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Business Notices. TBANSPEE OP BUSINESS. THE~HALL. THE Undersigned begs to give notice that he has taken over the business conducted by Mr O. F, Bttnz, and invitee inspection of the large stock of Pianos by Boßnisoli, Asoherberg, Frraoke, Bnnamead, Bora, Broad wood, 4c., &c. These Pianos have been imported direct from tne MANUFACTUBEES by Mr C. F. BQnz. which enables me to sell them at a comparatively small advance over invoice cost. . ~ Ladies, and Musicians generally, are also particularly invited to inspect the stock of SHfcET rad BOOK Music, just reoeived-admlttedly the largest in New Zealand—consisting of CLASSICAL and OPEBATIC Music by every composer; also, popular songs, rad instrumental music of every desonptlon• o. H. MEETON. April!, 1878. 6285-4
WHITE GLUT'S MABBLE LIME kilns. abble limb, FOE SALE AT CUB BENT BATES. SMAET A DAT, Office—--2151 Madras street, Christchurch. NOTICE OF EBMOVAL. M'OALLUM, WATCHMAKEB abd JEWELLEE, V '“fj HAS Eemoved to Cashel street, next Bail)j,ii Australasia, and opposite Cobb’s Office. Having received a Large Parcel of New Goods, Shiglish Hunting Levers, American and Geneva' watches, by the best English rnd Foreign Makers, Colonial and English Jewemiy (stamped and Hall marked), of the newes; > - signs, is able to sell at considerably ret V. I prices.
Special attention given to the Repairing Department. • 1813 CHEAP STORAGE FOE EAEMEES. TO those who consign to me for sale I offer one month's free storage in my new Stores, having a railway siding, and are close to town j for a longer period charges low. Advances made when reqnired. Consign—J. L. WILSON’S Siding, Christchurch, 4647 Thoenton ft Bull, CIVIL ENGINEEES, SUBVBTOES, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Crown Lands selected for purchasers. Offices : Hereford street, Christohnroh. .1687 TO FAEMEE3.
Tina undersigned having purchased Messrs Vincent and Co.’s MALTHOUBE in Colombo road south, intends carrying on the business as heretofore. Highest prioe given for good malting samples of Barley. RICHARD STEELE. Office at Weedon and Co.’s City Bottling Stores, Colombo street. ' P.O.—Box No. 112, 3816 TT OT Ti UgcH BO »■ Prom 12 to 2 p.m. ONE SHILLING. AT GOLDEN PLBBCB HOTEL, Near Post-office. W. H. KIDDBY, Late of Empire, Lyttelton, 5355 W.A.JB U R T, GRAIN, COAL, TIMBER. AND FIREWOOD MERCHANT. AND GENERAL CARRIER. HAS always on hand a large supply of best Newcastle Screened Cows, Greymouth and Malvern Coals, Posts and Kails, Stakes, Timber, Palings, Shingles, &c. Price list of the above can be seen at the office. Kail way - Station, Kangiora. Cash Purchaser of all kinds of Farm Produce. A Liberal Discount allowed on all Cash Transaotions. 2718
BANGIOBA EESTADEANT AND 1.0.G.T. DINING BOOMS, . High street, Eangiora, opposite the E.M. Court. W. H. B e IB Wishes to inform the public of Eangiora and surrounding districts that he has opened the above Bestanmnt, where they will find every convenience, and hopes that by strict attention to their wants, ho will a share of their patronage. Ideals at all hours of the day, Is each. Tea and coffee from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Private rooms for ladies. Open on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4820 W. H. SHIP, Proprietor. _ NEW MUSIC AND PIANOFORTE SHOW ROOMS. JAMES SPENSIET has now Opened con venient Booms for the purpose of testing the merits of a large stock of Pianos by English, French, and German makers. Selection may he made from the greatest variety ot instruments ever shown together in Christchurch, and purchased either for Cash or upon Deterred Payments, with 5 per cent, addel to cash price. One-fourth of the value of the instrument being paid on delivery, and the balance by eighteen equal monthly payments. Pianofortes tuned; and. repaired. All work guaranteed . JAMES SPENSIET, Music Seller, 4588 High street, opposite City Hotel.
H 1 T E & 0 0., Late of the Crown Brewery, ALE AND STOUT BREWERS, Windmill road and St. Asaph street, Christchurch, Wish to inform their bid Friends that they have no connection with the Crown Brewery Company, Limited, but ere trading at their NEW PREMISES OPPOSITE THE CROWN BREWERY. HARVEST ALE. HARVEST ALE. HARVEST ALE. SPAKELING MALT ALE ■) EMPEEIAL BEOWN STOUT j In bull or bottle The Trade, Farmers and Families supplied. Delivered free within'seven miles of Christchurch 239 IMPOETANT NOTICE. To the Nobility, Families, and Gentry of Christchurch and its Suburbs. JW. MOETON, in returning his sincere • thanks for the constant and unvarying liberality bestowed upon him for so many years, hoe the honour to announce that HE HAS MADE A RRANGEMENTS WITH MONB. LOUIS DANIELE (Late of Northern Club, Auckland), Piemier Chet de Cuisine “ par excellence " of the Southern Hemisphere, To Manage and Conduct the CAPE, EESTAUEANT, AND DINING BOOMS In connection with Morton's Hotel; on and after MONDAY, the Bth, When he hopes that the patronage hitherto bestowed on him will be conferred upon M. Daniele. Wedding Breakfasts, Dinner Parties, Balls, Bouts, and Orders for Entries, Entremets, Soups, Ac., will be conducted superior to anything seen hitherto in Christchurch. M, DANIELE intends to make the CaM Department hi* particular speciality. 6621-15 Three Prize Medals received at the Great Exhibi tion, Philadelphia. AMBEICAN WALTHAM WATCHES For New Zealand. Caution to Watch Buyers. Unscrupulous parties are selling worthless Watches bearing Trade Marks very similar to the Trade Marks of Genuine Waltilam Watches. This is not only a fraud on the purchaser, but a great injury to the reputation of the genuine watch. In view of these facts, the American Watch Company would counsel buyers to inslat on having their preference for Waltham Watches respected, and not allow themselves to bo put off with any imitations, cithor foreign or domestic. • ’ ' BOBBINS & APPLETON, General Agents of the American Wftteh Oo„ ■ ■ Walthom Buildings, Holborn Circus, . London, E.C.: P.S.—The American Waltham .Watch con be obtained Wholesale and Eoiolbin Wellington, Auckland, Canterbury, nhd most of the principal,tbiyus in the Colonies, ” ,V .. , • ■ ■Agents-*. ■«U»,v- L. B, NATHAN *OO.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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970Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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