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Shipping Notices. ALBION SHIPPING COMPANY’S LINE OP SHIPS. JOB LONDON, Arrangements have been made for the despatch of the following tot-class ships fathers * 61 a ■*"«■«> olaee to follow at inter. THE JAMES WISHAET . Now having completed the dischargeof her mwara cargo in splendid order, is prepared to receive outward freight, and will sail about the above date. The passenger accommodation is really good, and* intendmgpassengers will do well by making an early two saloon state rooms are atm unengaged, and are highly suitable for families, the conveniences p«w. tlsm sm „ EDWARDS. BENNETT, ft 00., Or to DALGETY, NICHOLS, ft CO., 6290 Christchurch and Lyttelton*
NOTICE TO FARMERS. clipper barque INCHOEEBN. 100 AX, 1091 tons, Abohibald Cook, Commander. This magnificent ■ clipper ship will sail for England about AFBILIS, GRAIN FREIGHT, 80s PER TON, FREE OF PRIMAGE. Wool, tallow, and other cargo at correspond, $L vessel is acknowledged to be one of the finest ships ever built on the Clyde. She isuearly new, having only been launched m July, 187 s, ana her finish, appearance, and sailing powers cannot be To be followed by the Aal CHpper Barque C I C E B O, 1115 Tons. Built under special survey, Bichabd Hakdt, Commander. This magnificent vessel will Bad on or before the 30th APBIL. artdoulara, apply to' ’ CUNNINGHAIC * CO.; or BOTSE,. STEAD * CO., 5868 Lyttelton and Christchurch. -m/rESSBS M*MECEAN BLACKWOOD AND {JO.’fl LUTE OP STKAMBES. ,T.TTAMBttA. for Wellington and Nelson on or about MONDAY, ALHAMBBA, fpr Melbourne, via Dunedin and Bluff, on ’or about PBIDAT, April 19. ALBION, for 'Melbourne, vi» Dunedin. Bluff, and Hobart Town, on or about THUESDAY, April 25. TAB ABU A, for Melbourne, vii Wellington, Nelson, Westport, Qreymouth, and Hokitika, on PENINSULAR AND OEIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. I AS SAGE S may be _ secured, and all information obtained byappHca* , tion- to the undersigned. .. __ : g- Passengers booking here get the advantage of a through rate. DALGETY, NICHOLS * CO.. ■ Lyttelton and Christchurch. SHOBTEST AND MOST DIEECT BOUTE TO GBEAT BRITAIN AND EUROPE. : . /rtHE Magnificent Steam r ■■ AUSTRALIA, 8400 tons; M ~i, -wm fail from Auckland for Sftn Francisco, on TUESDAY, April 30. A teamer will' be despatched- nom Dyttelton on FRIDAY. April 26. connecting with above. SAWTEIiL, A Co.. SBL4 . Agents,,Christohnrtdu FOB SAIiE OB CHAB7BB.
THE flue AT Barque GEOBGE SHOTTEN, : . 800 tons burden. Apply to CAPTAIN, on board; or, WOOD, SHAND & CO. Business Notices. AUCTIONEER’S NOTICE. JL, WILSON begs to inform the public of » Canterbury that he is prepared to undertake the sale of Land, Stock, and General Goods, as well as grain, by auction or otherwise. SBSO JOHN BRIDGE, WOOL AND PBODTTCE, LIVE STOCK, S CATION, & GENEBAL AGENT, Stdhbt. Local agent, wanted. 6706.17 HOOK, Me t. d. t e i p Cira Eboioteb, Authorised and Licensed Surveyor, Land Agent, Hereford Chambers, Hereford street, Christchurch. 6326-7 T HOBNTON A BuLL, CIVIL ENQINEEES, BTJEYBYOBS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Grown land* BdeeteflforvQreluwn. Ofiees: Hereford rtreet, Christchurch* 1687 S. W. -B- EOW N , C. E., Has Commenced Practice in AECHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEEB, SUBVETOE, AKD GENEBAL ESTATE AGENT, Bnßoek’s New Bnil 5635 AshT i, Tancred street. BEMOVAL OP BUSINESS. PHBLI^NOTIC®. CENTSAL BUTCHEBT. JOHN MANN, Proprietor of above, begs to return his sincere tbanVa to his customers and the pnhlie generally for the support so liberally bestowed upon him, and wishes to inform them that he has BEMOVED his business from the Central Butchery to the premises next the Garrick Hotel, Colombo street north, lately oocnpied by Mr A. J. Tndball, where he intends to supply an article only of flrsbclass quality at a fair market price. Small Goods of every description always on hand. Orders called for and delivered with punctuality ts of the town and suburbs dauy. in all ports March 9,1878.
RAILWAY ROUNDBY, CHBISTCHUBCH. gCOTT, JJEOTHBBS, ENUINEEKS, Ac.. BEG to inform their customer* and the public general! j that they have BBMOTJSD to new and oommodloua premises in MANCHEBTEB STBEET SOUTH, Near the new Passenger Station. Manufacturer* of Railway Contractors’ Plant, Flax Dressing Machines andPrassea, WoolPresse* Agricultural and all description* of Machinery. Plain and Ornamental Bailing, Gates, and Tomb Fencing. Stores and Cooking Apparatus. Drawing* prepared, and Estimate* giren for all kinds of Engineering and Machinery. Repairing dene with expedition, 0068 WHITE BOCK STONE. -i rv FEET of WHITE BOCK 1 IftLHJv/ STONE, quarried in block*, and ready for immediate delivery. This beautiful White Lime stone i» by for the finest of its kind in Now Zealand. It is harder and more enduring than the soft perishable white stone brought from an adjoining Province. Buildings erected near the quarry with this stone 18 years ago remain as perfect as when they wore first built. The neme " White Bock ’’ has been adopted in error by the advertisers of a Southern quarry of much inferior stone. The best evidence of the value of the Canterbury White Bock Stone is the fact that it has been exclusively used in the following pnblio and private buildings, viz.„ ' The Cathedral | The Supreme Court College Asylum Normal School Wesleyan Sohoo Borough Schools, Kaiapoi Strange A Co. s Moling A Co.’s Twentyman A Cousin’s Herman A Stevens’ Museum Gaol Bailway Workshops Ayonside Church Congregational Church Freemasons’ Hall, Lyttelton Wilkin* Co.’s John Lewis’ Lightband, Allan, k Co.’s A'd many of the public schools, besides numerous private buildings. Quantities have also been sent to Wellington and Melbourne. It is also excellently adapted for monumental purposes.Facilities are now possessed for prompt delivery of blocks of Stone Mirny site, and in any quantity, at a short notice. _ 6896 W. WILSON,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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919Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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