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Tnfl Ship 9 Shippi n g Notices. HE NEW ZEALAND SPIFFING COMPANY LIKITID, Will despatch the following high-classed iron Clipper Ships from Lyttelton, to London during the ensuing W»iW*? ggngitlXl jstoia ffllora .1737. . 1031 I Sailed. Sept 23 Not 81 Deo 8 Deo 89 Jan 17 Feb 9 March 83 To sail. April 13 To follow, do do Xai other flrst-olass vessels as required. magnificent clippers are of the highest class tnordXpnrohased or bnilt specially to meet the * 4 vimaits of the trade between the United and New Zealand. The saloons and state *?.*;lre superbly fittedandarrangodaad provided every requisite for the comfort of passengers, smle is most liberal. Second-class and is aU thatoan be desired. ships' are commanded by experienced sssbK w COMPANY'S FOE LONDON DISECT. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PASSENGEBS. yj-| H E Iron _ OTpper Ship IH E Iron Clipper HEBEFOBD. Aal 1510 tons. - J. M'CiBTHT, Commander, Is appointed to sail on AFBIL 13. clipper has nowcompletedher laibw: and wiU sail positively on the above date. ship has room for one gentleman in the ..Iceland two third-class passengers, and early potion must be made to secure the vacant *TbesbiP carries an experienced surgeon. Fo r pass^ a OFFICES, Christchurch. HE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY’S LIKE.
FOB LONDON DEJECT. rpHE CUp^SMp Al. 579 tone J« S. Bubtoh, Commander, The above fine clipper ship having S discharged her inward careom Mrfeot OTder. , iow laidon the berth, “f. "““M® Lin, Her space being nearly all engaged, aha will \jt2 quick dispatch. I 1 THE Bails’ &FFICEB. Christchurch. raTSEW ZEAL AND'SHgPISG COMPANY'S FOB LONDON DIBECT. SAILING IN ALL APBIL. IKE Magnificent first-class iron Clipper ship elloea, **i 1727 toss Beg&ter, W. Cninor, Commander. This'splendid veas-il is now on the berth, and radr to receive cargo at the Gladstone Pier, and will Wil as above. ...... . Intending passengers are invited to inspect her superb Saloon, unequalled in site by any ship m the was built for the P. and O. S. N. Co., tnd was one of their favourite passenger steamers, md so has excellent accommodation for pasaengcra. Second and third class passengers will be amply provided for, both as regards space a«d comfort. The balk of this ship’s cargo being already engaged, ifc is necessary that intending shippers ihonli at once apply for the space they require. The ship carries an experienced surgeon. For freight or passage, apply to . 6251 THE HEAD OFFICES, Christchurch. THE'.'BW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED. BASQUE MALACCA, i; IPTAIH Dickessos, fbox Lobuox. THE above vessel having entered at the Cos tome. Consignees are 1 requested to Pass Entries, Present i _ — Bills of Lading, and Pay -Freight - at fie offioeof the undersigned in terms of their Bills of Lading. Allgoods not passed for on or before TUESD AT, April 9, will be landed on sight entry, a guinea fee per bill of lading being charged, and stored at the risk and expense of the Consignee. Consignees of Gunpowder are requested to present Bills of Lading THIS MOUSING, as all such roods must be landed to-day. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPISG COMPANY. 6677-16
THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY’S LUTE. BASQUE MALACCA, Captain Dickinson, fbox London. HIS vessel havingheen reported :V at the Customs, consignees , are requested to pass entries, present L bills of lading, and pay freight at the office of the undersigned. All toads lor which entries have not,been passed It TUESDAY, the 9th inst., will bo landed on sight entry, a guinea fee being charged, and stored >t consignees’ risk and expense. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED, 1711.17 Christchurch and Lyttelton. ‘l/fESSES MONET. WIGEAM IT! AND SONS’ (Of Blackwall Yard) LINE OP STEAM AND > SAILING PACKETS, —l Will be despatched from the Sandridge Sailway Pier, Melbourne, FOB LONDON DIRECT, As follows! The accommodations for all classes of passengers ■n unsurpassed, and they will each carry an ex. P&jenced surgeon. The Saloon Cabins are fitted *un the necessary fixed Cabin Furniture. raaaago Orders are issued to persons desirous of Ktomg tor their friends from Home. Passagemoney, £l6 and upwards. A liberal allowance to "Buies. Eetum tickets are granted at reduced fot all particulars, apply to omi k co.. Bond street, Dunedin, Or W. SIDDELEY k CO., Elizabeth street, Melbourne.
WION STEAMS'HIP COM PANT OP NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED, fJIEMPOHAET OFFICES—The Premises lately A occupied by Paeke Bros., Hereford street, door to Messrs Miles, Hassal, and Co. 5539 TTNION STEAM SHIP 1 COMP ANT OP NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Steamers will be despatched as under WOE WELLINGTON.—WAKATIPU, 8.5., TOA MOBBOW (Wednesday), April 10. Pas sonrers by 2.40 p.m. train; cargo to bo alongside THIS DAT. F To follow: TAIAEOA, April 11. OE NAPLES, POVEBTT BAT. TADEANGA, and AUCKLAND.—TATJPO, s.s., TDESDAT, April 16. Passengers by t p.m. train; cargo to be al on guide by noon. PTo follow : WAN AKA, April 23. OE NELSON, TABANAKI, and MANUKAU—TAIAEOA, s.s., THUESDAT, April 11. passengers by 2.40 p.m. train. Cargo to be .““Stride by noon, *010110? ——* —* - F OW ; TABANAKI, 18th April. °E POET CHALMEES. . F 1 TAIXPO, s.s,, bv 4 IS D AT (Tuesday), April 9, Passengers Tn train j cargo till noon, Wfollow. TABANAKI, s.s., April 13th. Trim®®® l * AUCKLAND.—WAKA. u , s.s., from Wellington, Cargo for dari y n eceiTe^at Lyttelton This Day (TuesTiroa7C. a !? eil (f orß forwarded by Tanpo, s.s., on To 3DAT - April 16. To toliow, EOTOEDA, April 26. Ab'-AEa A.-TAXJPO, s.s., THIS DAT 6 ', esi J»y). 9th April. Cargo till noon. Pasaeag ersby4p.m.tfvin. WWEPICTON and NELSON—WELLINGTON. elWton ' ea °* l and „ DAVID MILLS, Agent, Norwich Quay, Lyttelton; and at 421 l \ T „u - “®reford street, Christchurch, ■ doo r to Messrs Miles, Haasal and Co/b. l ‘ VlOii STEAMSHIP COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. STEAM TO SYDNEY. THE Steamship WAKATIPU BrAf? will be despatched for Sydney, via Wellington and “Ay. April 10 Auckland, on WEDHESB '” 6t 1)6 alongside by noon THIS DAT DAVID MILLS, Agent,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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967Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 1
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