FENDALTOWN SIDE SCHOOL. THIS School will bo OPENED for scholars MONDAY, July 17, at 9 a.m. 5691 H. F. GUAY, Chairman. TO FAUMEUS. WANTED, a few Tons Seed Potatoes—Early Kidney and liluo Derwent. 5599 J. D. WAY. ON SALE by the undersigned, a few tons of Groymouth COKE, to arrive per Alma, r. CUNNINGHAM A CO., 5076 Lyttelton and Christchurch. Undersigned are CASH PURCHASERS of I GRAIN and all descriptions of Farm Produce. Sacks supplied at current rates. P. CUNNINGHAM & CO., 9059 Christchurch. CANTERBURY HUNT CLUB HOUNDS. M 5797 EET—At the Kennels, Racecourse Junction, SATURDAY, July '22, at 2 p.m. FRED. U. MOORE, Hon. Sec. NOT GENERALLY KNOWN—That advertiser has a largo stock of hooks of a religious character. In addition to old standard authors, will bo found the works of Goulburn, Trench, Stanley, Alford, Blunt, Kingsley, Winslow, Barnes, Gumming, Raleigh, M’Leod, M’Dull, Guthrie, Beecher, Talnugo, and others. Bkhmons— A superior collection by most of tho well-known preachers of tho present day. Liberal discount for cash. J. HUGHES.—Selling oil. 5602 SUGARS EX BARQUE PRINCE ALFRED, FROM MAURITIUS. undersigned have now for SALE : <?3O fi POCKETSMAURITIUS 3UGAES Qualities ranging from Finest Snowdrop to good Yellow Counters. (Samples now on view.) 5578 C. W. TURNER. STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE AND MARINE, And Fidelity Guarantee Assurance. Capital £1,000,000. THE BUSINESS of this Company is REMOVED to the office of Mr Thomas Richard Fisher, junr., City Chambers, Hereford street, who is appointed Agent for Canterbury. L. J. WEIDNEK Inspector. July G, 1876. 5310 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE AND MARINE, And Fidelity Guarantee Assurance, Capital £1,000,000, FIRE and Marino Risks taken at lowest rates. Wool and other produce covered while m ihed, or in transit from shed through to London. Losses made payable in London, or any port in he Colony. THOMAS E. FISHER, ,300 Agent for Canterbury. SOUTHBRIDGE. O O BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, between the Railway Station and tho Township, for PRIVATE SALE. Plans can be seen at Mr Spring’s Hotel. „ . , , jtß-l W. WILSON, Christchurch. 13-BOOMED HOUSE—FOE SALE. COLOMBO ROAD SOUTH. A GENTLEMAN’S RESIDENCE in flrat-olass repair, including Stables, Coach-house, Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, Orchard, Artesian well* Running stream of water, aud every other convenience. The house is situated in a dry healthy locality, and is approached by two drives—-one opening into Colombo road, and the other into the Village of Waltham, either of which are within ten minutes’ drive of tho centre of Christchurch. ^-For price and particulars apply
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 2
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