophy to the value of £2 2a; 2nd, cigar holder. 9. Grand Open Handicap—First heat, 220 yards. .. Ist prize, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £l. Entrance, 2s Od. 4, Boys' Siamese Twins Bace, under 16; open to all. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss. Entrance, 6d. 6. One Mile Men’s Open Handicap Flat Bace. Ist prize, £3 ; 2nd, £2; 3rd, £l. Entrance, 2s 6d. 6. Banning Long Jump ; Oddfellows only. Ist prize, £L.;l2na, 10s. Entrance, Is. 7. Grand Open Handicap; 2nd heat 440 yards. 8. Single Ladies' Bace. Ist prize, gold ring; 2nd, hand bag. 9. One Mile Handicap Walking Bace; open to all. comers. Ist prize, £2 2s; 2nd, £1 Is. Entrance, 2s6d. , . „
IS, 11. Grand Open Handicap, half-mile; final heat. 12. Bio Dr Campbell's prize, for handsome set of regalia; quarter of a mile. Oddfellows only. 13. Sack Baoe, open to all: 300 yards. Ist prize, £1 Is ; 2nd, 10s fid. Entrance, Is. 14. Quoifc Match, Ist prize, £2; 2nd,£l. Entrance, 2s fid. To finish, up with a pig hunt. Art Union tickets willalso admit to the sports. Entries for the handicap races to he sent to Mr S. P. Andrews, Gloucester street west, on or before Tuesday, April 16, accompanied by the entrance His Worship the Mayor (H. Thomson, Esq.) has. kindly consented to act as judge. 6713 B. J. LEAHY, Chairman of Committee.
Meetings. NOBTH CANTEEBUEY EACES. THE Committee will meet at the Club Hotel, Bangiora, on TUESDAY EVENING next, at 8 p.m., at which time the dominations for the various Handicaps will close. 0606.15 B. AHEENE, Hon. Secretary. ' DIOCESAN SUNDAY" SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. THE Members are requested to lb riKY at St. Saviour's, Sydenham, on THUHSDAY NEXT, atSp.m., when the BevH. C. M. "Watson willopen a discussion on "The Teacher in his Class," 6717-18 XAIAPOI No.-5 COMPANY BITLE VOLUNTBEES. A GENERAL MEETING of the above Company will be beld at the Orderly Boom on EBIDAY, April 12, at 7.30 p.m. By order. 6672.16 JOHN PEBEIN, Commanding. Sporting. CHRISTCHURCH GREAT AUTUMN HANDICAP, To be run on the Christchurch Racecourse on Monday, April 22,1878. MB A. CAMEBON can be consulted on the above event. Consultations limited to 2000 at 20* each. First £IOOO Second Third Starters (divided) Nonstarters (divided) 400 200 200 800 «aooo Exchange te accompany country cheques, and ■tamps for reply. A. CAMEBON, . Box No. 231, Post Office. Dunedin. Apply to Mr MAPLES (Southern Hotel), or to Mr BADCLZFFE (Commercial Hotel), ChristTo Let,
OFFICES TO LET, ground floor, best part of High street; low rent. Apply to W. P. Hubbard, C.E., opposite Messrs Strange and Co., High street, Christchurch. 6697-17 TO LET, a Five-roomed Cottage, in Armagh street, near Latimer square. Apply to Mr Nolan, Dunstable House, Cashel street. 6707-17 TO LET, Furnished, Willowbrook, the property of Hon J. Barton Aoland, situated on the ' Feudal town road, for a term of 12 months, from | May 1 next. Paoke, Brothers. 6706-17 TO LET.—From April Ist next, a Grain Store, ; built of iron, and asphalt floor, situated in centre of Christchurch. For terms, apply to C. B. Taylor and Co., Cashel street. 6081 TO LET, for one crop, 200 acres Fallow Land, in good condition, 8 miles from township of South Rokaia; six stall stable and concrete tank on the land. Terms, £1 per acre. Apply, at once, to Charles S. Mackie, Como, South Rakaift. 6617' TO Let, a comfortable Cottage with five rooms and scullery, plastered throughout; water laid on and every convenience; situated in Claremont terrace, Salisbury street; five minutes walk from the Post-office. Apply James Goss, Canterbury Steam Saw Mill, Durham street. 6542-13 TO LET^Tfa©~Pier Hotel, Chain's Bay, with II acres land, stockyard, and six-stalled stable. The hotel is newly built and would command a good business j to a suitable tenant easy terms would be given. Apply to Wilson, Bawtell, and Co, Christchurch. AO® TO BE LET, - 5 Acres first-class Laud divided into two paddocks, on which is erected a good four-roomed House, a first-class three-stall Stable with loose box, cow shed, pig styes, and fowls pen, with a good artesian well on the premises. situated near Scotch Cemetery, Selwyn street south. Apply to W. J. MulhoUand, River Styx; or. Watt ana Co., Christchurch. 6431-10 TO 1 ET, by Tender, as a Gentleman's Residence, Rural Section 519. containing 30 acres of Land, large Orchard a«d Garden, wid small House, formerly Hubbard's Farm, beautifully situated on the Peninsula Hills, on the Chr’Brchuroh aide of Cashmere. The house and garden would b© let separately if wished, or with a small paddock The owner would build a g*oa house for a suitable tenant Leave to inspect the premises may be obtained from Mx taniey Edwards, Box 199, Christchurch, to whom tenders should he posted at once. 5388 oua ACHES of Eioh Meadow LAMP with Small COTAOB, to let by Tender, by Month, Colombo Koad Sooth; immediate posMKnon. by letter only, to Mr Sianley Edwards. Solicitor, Box 199. Christchurch. 6496-12 OFFICES IN LYTTELTON. MILES, HASS'L & CO. have several suites of handsome and oonmodious offices to 1.1 in their large new c norete building, Norwich Quay. A portion of the building is already occupied by the Uuion Steamship Company. For particulars, apply to MILES. HASS AT, & CO.. Or QEOBGE MACKAY. 6523-12 Lyttelton and Christchurch.
Board and Residence. BLIGH’B CANTERBURY RESTAURANT, Papanoi road, near Post-office. MEALS at all hours of the day.. Board mad Lodging—l7s, 18s, and £1 per week. • ■ Beds and Meats, Is each. ASHBUhTON. Board and Residence. —A liberal tab e and good beds to bo obtained at Q. THICK ETT'S Temple Bor Restaurant, East street. Terms, £1 per week; single item, one .hniiag, AW*
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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1,099Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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