Business Notices. P. SOHOURUP’B P HOTOGEAPHXC ESTABLISHMENT COLOMBO STBEBT, Opposite E. Beeoe. Open dell; from 10 to 4 o'clock] for young children, between 11 and S only. 8324 PHOTOGRAPHY. ELSON' BT NP M 0” K. C’ By Special Appointment to His Eioellkhot the Qovkehoe, MEDALS AWABDED 0 FOB ABT EXCELLENCE. hebbell 6 CABTE DB VISITB PORTRAITS FBOM , 12 s 6 D PEE DOZEN ' IS 8 © 4 * Every Sire and Stylo of Photograph taken Dally. THE NEW INSTANTANEOUS BABT LENS Any Home in Town Photographed for 10e 6d, Mr CHEBBILL’S is the Finest Studio in New Zealand, and hie work is on all hands admitted to te The NEW BEMBBANDT STYLE CERAMIC ENAMELS, as supplied to His Excellency the Governor, are taken ONLY at Mr ChorrilTs Studio. Note Address— CASHEL STB &ET WEST, 7521 Next door Messrs Twentymsn and Cousin. GLASGOW HOUSE, (Opposite the’Post-offloe.) WANTED the Public to Know that my Stock of Dress Goods comprise all the newest Materials, in all shades, Knickerbocker Winceys, &o, J. H. SMITH. WANTED the Public to know that I have a great variety of Trimmings, Fringes, Ac., to match the shades of Dress Materials. J. H. SMITH. WANTED the Public to Know that my Stock of Millinery, Ladies’ Felt and Straw Hats, consist of all the Novelties of the Season. _____ J. H< SMITHi ANTED the Public to Know that I have a large Stock of Ribbons, fancy and plain, all colours, which will be sold cheap. _ ______ ,J, H< BBlX'ili WANTED the Public, before buying Blankets or Flannels, to call and seethe value of my StoCl£ ’ J. H. SMITH. WANTED the Public, one and all, to come and ■ judge for themselves. J. Hi \s MIT H, GLASGOW HOUSE. 1814 THE NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY NOW’BMFLOTS HANDS. 500 RETAIL BRANCHES AT CHEISTCHUECH WELLINGTON TIMABU OAMABU DUNEDIN Bee the New Stoek^of MEN’S, YOUTHS’, AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, Thoroughly Shrunk, and mnoh superior to Imported Goods. ’ • . A Single Garment at Wholesale Price,: ■ New Zealand Blankets at Wholesale Prices. , New Zealand Tweeda ait Wholesale Prices. ; New Zealand Flannels at Wholesale Prices. Sole Agents for Wertheim’s colebrated LOCKSTITCH SEWING MACHIHE& GEORGE KELLY, . ! ’ Manager Christchurch Branch, Cashel street, opposite Cobh and Ce.'s oSoe-__ NEW GOODS AT SALE PRICES. Gr. lie Bbatbh* Co.. FEELING the great disadvantage they labour under, in not having suitable premises to show off their NEW AUTUMN GOODS. Have determined to offer the entire shipment (asunder), AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST PfilCE. AUTUMN "SHIPMENTS MOW SELLING OFF, WITHIHS BALANCE OK SALVAGE STOCK, f " AT ' J. 0. AIRMAN’S CASHEL STREET. ExOamoru Ex Lurline ... ... Ex s.s. Whampoa Ex s,s. Somersetshire... Ex Carnatic Ex s.s. Arawata;., Ex Wanganui Ex s.s. Alhambra ' Ex Wellington Ex s.s. Eingarooma .:. Ex James Wishart ... Ex Pleiades (to open).,. Ex lioehcree(to open) 14 packages 22 „ 6 „ TOTALCASES AND BALES Including a Full Assortment of New Seasons’. Goods for each Department. Blankets and Flannels ' direct from the MANUFACTURED. A O B ALES 44)0 BLANKETS -S d BALES lO FLANNELS G. L. DEATH 4 CO; •would; coll, special attention to their New White Blankets of this Season. Importation—ln five different quolitias.aU of which are marked at - unusually low prices. G. L. DEATH & 00, Still hold a large stock of Superior READY-MADE CLOTHING, &0„ Saved from the Late Fire, Which they are selling (in many oases) COST PRICE, Note Address— AT MB C. 0. AIRMAN’S STORE, Opposite “Press” Ofloa. 2816 Cashel street.
LAND OFFICE AND EXCHANGE. Cathedral Square. J. B. D AIB C ° ESTATE AND LAND AGENTS. Established 1866. Houses and Land always tor Sale and to be Let. Mortgages obtained. BILL BEOKBES AND MONET DEALERS. ADVANCES FBOM iplO to On Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes, by discounting the same, which are never negotiated, but are kept private and confidential. They can be taken up at any time, or an instalment paid on account, or can be renewed, os may be arranged, 7896
J. and T. Goodman, TEA DEALERS AND FAMILY OROOBBS, ' HIGH 'STREET, CHBIBTOHOBOH, ” - ■ . (Near Barrett’s Hotel). /^iHEfeTS, 1 ' from 2a j"Half-chests, bom 8* 3d 1/ Botes, 255, 80s; 83s, and 86»«*oh, _ ■ Cheese and Rutter of the boat brands. Oaadys prize'cheese always in stock. . ...... Goods deUyewd at BaUway fltatkm M* fe aU gut* ot the TowsdaUy bm oUUv*. ~.. 1ff*..
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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