fi f\ RE WARB.— Whereas the Premises of tljoL'nim Bank of Australia, at, Waimat3, were broken into on June 7, notice is hereby given that the above reward will be paid to uuy person or persons who will give such information as will lead to the conviction ot the oiTemlors. JO-,. PAL vl Kit, 4756 Chief Officer Union flank of Australia. For, sal Lf A choice lot of APPLE ANB OTHER FRUIT TREES. Roso-i, shrubs, rhubarb roots, by the dozen, hundred, or thousand. Garden entrance, Salisbury street, just East of Manchester street. Samples at seed shop, Colombo street, fl:B HE RI Oil U BLEY. NEW oEkB-L EY S.S. NURI'IiUniRERLANB. I HAVE just received by steamship, from London, m lino condition, A L '.Utlr. \ niORI’.UENT OP 3EEB, Of the must approved kinds for the coming spring sowing. Market Gardeners an 1 country storekeepers supplied at liberal rates. SGBS it. CUU BLEY, Colombo street. WE are CAt,U PU It H iSE it sof ..heat, oats, barley, peas, and rye; and have for SALE seed wheat, oats, barley, bams, peas, and rye ; ulso, spring carts, com dressers, grinding mills, root glicers, oat Icibler, baud sewing machines, and chain harrows. . These machines will be sold at a very low price to clone consignments. . sfiil BANKS* M‘DOUGALL.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 2
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