A LECTURE Entitled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Its Discovery and Demonstration.
By W. STUART BOOTH, C.S.B Delivered recently at Wellington.
In approaching a consideration of this great subject of Christian Science, let us briefly trace the footsteps of its Dis-covei-er and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy. A consideration of Mrs. Eddy's experiences, deductions, and demonstrations ■will assist us in gaining an apprehension and appreciation of her wonderful spiritual discovery. The availability of God's law to. heal and save had long been lpst sight of; the way of right thinking and living trod by our Master, Christ Jesus, and designated by him as the one and only way to rind Gfod, good —'this way had forv centuries been hidden by the entangling growth of creeds, dogmas, human theories, and limiting material beliefs. This spiritual pathway needed to be discovered, cleared of the confusing, ensnaring undergrowth, and made plain so that all might /discern this Christ way, walk therein, and share its blessings. MRS. EDDY. Mrs Eddy was of a deeply religious nature^ inclined even as a child to contemplation and study of spiritual things. She was reared in a sincere religious at-
mosphei-e, where the Bible was reverently regarded as the chart of life for all. s As a child she was so frail tthat she was unable to attend school regularly, and gained her education largely under private tutors. This condition of ill health continued for •many weary long years; in fact she was never well and strong until after her rejnarkable healing by spiritual power and means, which in turn led to her discovery of Christian Science. In addition to physical discomfort and disease- Mrs. Eddy suffered many trials, tribulations, and sorrows, all of which, however, only served to turn her thought away from dependence upon material things, and to turn her more to God and the Bible. During these years of invalidism Mrs Eddy not only availed herself of every means and method that offered any hope of healing but she carried on medical experiments as well, the ultimate effect of which was to prove to her the utter futility of dependence upon material means* for healing. These medical experiments also served to prove to Mrs Eddy the mental nature of all things, and" from these experiments she also learned that material medicine has no intrinsic power, but seems to operate solely because of human faith in "t. i.liis is a fact which lias since been veiled by many physicians, some •of whom are sufficiently candid to acknowledge it. Early in her search for health Mrs Eddy appealed for help to a mesmerist, who, some misguided critics have said, gave the ideas of Christian Science to Mrs Eddy.^ The absurdity of this claim will be seen and acknowledged by all when it is known that this mesmerist was not religious, and in fact disavowed any belief in God. Christian Science is religion, that and nothing else, and has nothing in common with mesmerism, as we shall see more definitely a little later. THE DISCOVERY.
In-the year 1866 Mrs. Eddy suffered a severe accident, wliieh it seemed might prove fatal. Calling for her precious Bible Mrs Eddy asked to be left alone, and then opened to the ninth chapter of Matthew, and read the second verse. What, she spiritually discerned therein so uplifted her thought that she was instantly healed, and, to, the utter astonishment of waiting friends walked forth, and told them that God had healed her. Mrs Eddy speaks of this experience as the falling apple that led her to the •discovery of how to be well herself, and how to make others so. We do not mow, of course, just what imprftSNvjd Mrs Eddy so powerfully in this Bible verse, but we may well pause a moment to see wliat it has for us of spiritual and practical import in connection with our consideration of Christian Science. First, we note that Jesus observed the mental state of patients instead of the physical: he saw their faith. Then the Master said to the sick of the palsy, "Son, be of good cheer.'' What a wonderful antidote for and rebuke to the fear, discouragement,, and condemnation under which this, man was labouring I And let -us remember that the Christ is e?er voicing that same liberating, healing message to all who are burdened by fear and bowed down with condemnation, for the writer of the epistle to the Hebrews speaks of Christ as "the same yestarlay, and to-day, and forever." Therefore -this word of cheer has not been silenced nor has the power of God which vitalized and enforced the message diminished in the least. When Jesus next said to the sick man, "thy sins be forgiven thee," he definitely indicated the relationship between sickness and sin, and he also plainly showed that they are bath healed or destroyed by the same spiritual means and methods. In other words, to Christ Jesus sickness was as- clearly a state of thought objectified on the material body as was. sin; and both sickness- and sin were overcome, nullified by the spiritual mindedness which characterised Christ .Jesus.
Mrs. Eddy's first work following her healing is best described in her own words found on page 109 of her book, "Science .and Health with Key to the Scriptures,'' where she says^ '' For three years after my discovery, I sought the solution of this problem of Mind-healing, searched the Scriptures and read little else, kept aloof from society, and devoted time and energies to discovering a positive rule. The, search was sweet, ■calm, and buoyant with hope, not selfish •nor depressing. I knew the Principle of all harmonious Mind-action to be God, and that cures were produced in. primi--tive healing by tiply, uplifting
faith; but I must know the Science of this healing, and I won my way to absolute conclusions through divine revelation, reason, and demonstration." THE TEXT-BOOK.
It was not until 1875 that Mrs. Eddy issued the Christian Science text-book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." During the nine years following her healing she had proved the propositions stated in Science and Health: by healing all manner of sickness, raising the dying, and reforming the sinner, all in accord with and in verification of- Jesus' promise, lc He that, believeth oh me, the works that I do shall he do also.'' Just as a person who prepares a book on arithmetic must prove every problem and rule stated therein in order that his book may rightly be termed a scientific textbook, so Mrs Eddy earned for her book the title of the textbook for Christianly Scientific practice, because of her demonstrations which served to verify and authenticate its teachings. This book is, as its title indicates, the "key to the Scriptures." By means of this key the Bible storehouse of spiritual truths has been opened so that all may enter and avail themselves of the bounteous blessings of health, happiness, and harmony, which are prepared by God for all His children. Through the study of "Science and Health" great numbers of people have been healed of physical disabilities, while many others have gained froidom from and dominion over sin and its debasing tendencies and demoralizing effects. It has been my privilege to know of many such cases, and for the purpose of illustration I will relate one instance to you. A young man, whosa home was in the Mississippi valley, wr,s placed under the care- and direction of physical cuLturists when he was a mere lad with the hope that he might thereby be so developed physically as to ward off a disease called tuberculosis, which had prevailed among the members of Ms family. Apparently they had succeeded in their endeavour, for by the time this man had reached maturity and was ready for business he was a fine specimen of physical manhood, and passed an examination for insurance. However, the physical eulturists had not eliminated the fear of disease, for the dreaded trouble later made its appearance, dnd in spite of all that the faithful family physician could do the young man became so depleted, that he was finally placed on a stretcher-and--sent to.Colorado with the forlorn hope that the climate might be of some benefit. Just when the Colorado doctors had pronounced the death sentence upon him . his sister appeared, bringing with her a copy of l £ Science and Health." She, a physician's wife, had iDeen.. healed through Christian Science treatment of a chronic and severe case of rheumatism. She joyfully announced to her brother that "Science and Health" explained the spiritual, law of God which Christ Jesus understood and applied in his healing work, and that he could gain an understanding of this [ same, ever-present, ever-operative spiritual law, and be healed thereby. Immediately he began to study to gain this understanding; and within a remarkably short space of time he was up, and resumed his business activities. Some time later this man applied for additional insurance, and was referred to his old family doctor for examination. Before making the examination this doctor and another physician reviewed the charts which had been made before this man had been sent out to Colorado and which indicated the bad condition of his lungs at that time. The doctors then examined him, and to their utter amazement they could find no trace of the old trouble, nor even a scar to indicate that it had'ever been present. Please note that this man studied "Science and Health" with t?he prime motive of attaining spiritual understanding and not merely to gain physical ease. If you were in a dark room, and desired to be rid of the disturbing shadows you would not work against the darkness, but you would work for the light, knowing that the light would nullify the darkness. Thus this , young man found that the distressing shadows of disease were dispelled by the incoming of the light of spiritual understanding, The Bible states that '' God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.'' Since '' God is light,'' we are certainly justified in classifying as darkness whatever is unlike God, such as sickness, sin, sorrow, death, and. all discord. The light of sg&ritual understanding, and that alone, will dispel all shadows, no matter how real, substantial, and terrifying they may seem, The light" of spiritual understanding imparted by Christian .Science will displace whatever appears to darken or becloud our sense of the omnipresence and omnipotence of God, good, whether that beclouding sense be called a fear of and sense of sickness or a tendency to sin. Let us note and consider one more point in connection with this case of healing. Although his illness appeared to be physical this young man was healed through the % study of "Science and Health," which study, of course, served to change, and correct his thinking. Certainly this was what Paul meant when he wrote to the Romans: "Be not conformed to this world (that is, do not conform your thinking to ma> terial theories,and beliefs), but be' ye transformed (formed anew) by the renewing of your mind."
Now let us turn our attention to the teachings in "Science and Health" in order that we may learn somewhat of that which Mrs. Eddy saw and stated 30 clearly that the sick are/healed by its study. All of the Olyistian Science precepts and its practice are predicated on the right concept of God; therefore we should naturally begin with a consideration'of this most important subject, You will find that with this, as with all other subjects, Christian Science makes its appeal to your sense of reason and justice, rather than to any emotional instinct.
We know that the one primal Cause
and Creator of the infinite, eternal universe must be good, —good in nature and good in expression. Evil is not creative, but is ever destructive in its very nature and effect; therefore God must be and is good. God, the source of all that is real and true, must be infinite, all-in-clusive Truth. Furthermore, God, the all-wise and all-knowing Father-Mother of the universe is the one infinite Mind, the source then, of every true thought or idea. Since God is good in His expression as in His nature, it follows that God rs thoughts, true ideas, are good. Thus it is that Christian Science classifies as- error every though and everything which does not express good. How fortunate for men that Christian Science classifies evil and all discord as error, and thus points the way for it to be dis: pelled or displaced; for if evil were true we could never be rid of evil, and our plight would indeed be hopeless.
It was quite natural and appropriate that John, the beloved disciple, he who was much loved because he loved much, should state Ms highest concern of »God in the simple, though profound words, '' God is Love.'' Christian Science accepts this, as it does all of the Scriptural designations for God, pointing out that God must be Love because He is ever giving of His goodness, abundantly and impartially, to all of His children. Christian Science also teaches that we can become acquainted with. God, Love, only as we reflect Love by expressing to our neighbour such qualities of Love as gentleness, compassion, purity, forgiveness, and unselfishness. Because the Bible teaches that God is the source of all reality, is the one infinite law-creating and law-governing power, finding expi-es-sion in harmony and controlling all things harmonously, —because of this, Christian Science defines God as divine Principle. To insure the right apprehension of this spiritual concept, and also because the terms are perfectly synonymous, Mrs Eddy frequently employs the definitions divine Principle and Love together. For instance, in her explanation of Jesus' atonement as the reconciling of man to God, instead of reconciling God to man, or placating God, Mrs Eddy writes, "Jesus aided in reconciling man to God by giving man a truer sense of I Love, the divine Principle of Jesus' teachings, and this truer sense of Love redeems man from the law of- matter, sin, and death by the law of Spirit, the law of divine I/ove.'' ' (S. &H. 19.). These, although very briefly and inadequately started, are. some of the basic teachings about God which are to be found in 'Science and Health. ' MAN". ; Tihe Bible states that God made man in His own image and likeness, from which we naturally and necessarily deduce the fact that man is like God, Hke Mind, Spirit, Love, Truth. St. Paul recognised this spiritual, eternal fact about man; and so when he was addressing the Athenians, who evidently believed man to be a physical entity dwelling in a material body, he said to them with the desire to correct their false concept, that man lives, and moves, and has his being in God, in Mind. Now, since you live in Mind, in Spirit, as the Bible states, you must be and are a spiritually mental being, an individual consciousness. If you will but admit that you are an individual consciousness you can perceive your at-one-menit with God, Mind, for all that is true with you as an individual consciousness must be the true ideas or thoughts which .originate in, proceed from, and express divine, infinite Mind or Truth. If you will but accept that standard of right thinkiag~and be true to it, you can begin at once to prove the divine Principle amd rule of Christian Science by controlling your thinking aiight. You certainly have no room in your thought for a lie when you recognise its real nature or rather its unreal nature. Christian Science makes it plain that any thought that speaks contrary to the omnipotence of God, good, contrary to harmony, peace, and right activity, is not from divine Mind, Truth, and is therefore a lie. Mrs Eddy had the direct authority of Christ Jesus for this teach-
ing, because he defined the devil or evil
as a liar and the father of lies. Let us suppose, for instance, that you have been accepting the though! of worry as your own, perhaps for so long that you have
pinned on you a mental tag which mdi
eates that you are a natural worrier and an expert at 4t. You probably do not enjoy worrying, and it is certain that j those' around you derive no pleasure,
profit, or peace from it,
Now the next
I time you are tempted to worry about anything stop light there and challenge that wrong thought. Ask yourself, whence is this thought of worry? Is it from God, Truth, or is it from Satan, rthe liar? Does this thought speak to you of the omnipotence and everpresence of God, good, or does it claim that evil
is mightier than God? You need not
yield to the temptation to worry any more than you need yield to the temptation to steal. When' you. worry you distrust God, because worry is predicated on the false assumption that God is not ever present and omnipotent. MENTAL NATURE OF ALL THINGS. As a result of her investigations and experiments together with spiritual revelation and demonstration Mrs Eddy was led to the-inevitable conclusion that the material human body is but a mental concept of the so-called human or carnal mind; that the material body is never self-acting or self-governed, but is always the servant of the thought in which it is embraced. This, too, was verified to Mrs. Eddy by the words and the works of Christ Jesus, You will recall thait he said plainly that it is not what a man eats that denies (or disturbs) him, but rather is his trouble due to the thoughts of evil or the evil thoughts which he believes in, accepts as true, and then either fears or serves. If you have been suffering from what appeared to be stomach trouble, and you have been told by physicians to avoid certain
kinds of food, ask yourself this question: Who am I to accept as authority on this subject, the materially minded doctor, who, if he is honest, admits that much of his diagnosis and treatment is but guesswork and experimentation, or Christ Jesus, the one physician who never lost a case? If you desire to accept Christ Jesus as your authority you will find the sure, safe, and satisfying explanation of his teachings and method of healing stated simply, but fully in the Christian Science textbook.
Jesus knew that everything in our human experience is primarily and wholly mental, whether it be a condition of body or of business, and so he said explicitly, '' Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? * * *. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these tilings shall be added unto you.'' Expressed in modern English this saying means that, since you live in the realm of thought, your life is not dependent upon nor governed by food or anything material; therefore your first concern should be to have your thinking governed by and expressive of divine Mind, God; and as your thinking is thus rightly governed, then everything in your experience, your body, your business, your home and social relations, will quite naturally express the harmonious state of your thought. You will recall that when Jesus was questioned regarding the kingdom of God he said: "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, lo here; or, lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." .In other words, the kingdom of God is nothing more nor less than the government of God, good, in your thinking and therefore in' your living.
Mrs. Eddy learned through observation, study of the Bible, and demonstration that one of the greatest disturbers of man's peace and' happiness is fear. And, what is of more importance to us, she learned hojv fear is to be mastered, and told us this plainly in her -writings. There are many Bible verses wMch denounce fear, but we haye ._ all been too much like a friend of mine, a preacher in a Protestant denomination whom I met one day showing great anxiety and fear over the illness of his son. When I told him of Paul's word to Timothy, "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and, of a sound mind," he could hardly believe it was in the Bible. Pie was not ready to cease reliance upon material means, and trust his son to God's care, but he went his way repeating that verse, encouraged and comforted by its assurance that fear is illegitimate because it is not from God. SICKNESS NOT FROM GOD. It is interesting and illuminating to note that Jesus definitely'stated that sickness is a mental state or condition, and is from Satan, the liar, and is not from God, Truth. After healing a woman who had been bowed together for eighteen year 'l so that she could in no wise lift up herself," Jesus said that Satan had bound her. Without doubt she believed that her bonds had been material, the muscles of her back, penhaps. But Jesus knew better than that; he did not touch her back, but his spiritual understanding of the omnipotence of God, good, rebuked the false belief that evil and matter are real and powerful, which belief, accepted by the woman, had bound her. Are you in bondage to any condition of disease, discord, inability or imperfection? The way of liberation is at hand in Christian Science, and the rules to be understood and obeyed are clearly stated in the Bible and its key, "Science and Health." Jesus said, "If ye continue in. mv word (my way of thinking), then are ye my disciples indeed: and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." According to these words* we see that, no* j matter what your bondage may .seem to be, whether it be expressed as sin or sickness, as disability or discouragement, as limitation or lack, your freedom is to be attained in just one wav,T-«that is, by knowing the truth. Christian Science teaches us not only the truth about God and man, but also the truth about the special problem to be solved, and how this truth is to be applied. For instance, let us consider the case of the man who was born blind and came to Christ Jesus for healing. The disciples, having learned of fche mental origin of disease and of the frequent association of sin with sickness, asked the Master who had sinned, this man or l^is parents, that he was born blind. Evidently Jesus discerned that the specific false belief which needed to be handled, rebuked, or disproved, was the belief in heredity, which is simply a belief in another creator than God, Spirit, Turning his thought to God as the only Father-Mother, the only parent, and to man as God's sinless, perfect expression, he said, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents." Thus Christ Jesus knew the truth about God and man, and the sense of blindness which had bound tlias man was dispelled,—'he was made free. CHRIST JESUS. That which clothed Jesus with such marvellous spiritual power and authority was the Christ, regarding which Mrs Eddy writes in "Science and Health" (page 333), "Christ expresses God's spiritual, eternal nature. The name is synonymous with Messiah, and alludes to the spirituality which is taught, illustrated, and demonstrated in the life of which Christ Jesus was the embodiment.'' Much of the confusion in human thought regarding Christ Jesus is due to a lack of discernment and understanding of the Master's own teachings on; this subject. Referring to the human Jesus he said, "I, of mine own self, con do nothing." Again, referring to the Christ, the divine manifestißrtion of God which he understood, lived, and demonstrated, he said,
0 '' I and my Father are one.'' And when he said, '' Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world," he obviously referred to the Christ,- not to the human Jesus. This Christ, the spiritual idea ofy God, had previously appeared to all tho^er who were prepared to perceive and "receive Christ. To Abraham, the Christ had appeared as Melcliizedek. Jacob had some glimpse of the Christ during Ms struggle with the false material sense of self at Peniel, when Ms nature wqs changed. Moses and the prophets likewise caujjj^ wonderful, glimpses of the Ohrist .which enabled them to see, say, and do things which were beyond mere human understanding. The Christ found full and perfect expression in and with Jesus because of his full and perfect understanding of Christ," the spiritual idea of God.
Without uoubt the advent of Christian Science is the second coming of the^ Christ, foretold by Jesus, not as a person, but as "the spirit of truth." Referring to the promised comforter, Jesus said, '' he shall teach you all tMngs, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. '' (John 14; 16, 17, 26.) This promise and prophesy have been and are being liter--ally fulfilled in and by Christian Science.
Whereas men have had preached to them a post-mortem and problematical salvation, Christian Science comes, bringing to our remembrance and joyfully proclaiming the words of the Master, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' 7 When Christ' Jesus enjoined Ms followers to preach the gospel, he, in the same breath, gave command to heal the sick. The unity of that injunction was apparently forgotten, but Christian Science has brought that also to the^remembrance of men, and has shown them how it is to be observed and obeyed. It is noteworthy that Christ Jesus did not indicate that the test of Christian discipleship was whether a man accepted and avowed belief in certain creeds and dogmas or observed any form of ritual or so-called religious rites. The test of Christian discipleship stated by Jesus was, '' By their fruits ye shall know them," and he ■ definitely stated that the fruits he expected of Ms followers were tJhe same healing works as were wrought by him. Mrs Eddy early recognised the legitimacy of this Christian demand that healing by spiritual means and power shall accompany and certify the preaching of the gospel, and she earnestly desired to £now how such healings might be wrought. With the discovery of Christian Science her earnest desire or prayer was answered; and it is now possible for any and every sincere, honest cMld, woman, and man to become so well acquainted with God through Christian Science as to echo the glad song of David: * * Bless the Lord, Omy soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all they diseases."
HEALING. Perhaps some of you are now thinking that, since we have talked so much about Christian healing, its possibility and its necessity, you would like to know something of how it is to be accomplished. The answer is simple. Christian-Science healing is • wrought •through prayer. Christian Science treatment is scientific Christian prayer. But, say you, we have * known of good Christian people who have prayed for years for healing,. but without avail. Yee, I have known of several such deaT ; quite saintly characters, whose usefulness and happiness have been, sadly hampered by illness. Such a condition is anomalous, for it is plain that one cannot enter heaven sick any more than as a sinner.
PRAYER. The Christian Science teaching regarding prayer differs from the ideas et prayer entertained by many, because their concept of God is different from tihat which has just been presented to you as the Christian Science concept derived from the Bible. "God is not a man,'' the Bible states, and yet how many people have prayed to God es if He were a man, whimsical and changeable, capable of. being angry and xevengefiiJ! With people having any such concept of God the evident intent of prayer is to change God or to alter God's plan, purpose, and will in certain directions. Christian Science teaches that God is good, is Love, always giving of good to His children; it points.out that God is divine Principle, unchangeable, impartial, governing all things harmoniously, and ''is no respecter of persons," as Peter saw and stated. Obviously then, God does not need changing; God's will and plan for man is always good, and we do not have to pray that it be so. The evident purpose of prayer, then, is to change the human mind, to bring man into conformity to and in harmony with divine Mind. *It is plain that the human will lias no part in such prayer, for the sure effect of right prayer is to replace the human will with the divine will .as the controlling and dominating influence in man *s motives, aims, desires, and actions.
I am led at this point to speak of and warn all honest seekers for trutJPT against certain counterfeit teachings which purport to be the same as Christian Science or even in advance of it. Some few people have investigated Christian Science who have been, attracted by some of its teachings, but who have not been ready to yield their human will to the divine. .Some of these, finding the spiritual and moral demands of Chris- ' tian Science too high and too exacting for them, have attempted to start systems of their own, in the presentation of wliieh they have used, certain expressions found in " Science and Health" to mislead the unwary,- but they have always departed radically on some essential point from the pure and exact teachings of •'Science and Health." Therefore be- • ware of any of these so-called easier ways. Recently I saw an advertisement of one of these counterfeit teachings, (Continued on page 3.)
(Continued from page 2.) which read something like this: ''' Come, * and learn how to get what you want.' ' That is nothing other than a bland ex- • pression of human will. How different \from Christian Science, which says, come yjd learn how to conform your desires I to* God "s will, and as you do this you \ will find that all your needs will be met. Jesus spoke of all such counterfeit claims as thieves ?-nd robbers, for he knew that departure from the right way would rob • men of the light of spiritual understanding. The Science of Christianity is plainiy and completely state^H^' ' Science and Health.'' We need only to obey its rules, and then it can be demonstrated. Christian. Science is not a mere metaphysical system for curing sickness and solving business problems. Christian Science is genuine, operative, practical Christianity. It is the very essence of' Christianity, and Christianity is its veiy essence. lit is due to this fact that Chris--4 -ian Science is accompanied by and clotlled with the spiritual power which. proves its precepts. Just another word about prayer in Christian Science. You remember that Paul said, "Let this mind be in you. which was also in. Christ Jesus," which evidently means that we should think the thoughts that Ohi-ist Jesus would think under similar circumstances. As we do this we will be thinking- aright, and we will be praying aright. In thus endeavouiing to think as Christ Jesus, would think we need to remember that He always based his thinking upon the spiritual fact that God, good, is the only Cause and Creator, that divine Principle, Love, is the only law creating and lawgoveming power, that Spirit is the only attraction and influence. Therefore, in order to have the mind that was in Christ Jesus, in order to think as he would, we too must base all of our thinking upo& these truths about God, and have all of our thinking consistent therewith. It is indeed a big task, but the reward is great, and we should turn our attention to the task at once. We know that no one can obtain the correct answer to a problem in arithmetic unless he conforms his thinking to the rules. Similarly, we will find the proper solution to all of our life problems as we conform our thinking to divine Principle, as did Jesus, and in no other way. ,
CONCLUSION". Thus we see that we all must needs
follow the footsteps of Mrs. Eddy as she followed Christ Jesus in our Christian Science journey out of the land of fear and distress-, of disease and death, into the promised land of harmony, health, and holiness. We too must learn fche inadequacy, the inability, yes, the nothingness of the material; we must see the mental nature of all conditions and things in order tfliat we may properly apply the Science of divine Mind, Chris.,tian Science, to the solution of our problems. And so, as we read in -"Science and Health, 7' "Let us accept Science, relinquish all theories based on sense testimony, give up imperfect models and illusive ideals; and so let us have one God, one Mind, and that one perfect, producing His own models of excellence. " " .
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Hutt News, Volume 1, Issue 25, 15 November 1928, Page 2
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5,552A LECTURE Entitled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Its Discovery and Demonstration. Hutt News, Volume 1, Issue 25, 15 November 1928, Page 2
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