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Chau. Clark. TUESDAY, JULY 18, MR CHARLES CLARK is instructed by Mr Win. At two 0(3, TO SELL BY AUCTION, A t Lis Rooms, Hereford sweet, Christchurch, On tho above date, A FIRST-CLASS PADLOCK, Containing 3a Ir 39p. more the liural Section numbered 11*», fronting tno Canal Reserve road and the road m continuation of Hargood s road from Woolston. All securely fenced and in English grass, affording capital and safe grazing. This is an excellent opportunity to secure a really itcod paddock close to town. Easy terms. 551 X Sale at 12 o'clock. No. oil C. C. Aikman. THIS DAY. LRIDAY, JULY It. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. Q.C.E. HOTEL BUILDINGS. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Gloucester street, adjoiuiug Theatre, BUS'S C. C. AIKMAN is instructed TO SELL, *—THE a wHULB OF THE Q.C.E. HOTEL BUILDINGS, including recent additions, doors, sashes, frames, and other fittings. To bo removed by tho purchaser. Sale at 2 o’clock, 50,L MONDAY, JULY 17. TIMBER I TIMBER ! ! TIMBER !! ! BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Railway Station. AIKMAN is instructed by Mr J. B. TO SELL, As above. The Cargoes of the Minchahn from tho Thames, and J. Q. Coleson, from ficton, Consisting of—--fi FEET WHITE PINE TIMBER, assorted boards and scantling. Also, T. AND G. FLOORING. Sale at 2 o’clock.—Terms at salo. 5597 H. Matson & Co. THIS DAY. TA I TAP U. IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN BROOK, A DEBTOR. IMPOETANT and UNEESEEYED SALE. MESSES E. MATSON S CO. have received instructions from Richard Walton, Esq., Trustee in the Estate of John Brook of the Tai T.ipu, to SELL on the Premises, WITHOUT RESERVE, THE WHOLE OF THE LITE AND DEAD STOCK, As previously advertised, including 160 ?EIME FAT anb STORE I>IGSSALE AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. Terms at sale. Y'l-' H. MATSON & CO., Auctioneers. W. Buss. OHOKA. TO DAIRYMEN AND OTHERS. IMPORTANT CLEARING SALE OF CATTLE, HORSES, AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. THURSDAY, JULY 20. WBUSB has received instructions from • it r Gardiner, who has sold his Farm, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At LA Residence, Ohoka, near Mr Isoaca Wilson’s Flour Hills, On the above date, the whole of his STOCK AND EFFECTS, Comprising some of the Choicest Dairy Cows in the Northern District, Viz., SPLENDID DAIRY' COWS, In Milk and in Calf STEERS AND HEIFERS, 18 months old, YEARLINGS 2-YEAR OLD STEERS AND HEIFERS FAT STEERS AND HEIFERS FIRST-CLASS BULL, 8 years old * DRAUGHT CULTS AND FILLIES, 2 years old DRAUGHT FOALS 30 20 8 1 3 3 4 1 30 20 26 7 8 1 SOV, S, in Young GOOD BOAR 1 A FEW GOOD EWES IN LAMB SAMUELSON'S REAPING MACHINE PLOUGH, by Keetley 2 HARROWS And the whole of the DAIRY UTENSILS AND EFFECTS. Also, On account of Mr Isaac Wilson, LARGS STACKS OF HAY Without the Slightest Reserve. Sale at 12 o’clock.—Luncheon provided. ; W. BUSS, Auctioneer. ~ EANGIOEA. TO WOOL SCOURERS AND OTHERS. FRIDAY, JULY 21. M Y next SALE OP SKINS will he held at my Rooms on the above date. Present Entries, ahont 7CO. ;51 W. BUSS, Auctioneer. EANGIOEA. TIMBER! TIMBER! TIMBER! FRIDAY, JULY 28. 100,000 FEET BOARDS AND SCANTLING. BUSS has received instructions from Mr James Youngman, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At his Timber Yard, Eangiora, On the above date, Tho following lot of well-cut Timber • 100,000 feet building timber T. and G. flooring aod lining hoards V.D.L. palings and shingles. Sale at 12 o’clock.—'Terms at sale. W. BUSS, Auctioneer, This will he the first of a series 'of quarterly sales to ho held at the above yards. 5652 w. OHOKA. 49-ACRE FARM FOE SALE. WBUS3 has received instructions from Mr • James Clark, who is leaving the district, to sell by Private Treaty, All that splendid grazing farm, situated at Ohcko, comprising 49 acres of rich swamp land, all in grass, and in first class order. The whole is securely fenced, and subdivided into five paddocks, all well watered by a never failing strut ra of splendid water. There is a comfortable luuso and other buildings on tho property, and is ■ i.o of the finest little properties which have found ti.e:r way into the market in this district. There is a good mill site on the stream above Trio-- low ; terms easy; immediate possession. For further particulars, apply to MR CLARK, the pr.,iii;.>er, or • W. BUSS, Estate Agent, Eangiora, Inly HI, 1876. 5468 W, H. Hargreaves. m y iS’.j/a CASES Bell nud Co.’s WAX VESTAS, bJlo'O each 12 gross plaids «> BALES GREY ROYAL, 3), 3G, 38, and 4 j 5 4o lbs, each 16 reams if* Do BROWN, 30,50, and CO 11)3 A Bo WHITE TEA PAPER, 24 and -lb 26 lbs Casks LAMPS,assorted CASK SI,IP CHIMNEYS CASK fin OREGON SHADES B< >’< assorted BURNERS and WICKS, .X Sale at 2 o'clock. W. H. HARGREAVES.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 4
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791Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 4
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