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Amusements. fJIHEATEB BOT Mi, PBONODNOED EMPHATIC SHOOBBB, TO-NIGHT! MONDAY, OOTOBBE 19th. The Famous WOODS-WILLIAMSON COMPANY In the first production in this city of Maud Williamson’s original dramatisation of Hall Caine’s -world-famed work "The Manxman,” entitled A WOMAN’S SIN. One of the moat beautiful and humane plays of modern times (“Sydney Morning Herald”), A play that bolds the mirror up to nature (“Melbourne Argus”). TUESDAY, OCTOBER IBth. LAST NIGHT. For the first time in this city, IN OLD MADRID. Being an original dramatisation of F. Marlon Crawford's fascinating novel "In the Palace of the King.” Price 4s, 2s 6d, and Is. Box Plan at Howe Bros’. Day Sales at Boss and Co.’s and Hyde and Co.’s, Tobacconists. 499 EMPIRE CATHOLIC BAZAAR. JJAIJTI THEATRE, OCTOBER Gth to 2Cth. SEE THE CHILDREN In the CODNTEY DANOB OF MBREIE ENGLAND. THE IRISH REEL. THE SCOTCH DANCE, danced by 4 Gordon Highlanders and 4 Black Watch. THE STATELY GAVOTTE OP FRANCE. HEAR HERE 0. LEHMANN’S ORCHESTRA. The Stalls are awaiting your inspection. Side Shows for Young and Old. Afternoon Tea a Speciality.
Open daily from 3 to 5 and 8 to 10.30. Doors open 2.45 and 7.45. ADMISSION /*D. O 363 HEATED ROYAL. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 19th. ONE NIGHT ONLY. A memorable night of music in its highest and most attractive form. Return visit of the Famous BLACK FAMILY. Musical Entertainers. MISS NELLIE V. BLACK, New Zealand’s Famous Contralto and Most Brilliant Violinist, commended by Miss Ada Crossley, Mdlle. Dolores, Philip Newbury and other great singers. All through New Zealand she has created the greatest enthusiasm by her wonderful performances. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. New Comic Songs. Latest Songs by Mibb Nellie, New Comic Sketches, New Orchestral Selections, Mandoline Quartettes, Violin and Flute Solos, Novelties, Skirt and Step Dancing, etc. Past Performance a guarantee of present excellence. Plan at Howe Bros’. Prices 2s and Is. Carriages, Motors, etc., 10.30. 497 J. A. MACDONALD.
LABOUR DAY SPORTS CARNIVAL. R ECEEATION NAPIEE. ABOUND, POSTPONED UNTIL SATDBDAY, OOTOBEE 22nd, 11 a.m. Admission to Ground Is, Stand 6d; Children 6d, Stand 6d, under 12 free to Grand Stand. 452
THEATRE ROYAL, NAPIER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26th. A. E. EVANS, O. F. EOACH, Hon. Secs. fJIHBATEE ROYAL. AN IDEAL SHOW NIGHT ATTRACTION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th and 21st. DIX’S REFINED ENTERTAINERS, Comprising the Finest Combination ef Vaudeville Talent ever seen in the Southern Hemisphere. THE WHEELERS. Marvellous Trick Cyclists, introducing their Sensational Act, and concluding with the most Daring Feat ever acoomplished, viz., “Somersaulting the Table.” MB GEO. DICKIE. America's Premier Ventriloquist, with his “Merry Moments Co.” MISS DORA TAYLOR. Original Tip-toe Dancer and Commedienne. MISS ALICE LAYTON, Queen of Song. ME CARDEN WILSON. Australia's Famous Mimic. MR LEB WARTON.
The ever green yet ever black Coon Impersonator. MB GEO. WARSAW. Popular Baritone Vocalist. 4 And the CATHEDRAL CHORISTERS A CATHEDRAL CHORISTERS 41: Sweetest Singers of Part Songs, Glees, etc., ever heard. . A GIGANTIC ATTRACTION. Popular Prices 3s, 2s, and Is, Day Sales at Hyde’s and Ross', Tobacconists. HARRY P. MULLER, 483 Business Manager. HAWKE'S BRANCH NEW ZEALAND VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION. ASOCIAL, for Veterans only, will be held in the Garrison Hall, on FRIDAY, October 21st (Trafalgar Day), at 8 p.m. All Veterans, including South Africans, cordially invited. Medals, etc., to be worn. R. W. WILKINSON, 477 Hon. Secretary, MANAWATU AND WEST COAST Annual metropolitan agricultural SHOW And INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION,
WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd. 3rd, and 4th, 1904, PALMERSTON NORTH. Entries close October 14th. 1904. Prize List post free or can be ob* tained from office of any A. and P. Association. J. C. ijANE, Secretary, Palmerston North. Telegraphic Address, Show Secretary. 1056
WANGANUI A. ft P. SHOW. November 16th & 17th. £1260 IN PRIZES. Entries close Nov. 5. Get a Schedule. *<mv Morton, whtw.
Meetings. HAWKE’S BAY PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE. Fifth oedinaet meeting in Museum, MONDAY, 17th instant, at 8 p.m. Paper.-—“ Herbert Spencer, his Life and Wort,” by Mr W. Dinwiddle. 484 J. HISLOP. Hon. Secretary, HAWKE'S BAY HIGHLAND SOCIETY. FOR the convenience of Country Members attending the A. and P. Society’s Show the October meeting takes place on THURSDAY NIGHT, at 8 o’clock, in the Foresters’ Hall. The meeting will take the form of a Social. Ladles provide. Strangers must be introduced by Members. 500 NOTICE (yf REMOVAL. OWING to Increased business requiring larger drawing office, I will remove to the new specially-built office at my residence, Milton-road, on SATURDAY, JULY 50th. An inquiry office with telephone connection has been arranged for with Mr Olatworthy in the “Herald” Chambers adjoining my old offices. 0. T. NATUBGH. Architect. PUBLIC NOTICE. to the Damage done to Embankments, ALL STOCK TRESPASSING on the WHABE-O-MABAENUI RESERVE will b$ impounded from this date. Napfe Jung astft. 15M* m
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 3
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820Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 3
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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