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OHBISTCBUBOH. Komday; Bov 19. (Before G. L. Hellish, B»q., EM,, and Dr Coward) DBUitESft*MS.—Mary Cunningham wae fined 80s 1 John O’Brien"wa* fined 60*. Yabbakct. William Miller, who presented a dilapidated appearance, was charged with baring no lawful visible means .of. sapport. The evidence showed that accused had, during the past 14 days, been loafing about the town, especially about the bare of public honeee. Sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour, with a recommendation to dear oat at the expiration ofthe sentence. Mi*OßiiA»aooß~-Joieph Wood, for not maintaining lights on a hoarding, was fined 10*.—H»nry Fos, charged with driving aeroe* the kerbiogand asphalt in Monoheater streak thereby doing considerable damage, wa* fined 10s —Callaghan Bern! was charged with driving a sledge on the roadway. Accused said the implement in queiiion wae a clodernsher, made with efcatee, and that it could not possibly damsge the roadway. Be was not acquainted with the bylaw in question. Fined 10*-—O. Byron, for being threatening language to F. J. Sing, was ordered to pay costs, 6s 6d. . .. Assault .—Philip Ball was charged with having at Sumner violently assaulted and beaten Joseph Graham. Mr Joynt appeared for the complainant, and Mr Thoms* for the defence. Mr Joynt suggested that as then was a number of oases involved in the matter the whole should be taken together. Philip Bali wae charged with havingaetanltad James and Joseph Graham and John Qlennie. aad by cross commons**' the ooroplairiant* wen charged with having aisaulted the eaid Philip Ball. From the evidence adduced it appeared that the quarrel occurred on' the evening of Nov fi, during fbe Goy Fawkei celebration*., One of the witnesses stated that there had been printings of horses with kerosene tin* tied to their tail*, that Ball was greatly annoyed et this, and that he butted at the witness like a goat, nearly br**kiog hi* At the &(U&0 time the witnofle •aid (hit B»U was leading a little boy by the band, and he oonld not say whether or not 3*ll loosed hie »hpld of the child’s' evidence on the one band vac that Bril had committed a series of unprovoked assaults, and on the other that Ball was first assaulted, wid that he was mobbed by a number of persons, who beat him savagely "from the crown of his head to the; sole of his feet." BaU exhibited hie.legs to show the Bench the injuries he bad revived, and- it -wav-evident that he must have in some manner been subjected to violent treatment. A large number of witnesses were examined. Dr Coward deposed to the nature of injuries Bell had received.- Thera were many bruises, eome of which were severe, especially one at the back of bis ear. The bruise* and wounds on the lege appeared to have been caused by kioke Stanley Monk stated that he separated Ball from one of the other men, and took him home. Hie face was bleeding, and he had evidently been badly used. Mr Wiggins also gave evidence respecting a portion of the occurrence. Counsel addressed the Benob,. Mr Joynt laying- stress upon the feet that some of the witnesses he had called were persons who had no interest in-the matter, and that it was impossible to believe they had all deliberately perjured themselves, and he held it to have been clearly shown that Ball was the aggressor. Hi* Worship said be would dismiss James Graham’s pas*. In the matter with-Joseph Gr*ham, it wa* perfectly clear that Bril assaulted him in ah;unprovoked and most unmanly manner, for which he deserved the kicking be got. Glennie tree also unjustly assaulted, and Hi* Worship did not believe a word of BaU’s evidence as to the joint attack upon him. ’ At the expense* were esses of assaulting James Graham and James Glennie, Ball would be fined 80s, and be bound oyer to keep .the peace for, 18 months, himself in £2O, and one surety in a like sum. —Sandy Thompson, a lad, was charged with having assaulted Francis Weston by striking him on tbo face with a stone. The child, two yean and four months old, wa* badly _ out over the eye with a stone. The child's mother producing no evidence as to the assault complained of, the oti* was dismissed. —John Kelly, ssn., and John Kelly, j m., were charged with having, at Bolleiton, violently assaulted William English. The ease was dismissed. . . Dbsbsxioh.— George Welle was charged with having deserted his wife, Elisabeth. Complainant did net appear.—Job Hands was charged with a similar .offence, Mr Loughnan appearing for the complainant, who stated that her husband left her nine months ago. There was a previous case, in which she was stated to have received £l. She had been paid nothing since. Order made for the payment of 10# weekly, Hie Worship telling •ceased that he would have to pay the debts up to the present time. Wifb Bbatiko —Anthony Eggleton wae ohsrged with having violently assaulted and beaten hi* wife, Mary. Tae case was very clearly proved, an independent witness having seen the eooueed beating his wifa about her face. Hie Worship described the conduct of tho accused as mean and cowardly in the extreme, and reprimanded him most severely for his drinilog habits. Ordered to find one sarety, in the sum of £lO and to be bound himself, in a like sum, to keep the peace towards his wife for 12 months, or in default a month's imprisonment with hard labor. Aeoueed said he wonld "do the month," and wae removed in custody. Tuesday, Hot. 80. , (BeforeG L- Hellish,Siq„EM) - DBU»M>aM».—Mary Brown wae fined ' 10*. Cfaarlel Tboma* Oookrili was fined 80s. A first‘offender wae fined ss. Hugh Young, aUo obkfged with using obscene language, was fined SOI? V Willk DkflihTloK.—John Nixon, who had been arrested in Camara on a warrant, was charged with wife desertion. Mrs Nison having expressed her desire to withdraw the charge, the case wae dismissed.

LYTTELTON. Monday Nov. 19. (Before W. D >naid, B-q, 8.M., and T. H. Potts, B»q.) Dbuhs and Dibobdsbly.— B. Wright, arrested by Ooostabln Dineen, and Jno Allen, arrested by Constable Moutray, were brought before the Oourt, charged with the above offeno‘S. The -Bench ordered accused to be sent on board their vessel, they having been locked op since Saturday night Illegally on Pbekheb.—Wm Williams, arrested by Constable-Moutray, was brought up charged with the above offence. Evidence wae giv*D the effect that accused was found sleeping in a straw shed on Peacock’s wharf. The Bench sentenced him to one week's imprisonment with hard labour. Tuesday, Bov. 20. (Before W. Donald, Esq., 8.M., J. T. Bouse, Absent without Leave.— M. Nelson, a seaman on board the Island Lily, was charged by Captain Cooper with this offence, and ordered-On board i .a,

Dbuns and Disoedbely.— -Geo." Wilson, arrested by Oonstoble Montray, was charged with the above offeboe.. A noosed, was further charged with stealing two llluttrated London News from the Albion Hotel. The Bench fined accused 10s or 48 hours'hard labour for being drunk, and sentenced him to 48 hours' hard labour on ttys charge, of lareiny. . Assault —W. Morton was charged by B. Ooohetty - with. -having assaulted 1 him at the head of the flaw' G. N. Nalder apptorea for the complainant. The Bruch fined accused 40a j witnesses' ex. 60i y Oooyfc owto| 7i M l Bolioltojri IbUSITIS LWStASB.-”BI?l SWwiaa WM

charged, on the information of Wo Kelly, with; having used abusive language toward* him. There wae a orow aammon* charging* Kelly with having abased Un Trehame. Ur H. N. Nrider appeared (or Un Tnhma, Both ooms were heard together. The evidence ihowed that both parties ware neighbours, and that a system of annoyance between the two had been going on for eotne time. Anon/' mono letter* bad been rent to Ure Treheroe'e husband with the evident intention of creating domestie.ill-feeling and tronble. The Bench bound both partlee over to keep the peaoe toward* eaoh. AiSAUM.—W.: Christopher wae charged by 3, Frost, one of the teamen, with having assaulted .him on board the Btnpreee of Chine. Ur H.N. Haider appeared for the complainant. The Bench inflicted a lino of 10s, ordering aeoueed to pay ooete, 295.

.KAIAPOI. Mouses, Nov. 19. (Before 0. Whitefoord, Esq., B M.) Wim DasiwriOH Daniel Hertley. on remacd from Timara, was charged with disobeying an order of - the Cpnrt in not making provision for the rapport of his wife ahd children. After severely ooneuving (he aoooeed for his idle habits, the Magistrate adjourned the- oeseTor 14-days to allow of ■ome of the ornare being paid up, and for aooused to obtain some employment. Dbusk ahd DisoßMßiiY. A female inebriate we* fined 5* for this offenoc. Skacgstsk-bousb LlOiitsss were granted to George Either and George Gibbs. OattXjX Tbbsyabb.—George Milsom wae fined 10# for allowing five hone* to wander at largo. Obuboty to Arimam.—John Armstrong Was. brought up on remand, charged with brntally maltreating a now, by cutting btr, teats on and a portion of the tail. The evidence of B. O Moran wae taken,and the Veterinary surgeon, for who** evidenoe the dose bad been adjourned, not being present, it woe farther adjourned for a Weak, Mr Hill to be informed that a warrant would be issued if he failed to attend on Nor. 86.

B&NGIOBA. Ttrn»DAT, NoT 80. - . (Before A. 3.; Cunningham, John C. Boys, and 8. Hey wood, Bsqs) ' Bbbaoh 0* Public Wobk* Act.—H. Blackett was charged with-allowing ll hSad of cattle and houses to wander at large on the Oxford railway. The evidenoe showed that the horses were being driven from the paddock to obtain water, and had etrayed on the line for a few minutes only. Fined 10* and costs

TsßaFAsaT William Bloomfield wa# charged by James Shaw with wilfully treepassing on a section the property of the complainant. Adjourned for a week —A similar cate against W. Tibbs was alio withdrawn. .Civil Casks —A. Tate* V 0 B*x, claim £4 6s; judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed with costs;' a month allowed for the payment to be made.—T. Denob v E.'Jones; claim £BO Os 2id; Mr Gresson for defendant; adjourned for a week.—J. Shaw vH. Bloomfield, plaim 6l 4i f judgment for plaintiff (or amount claimed, with ooets.—Mre H Lee v B. M'Kee, claim 16*; judgment for plaintiff (or amount claimed with ooita.

AKABOA. Fbiday, Nov 16.

(Before hi* Worship the Mayor and H. H. Fenton, Esq) Civil Uasb.— Bates v Petham. Mrlnwoodappeared tor plaintiff, and Mr Joynt for defendant; . This wae sn notion to recover a mare or her alleged value (£6O) from the defendant. There was also, a cross action brought by Parham to-decide j the osrhelrship of a colt and filly;- progeny of the above mare. Mr Joynt' iaid , that a* the evidenoe w?l the. rami in both, oases it would be a eaving of time,to all paraes concerned to hear bhthtogethM,whiohiWNi ag(#ed.taJßfid*BM wae then taken at great length, and the Court finally adjourned till next day, when the caa* wad farther adjourned for three week* for th* production ©? soma evidenoe which the Bench thought necHisry to decide, the ouo.

ABHBUBTON. . Fbiday, Not 16. (Before G.L.Molliih,B'q). Ossatino a Distubbanoe —B Shannon, charged with creating a dietnrbanoe in a libsnssd house, and with: being drank and using obicenfe and abusive 1 language, was fined 40s, or 48 hour*’imprisonment. Civil Cashs.— Fowler v Levitt, claim £3 7s 6d. This was a claim for goods supplied to one of defendant’s workmen, he having' given the plaintiff to understand that he would be responsible. The defendant denied giving authority. The Bench gave judgment for plaintiff for £3 4s 7d and costs, 16». Fisher v Aitken, claim £l<), amount of contreat for building 4 kitchen j judgment for plaintiff by consent;—Aitken v Fisher, claim £lB 2s 2d, cost: of building a stable | case adjourned to Nov 30 for an expert to examine (he work done.—Nolen v Pudson, claim iB4 for digging a part 1 of a quarter acre section; judgment for£B, and costs os.—Welsh v ffasan, claim £8 6i; judgment for plaintiff £2 16s, and costs 80s. Monday, Nov. 19(Before Dr J. B. Trevor and H. Winter, Esq.) LabOBNT-—Robert Wilson was charged with laroehy from a dwelling. John Mooney was also charged with the same offence. Both prisoners were sentenced tp one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.- ' Cheating A Distbbbakob. Andrbw Rattray, charged with creating* disturbance in a licensed house, was discharged with a caution, in consideration of having been looked up for 86 hours.—John Jones, charged with the same offence, was similarly dealt with. ' Bbbaok Of THE Peace.—Patrick Lahey was fined 20*. or hours' imprisonment Charles Horton was flnsd 40s, or 48 hoars' imprisonment. J : ' Yasbanoy .—John Hawker, charged with vagrancy, was sentenced to one month’s Imprisonment with brid lahpur. TIMAEU. Monday, Not 19. (Before 6. Woolloomhe, Biq., 8.M.) Labobny —Charles Wells, charged with stealing window blind rollers from tba Lynwood Hotel, was remanded till to-morrow. Assault. Daniel. Boss, for violently assaulting his wife, was remanded till Wed* nesday next, .

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5228, 21 November 1877, Page 1 (Supplement)

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MAGISTERIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5228, 21 November 1877, Page 1 (Supplement)

MAGISTERIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5228, 21 November 1877, Page 1 (Supplement)


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