Wednesday, September 1.
Present — Councillors Dale (chairman), Winks, Milne, Homer, Partridge, Gane, Hunter, and Bridge.
The minutes of previous meeting Were read and confirmed.
A letter was read from Mr. Graham, clerk to the Wellington City Council, stating that the charge would he 21s. per week for patients. The Chairman explained that they had sent Hudson, who was suffering from bad eyes, to the Wellington hospital, at that rate. A telegram had been received from Dr. Diver, stating that the man would require special attendance, but no notice had been taken of it, as it was inferred that Dr. Diver wished to treat Hudson as a private patient.
A letter was read from the clerk, to Mr. Hunter, resident engineer, stating that the charge for admission to the hospital, in the case of the unemployed, Would be Bs. per day for each patient. The Clerk stated there were sixteen applications for admission to the hospital during the past week. "• RATING CROWN AND NATIVE LANDS.
The following telegram, from the chairman to Maior Atkinson was read : — " Re proposal to pay rates on Crown lands, Value of land for taxing purposes 205., and 6s. Bd. per acre. Five per cent, upon these will be annual value for purposes of rating; native lands one-half of this." (Laughter.)
The following letter was sent by the clerk to Messrs. Buckley, Stafford, and Fitzherbert, solicitors to Mr. McLean : — "lam directed by the chairman, in reply to your letter to Mr. Hamerton re Mr. McLean's No. 15 contract, to say that the sum of £162 has been offered to you, on behalf of your client, without prejudice."
A letter was read from Charles Stuart, Hawera, asking permission to impound horses off the county roads. Councillor Homer thought some perBons should be appointed right through the county. The/ Chairman said that they had appointed James Bailey at Waverley. Councillor Homer pointed out that in the Wellington provincial district no driving fees were allowed. Therefore, they would have to levy damages for trespass, or else the council would be at a loss in the matter.
The Chairman said he would look to it. He had given instructions to have Stuart appointed. Councillor Winks was of opinion the council had no business to go beyond the Waingongoro river, nor would it be wise to do so.
T^e Chairman said they had a perfect right : it was a county road, and portions of the land were fenced on both sides.
At a later stage of the business, Councillor Winks inquired what they were going to do in the matter. He believed it Was the general feeling that the man should not go beyond the river. Besides, there were restrictions against impounding, not alone on the other side of the river, but on this side as well.
The Chairman said they were empowered by the Counties Act to do so. Anything done by the Superintendents did not apply now.
Councillor Gane proposed, — "That no cattle should be impounded beyond the Waingongoro river."
Councillor Homer did not see the force of .binding themselves by a resolution. They could, if they thought proper, give it as an instruction that no cattle should be impounded from the other side of the Waingongoro river. They ought not to let it go forth to the world that they had abandoned then- powers. Councillor Gane did not see that they would be abandoning their powers by passing the resolution. • It would only be for the time being. The Chairman said that, according to the Counties Aot, any person might go and impound from off the county road. Councillor Bridge demurred to that opinion. What was objected to was, that a person should go to the other side of the river, armed with authority from the council, and impound cattle there. The resolution was then carried.
The Chairman said he had got the engineer to make up an estimate of the amount Bpenk in tihe di&erenk ridings, as he believed some of those in favor of the separate county alleged that the Hawera riding did not get a fair share of the expenditure. He would read the statement, and they would find that each riding had got its fair share of the expenditure. In fact, Hawera had got more than its proportion. The statement of the rates receivable from each riding, for the year 1879-80, and the amount expended for the six months ending 81st March, 1880, was as follows : —
Baked. Expended. £ s. d. £ s. d. Otoia riding ... 563 9 6 993 11 8 Hawera riding.. 522 17 4 1846 17 6 Waverley riding 879 510 1639 13 0 Expenditure on main roads for six months ending 31st March 1880 :— Waitotara to Carlyle .£1899 13 0 Carlyle to Hawera 2080 9 2 Hawera to Normanby ... 622 0 0 Normanby to Stratford ... 589 210 £5191 5 0 The Chairman said it would thus be seen that the riding that contributed the most got the least spent upon it. Councillors Gane and Bridge remarked that the returns for the six months were not a. fair criterion. Councillor Winks said it should have embraced the three years. During the two first years the Hawera riding had very little spent upon it. The Chairman said it took less for maintenance during the past winter than any other year. The cost for 1879 was JllBB 10s. 6d., whilst it had only been £489 18s. 6d. for 1880. Councillor Hunter said that only proved that it was unfair to base the statement on such a short period as six months. . Councillor Bridge said that the return should have embraced a longer period, but at the same time he did not agree with the idea that the rates raised in one
place should be spent there, and there only. In that case, there would be no use in having a county council at all, or even a road board. Every man might be a road board unto himself, if that idea were carried out. , The Chairman agreed with Councillor Bridge ; but he could not go back to previous years. Councillor Gane said the returns might have been lett alone ; it was only raising a false issue. The matter then dropped. ENGINEER'S REPORT.
The drains at Waverley and Carlyle were completed in accordance with the plans ; a culvert across the road would be required, the present one being completely rotten ; the work was now in progress. He would suggest the expediency of replacing the catch-water culverts, or box-drains, which are found to be rotten, with earthenware pipes, where sufficient covering could be had to prevent breakage. He had previously utilised the condemned bridge planking for that purpose. The spreading of metal at Mokoia made but little progress during the month, owing to the heavy rains which had fallen having compelled him to keep the staff employed on that work in maintaining the road between Manawapou and Burkes Hill, which portion of the road, as he had previously reported, was destitute of gravel. The road between Hawera and Waitotara was in good condition, considering the time of year. The report was adopted. DRAIN PIPES. Councillor Bridge asked if the drain pipes would not silt up, supposing there was not a steady flow of water. The Engineer said there was no danger. He had seen them used on the railway works, and never knew them to silt up. WAIHI CREEK BRIDGE. Councillor Partridge asked if anything had been done to the bridge over the Waihi stream. The cost would be a mere trifle. The Engineer said he had made inquiries, and found there was very little traffic along that road. The rail had been broken soon after the workmen had been removed from the locality. But he would attend to the matter at once. GORSE. Councillor Gane drew attention to gorse that had been tipped on to Ml.M 1 . Morgan's land at the Manawapou. He considered the Council should eradicate the gorse, as they had placed the loose staff there. The Engineer said he had looked about there'; but he could not see the place to which Councillor Gane referred. Councillor Gane also drew attention to the gorse near Manutahi. There was a general expression of opinion from the Council that steps should be taken to prevent the gorse spreading. Councillor Homer proposed — " That the chairman take the proper legal steps to have the gorse removed from the main roads without delay." Councillor Partridge seconded the motion, which was carried. ROAD MAINTENANCE. Councillor Bridge moved— "That the engineer be directed to report at next meeting upon the workß required in the county roads." He considered it wise to commence the work as early as possible. He presumed that they would know by next meeting what amount they would be able to get from the Government in the shape of subsidy. Councillor Homer, in seconding the motion, agreed with what had fallen from Councillor Bridge. The resolution was earned. THE CLERK'S SALARY. Councillor Partridge asked whether the committee appointed to inquire into the clerk's duties, with a view to economy, had done anything ? The Chairman said the committee had met once, and had asked leave to sit again. They were waiting until they could see the result of the financial proposals of the Government. Councillor Gane. saw no necessity for waiting three months. The Chairman replied that- Councillor Gane was quite well aware the committee could not bring in a report. WAVERLEY RECREATION GROUND. Councillor Bridge proposed — " That a further sum of i>lo be expended in improving the rifle range at Waverley." There was not much chance of doing any more tree planting this year. Mr. Sherwood had endeavored to get some trees for Waverley, Carlyle, and Hawera, during his recent visit to Wellington, but although he had got a promise of some, they could Dot get them till next year. The recreation ground was for public purposes, and the volunteers were a part of the public. Councillor Milne seconded the resolution. Councillor Winks thought they would be creating a bad precedent in voting money for such a purpose. They would have no end of 6uch applications, if they once commenced. Councillor Homer pointed out that there was about £67 to the credit of the recreation ground. The money did not come out of the rates, nor was it a grant from the council. They were only trustees for the recreation ground. Councillor Gane said he agreed that the volunteers, being part of the public, had a right to a portion of the expenditure. Councillor Bridge did not consider they would be establishing any precedent. They could not plant the ground this year, because they could not get the trees, and next year, when they could get them, they would have money to then* credit for doing so. The resolution was carried. COUNCIL ADVERTISING. Councillor Hunter asked why the balance-sheet was not published in the Hawera and Normanby Star ? If it was necessary to do it in one paper he thought it only right to have it published in the other. The Chairman said if there was no objection, he would have it advertised in the Star.
Councillor "Winks asked whether ii would cost much. '
The Clerk replied that the cost in the Patea Mail was £4 10s.
Councillor Bridge said it would be only paying the money away for an id a. . If any of the ratepayers in the Hawera riding wanted to see the balance-sheet, they .could see it in the Mail. Councillor Hunter proposed, and Coun-
cillor Partridge seconded — " That the balance-sheet be inserted in the Hawera and Normanby Star."
Councillor Winks said he should vote against the motion. It was only squandering the money away. The resolution was lost on the voices.
The following is an- abstract of the receipts and eupenditure for the month of August, 1880 :— Eeceipts — Licenses, £5 , dog- fees, £4 ; hospital £ees, JB Bs. ; rakes, Ml ss. lOd. ,* total, £88 13s. lOd. Expenditure— Hospital : M. O'Connor, £1 12s. 6d. ; R. A. Adams, i!l3 13s. 9d. ; Patea S.S. Company, £3 55. ; H. Arthur, i'2o 10s. 6d. ; Dr. Croft, medicines, &c. ;£sl 11s. 6d. ; do., salary, £12 10s. ; D. Donelly, £8 Bs.— £l6l 11s. Id. Public works : J. Robson, £'20 Bs. ; Keleher and Murphy, .£64 10s. lOd. ; W. Hassett, £80 14s. 7d. ; H. Locke, £5 Is. 4d. ; J. Chpyne, £42 55. ; G. Harden (salary), £20' lGs. Bd. ; wages, £121 15.— £354 17s. sd. J. McLean (Mountain road), £162; R. Homer, £9; salaries, £20 16s. Bd. ; total, £658 ss. 2d.
The following accounts were passed for payment : — J. Jacob (repairs to roof of hospital), j>4 ss. 6d. ; Wanganui Chronicle, 145.; Town Hall Company (for use of hall), ;gl ; Patea Mail, £9 Bs. ; A. Black, .£1 10s. ; wages, £115 15s. Gd. ; total, £132 13s.
Councillor Milne proposed — " That, in the opinion of this council, hi the event of a Land Board being tonned in the Patea County, the board should be elective, with the exception of the Chief Commissioner, who should be nominated by the Governor." As the council were aware, he was of opinion that the county councils should be the land boards. Therefore, he thought it necessary that the boards should be elective.
Councillor Homer could not understand the action of the Government in the matter of these nominee bodies. They were always talking of self-government, but the nominee system was incompatible with self-government. Councillor Hunter did not see any good in interfering, as he believed it to be the intention of the Government to manage the whole affair by a commissioner. Councillor Bridge disapproved of the nominee system altogether. But -would not that resolution with the one passed in reference to constituting the county councils land boards ? The Ohah-man dJd xtok khinh SO, as the Government had refused the request of the county council to constitute the councils land boards.
Councillor Gane believed in the elective system. The resolution was carried. THE MOUNTAIN ROAD.
Councillor Hunter proposed—" That the engineer report on the Monntain road from Hawera to the commencement of the bush, on the north side of Normanby, at the same time that he reports on the other county roads." Councillor Gane seconded the motion, which was carried.
Councillor Hunter moved — " That the council approve of the appropriations of the Hawera Road Board."
Councillor Gane seconded the motion. He thought that road boards should, as near as possible, spend the rates where they were raised. On the Ingahape road it was proposed to spend only He was aware that the settlers on that road were prepared to levy a special rate for metalling it ; but those living near the other road, who wouldn't tax themselves, might say next year tbat the Ingahape road was in a good condition, and would not require much spent upon it. Councillor Hunter was surprised that Councillor Gane should try to interfere with the road boards, seeing that he advocated so strongly that these bodies should manage their own affairs. The motion was carried. TRAVELLING EXPENSES.
On the motion of Councillor Brewer, seconded by Councillor Hunter, £1 was voted as travelling expenses to Mr. Jordan, who had acted as returning officer at Waitotara at the last election.
The following letter, from the chairman to Councillor Hunter, was read: — "Understanding that you wish to move, at the next meeting of the council, that the road from Hawera to Normanby should be proclaimed a county road, I have gone into the matter, and I find that the road in question was gazetted a Government road. (Vide New Zealand Gazette, No. 21, 1876.) According to section 89, Public Works Act, 1876, the Governor is the only person who can declare the road a counky or district road. In my opinion, the proper course for you to take is to give notice of motion tbat the Governor be requested to revoke the Gazette notice referring to that portion of the road you wish taken over."
Councillor Hunter said he wished to defer the notice of motion given by him at the previous meeting, in reference to taking over the road from Mr. McGuire's corner to the Ketemarae hotel, until the next meeting of the council, on the understanding that he would move in the matter at next meeting. By that time, they would possibly get an answer from the Minister of Public Works.
After some discussion, leave was given to withdraw the motion.
member's honorarium.
Councillor Homer moved — " That the remuneration for members of the council should be £1 for each sitting." He did not look upon the amount as remuneration: it was only a small compensation for the loss of time incurred by the members.
Councillor Milne called for a division, with the following result : — Ayes : Councillors Bridge, Brewer, Hunter, Homer, Partridge, Winks, and Dale — 7. Noes: Councillors Gane and Milne — 2.
Councillor Gane jocularly remarked that he was not going to allow Councillor Milne to have all the honor. (Laughter.) It was cheap.
The Chairman said that, in accordance with the resolution passed at last meeting, he had convened a meeting at Normanby, and the following gentlemen had been nominated as commissioners : — Messrs. H. Southey, C. Quin, R. T. Hawke, R. O'Donovan, T. Mabey, G. Calvert, and S. Gray. Cooncillor Gane proposed, and Councillor Hunter seconded—" That the nominations be confirmed." — Carried. After some other unhnportant buainea*
had been transacted, the council adiourned.
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Bibliographic details
Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume I, Issue 42, 4 September 1880, Page 3
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2,930PATEA COUNTY COUNCIL Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume I, Issue 42, 4 September 1880, Page 3
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