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Conveyances. TATTEESALL'S. JAMES SMITH begs to inform the public tlmt In compliance with the wishes of many rr - dents of the Uiccarton, Yaldhnrst, and Courtenay districts he has placed a Daily Coach on the abov i road, Leaving White's Courtenay, at 8 a.m., running through Halkett and Yaldhurst, arriving at Christ, church 10.30 a.m., returning at 3.30 p.m. Passengers and Parcels booked at James Smith’s office, TattcisaU’s. JAMES SMITH, 3211 Proprietor. ASHBUETON AND LONGBEACH COACH. ON and after MONDAY NEXT. April 3, * Coach will leave Longbeach for Aanburtoa Daily at 7 a.m., meeting 10.20 Train for C.'.rHtchurch. Returning from Ashburton on arrival of 2, 13 Train from Christchurch. Return Tickets issued available for One Month. Passengers and parcels hooked at James Smith's Office, Tattersall’s, Christchurch. J. C. BELL & GO., Proprietors. 1198 JAMES SMITH, Agent. OYAL MAIL COACH. BETWEEN LEITHPIELD AND BALCAIEN MEETS MOENING AND NIGHT TRAIN. 2017 JAMES NEALE. Proprietor. NOTICE. OLIVER’S PASSENGER COACH hen.;.! Kaiapoi and Saltwater Creek, will Ri;v nj. ,1 further notice on Mondays, Wednesdays, p.-rl Saturdays only. The mail cart will run as usual. The alteration will commence on MoIID »Y, July 10. 7 FEY A BARKER'S TELEGRAPH LINE Ci EOYAL MAIL COACHES. CHRISTCHURCH TO AKAEOA. BUNN ING in conjunction with the e.i. .riric-cn, the coach leaves Pigeon Bay or WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, shortly t! « arrival of the steamer; and Brace's Hotel, Aiarr.s, at 9 a.m., on the same day. Passengers and parcels hooked at Z'.l ZiS.CiT.Z SMITH’S OFFICE, next Tattersali’s, Single Tickets, Pigeon Bay to Akaroa. Ifa or on Return do do do U 3 Available for one month. 8693 FEY & BARKER, Prcpririv.-?. ASHBURTON.
0 O KS O N begs to • Vy public that he ianow runt i :r: r every Tuesday and Friday from Aah ..arson, the arrival of the first Train from Ch.-Atot.'.r: Hood’s Accommodation-house, Mom: , i ■ Alford Forest, returning every We.neV-y Saturday in time for the last train to Tint-rs., and Chriat-nVinror. at 3.58 p.m. baggies and Saddle Horses always :u : u‘. Telegrams,; Fd’-oels, and Orders pancts.-.L. tended to, E, COOKSON, Prow;mot, Ashburton Liver- vtto.c-t Opposite Kail way fin , EAKAIA TO ALFOED FOEF c T ON and after this date a COACH v. ii LL.-VH the Batata on arrival of firot Tr.-m ticm Christchurch. For Alford Forest, via Lavington ::i ~ a diate places, on MONDAY and THUiISiIA i, returning on TUESDAY and FEIDAI, meetingTrain for Christchurch. Passengers and parcels booked at James Smith’? office, nert Tattersall’s. CHAELES LAKE, Prcr,riat-:;v JAMES SMITH, Agent. July 10, 1876. ■‘■■3 KOETHEEN COACHES. HUEUNUI AND WAIAU. COACHES leave Amberley daily up-; n r -rrr 7 .i first Train from Christchurch, arrvirg ,t Uurunui at 1 o’clock ; returning, leave Hurnnui a» 1.15 p.m., arriving at Amberley to connect ritit 4.40 Train to Christchurch. Waieu on Mondays only via Humnni, arriving :t 5.45 p.m. same day. Waiau to Christchurch on Thursdays at 1.30 mm, arriving at Amberley in time for 4.40 tram. S. LEE, P: ;--scfor. ’.Booking office for passengers and pare. ! ’, Cobb’s office, High street. 07 5 COBB 4 CO.’S TELEQHAPH LINE 07 PCYAIMAIL COACHES. CHEISTCHUECH AND AKAEOA. THESE Coaches LEAVE the Booting Ofr-ja High street, at S a.m. every Tuesday, Thnrj» day, and Saturday; EETUENING from h.oeonu: s Hotel, Akaroa, every Monday, ‘Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a.m, 2919 JOHN (DIAMOND. Proprietor C. T. Ick SATUEDAY, JULY 15. CENTEAL SALEROOM. C, T. XCK will SELL by A. i Cheese, Bacon, Tea, Soap, Ouio-.s, } J Lard, Ac. Also, 4 trunks Boots (assorted) Jewellery, Watches, Fancy Goods Books. Furniture, Pictures &0., &c., Sale at 11.30 o’clock.
SATURDAY, JULY 15, CENTRAL SALEROOM Ex s.s. Otago, from Sydney. 'F. C. T. ICK will SELL BY A r L CASES ORANGES J Eo LEMONS Sale at 11,31 o'clock. R. Walton & C THE Furniture, Pinuo, Pioir: Bohemian Glass, Flowers, Bugs, Sewing Machines, for sale i July ‘lO, next, will be ou VIEW ■ NEXT. s(nd F Robert Wtlku ANTED, Two Clydesdale M ' ”, 0 voars old, in foal ton good ' ROB: Wm. Wilson CHKISTCnUECH NURs (Established ... w. w r L , Is desirous of drawing the attention to plant, to his IMMENSE STOCK > FRUIT, FOREST, AND ORN - TREES, SHRUBS, &<■. Which will be disposed of at price, ower than former on no. v NURSERY GROUND: BEING REQUIRED FOR BUILDING : JF COSES. A new Catalogue is now ready for diavrioutioa, and may ho had on application. PINES AND OTHER CON H DDS. 50,000 Abies Douglasii th-we about ; i aids oi ;.N f AL ..or. idoiaLU oi the —ciiuua M irioata Fylrestria Aimiviaca lli.rpeuait 50.000 do Exoelsa 51.000 do Meuziesia 30.000 Cupressua Funebris 50.000 do C Macrocarpa 30.000 do Totulosa 30.000 Finns P Coulterii 5000 Welliugtouea Gigantea ENGLISH FO 50.000 Larch 200.000 Eu,lish. Oak 10.000 do Elm 100.000 Sycamore Also, Largo Stock of Seedling and Trr.nsplantoa Hollies, Portugal Laurels, L.v.'fobtiuaaj Acacias, &c., Ac. Roses in Three Hundred Varietur Heaths, Rhododendrons, and tuherens roots and bulbs of every description. Also, 500,000 strong, healthy Them Q r.cks. one, two, and throe years old, will Lui.rred for railway hedges. WINTER TARES. (For present sowing.l 600 Bushels Winter Tares, splendid sample, and every description of Vegeta'le r.r.d Flower Seeds, imported direct from the English Growers. All orders by Telegram or Post will be immodia toly taken in hand, and forwarded by the first opportunity to any portion of this or the adjaiuikg Provinces. A SPECIAL QUOTATION FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. W. WILSON, Seed and Implement Warehouse, c’ ’Christchurch, 100.000 Pirn? Iv-ignis (1, 2, an i .1 , civs old) 100.000 Pn a. 100.000 do 100.000 do 50.000 to 50.000 d 50.000 do Finai.u; Trees REST TREES. 50.000 English Ash 20.000 do Birch 5000 Spar.’sl. Chert nut 3».
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 3
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933Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 3
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