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M. . R. MILLBRg Ms!>k~--. M. K. M IIMB ' 3 hst oe PEBBHOIiD k LEASEHOLD PEOPEETIES OB SAM OE LEABB, PASTOBAI;. AOBICDIiTUEAIi AND TOWN LANDS. Hawke's Bat, N.Z. . PEBEHOT.DS. ; K r* f\ n AOEEB Preohold, Wairoa Distriofc, OOUU fonooa nnd partially improved lanrl, caimble of carrying two shoop por aoro; presont carrying 6000. Low prico; terms o.ißy. L«*J SOOO ACRES PREEHOXiD. Povorty Bay, splendid land, flat and low liilla 800 acres improved commodious houso. woolslied, yards, &0., ana 1200 Good Cro3sbrcd Sheen, a fow horses, , »n« Bomo good cattle, working plant. So. .Mice £2 10s -nor aoro, including over jtUing; £3flO'J oasb, remainder terms. L'" 11 «,800 Acros, Crown Grant, subdWded by sub- , stnntial fencing and rlvor iMundorios nto 28 largo paaaocks, ■boßidos a number of cultivation aiid Blioaritiff paddooks. About 2t,000 Boros already sown with English grassOß. Tbelandiß ol Hmoßtone formation, watered by numerous creeks, and-whon all sown will carry an avorago of at least two snoop per ncro. A very Tatgo atoa of this property suitablo for agriculture. Tho whole now with 45 000 Sheep, chiefly lodkwool ond orossbred j 700 ' Cntllo, n largo nnmber of Horses, farm nna Btntion mplemonts,- drays, and ft vary com. plote Btation plant. Tlio noaiest portion of this property is within 20 miles of Napior. Tbore is a largo substantial dwellmg-liouso, ont-Btatlons, now woolshoJ, several shoop and stock yards, stables, *o. Tho pneo very moaorate nna the terms easy. I' lo 7500 AoTOS.'undoi; Land Transfer Act. Tory rich •ana, limestone formation; about MOO acres biwn and part ploughed; subdivided into U paddooks, with cottage, men s hut, woolshod, 7000 r iJngw d ooi Sheeli 4200 being 4 and 6-tootU ewoa, the remainder hoggets. Excollont station plant.. Easy terms. 1251 7500 Acres, Orown Grant, Zl miles from Nnpior. Subdivided into 12 paddooks by fences and river boundaries; rich downs and plains, limostono formation j about half improved; good house, now woolshed ond yard now 0000 Bheer, ohiofly longwools, a tew Cattlo and Horses; droye, ploughs, and general Btation plant. ' l ivi 0000 Acres. Crown Ornut. Tho half rich allnvhl Bail, divided into olovon paddoolts. Five hours' sail ftom Auckland. Good liouso, f ards, &c, with .*■- ' 800 hoad of Cattlo. Prico moderate. [231 4050 Acros, Crown Grant; iraostouo downs, woll watered, sulxlivided, about half tho land sown with English grasses, with 4500 Crossbred Shoop. Price of land, fiss por acre. Easytorms. 2 10 8200 Aorcs, Crown Grant, limestone formation. Eathor moro than half improvod. May bo Ceased or purcha3od on »sy torms, at present 4000 ongwool and crossbred Sheep. [2K) 2200 Acros, Crown Orant, part improved, nearly all ploughable. Prioo, 50s per aero, oarrying 2500 crossbred Sheep, will carry 1000 moro in summer, and by additional sowing will winter 2 J shoop per aero. [2 10 2000 Aores, Crown Grant ; portion improved, will now winter 2000 shoep, estimated to oarry when all improvod 3 sheop per aoro. Good Dounaaries, well watered. About 20 milea from Napier. Prico, 40a por aoro, quaitor onßb, balanco easy terms, P33 i'OS LEASE, ■WITB FUECIUSIKG CLAUSE- • 2197 Aords, Crown Grant, at presont carrying 2000 sheep 10-10 Aoroß, Crown. Grant, at presont carrying 2JOO 1235 Acres, Crown Grant, at present carrying 1500 sboop Tho above Blocks ate »U moro or loss improved ; rich limestone country, well waterod. About 21 milos from Port. May be leased together or separately, : with purchasing olauso, ront meantime 6 pet cant, onainoant of tho pnrohase money, which is from 60s to 65sporaorc' , LflO 1905 Acres, Crown Grant, Patutahi, Gisborne. Splendid feed for 500 cattlo; about 200 aores Totarn, &o. Hoiibb, &c. For Balo at £1 Is por nero, or leano for 12 years, with purchasing claußo, at slightly inorcasodrjtes. •■ [217 1700 Acres, froohold.lOmilosfroaiGr ahamstown Partfoncod, drained, and 'Burfnco bowii. Al level, rich land. Tho Thamos Valloy Hallway will travorso this proporty ;■ oxcellout sito for township. Prico, JE5 lOs par acre. [2TO 300 Acros, Crown Grant, Kioh land, dlvidod into 12 paddocks; large houae and offices; mon'a hut, woolshod, yards, dip,, ahblos, &0.,' all in peri eot order. Wow with ' ' : ■' 4000 loncj'vool Shoep, 50 Cattlo, and 20 Horsoa. About ton milos from Napior. Bonutilnlly srtuatod; . ■ W 1040 Acros, Crown Grant, rioh land, on Mania Poniusula. Prico, 30a por tioro, Easy torms. I [«S 700 Acres, freehold, throo miles from Marlon Railway Station ; flrat-olass • land, 10-room houso, orchard, woolsbed, yards, dip, 40., flrst-rate ordor. Prico, £10 por noro. [iM 73 Acros freehold, twolvo miles from Tanranga ; 250 acres laid down in grass, remainder all ploughablo; the wholo subdivided into seven paddooUs, woll waterod; good house nud offices. • ■ . Pl* M 7 Aoros, Crown Grant, thick alluvial deposit, noar Palmorston North ; wollimproved ; good ■house and oilloos. Now carrying 3000 Sheep and 80 Cattle. Very modarato price. ■ ■ ■ —i— ' 510 Acres, Crown Grant, sis miles from Palmerston, part cleared. [242 526 Aorc3, froehold, 4\ miles from Tanranga. fenced and subdivided into numorous paddooks, 400 acres ploughed and laid down ; substantial and comforlablo house and oilloos, largo orchard aud garden; tho wholo excellent land and position. " Vi'i'2 EEEEUOLDS, WITH LEASEHOLDS. Ur\r\f\ AOEEB, Crown Grant. Tho *UU\J bulk of this is rioh noil, a 7 Btnall portion bush. Sir good paddocks. New and commodious houao, new woolthcd, men's cottage, stook and shoop yards tho small portion sown with English . firoSßßs tfiling vioYl, n.u4 by additional sowinK tho rallying cupaoitj mil soon, ha ociual to 16,000 shoop, with 8051 Acres leasehold, 20 years to run; at low ■ nuitn], ot prosont with 000 Sheep, woll-bred Merino, 50 Cnttlo, 15 Horses, and all requisite Btation plant. Price of froebold, 30s per cro, with stock and plant given in. Torinson third cash, balanco on easy terms. [203 5100 Acres freehold, fenced and subdivided, aud a good deal nnder English grass; good house, cottogos, woolshed, yards, &0., at present, 10,500 Shcop and lumDS ; nlso, ft. leasehold Blook of about 5000 Acrcß, at a low ront, which, whon broken in, will carry 2 shoop per acre. Torms vory easy. . 2<W 75,000 Acres eaaolioM, 10 yoars to ruu, rent £210 per annum; well bounded and subdivided; good houso, men's huts, storo, woolshod, yards, ouliivntion and shcai-mif paudocks, onHstntii»)B, &c, Tliia run can be made to carry immense flocks. £5000 lately spout on improvements, and now carrying 11,000 Shoop, good merinos, luu Cattle, aud 15 Horso3. The wholo for £18,000, easy torras, [236 55,000 Acres leasehold, 19 years to rnn, ront £150 por aunum. 460 Acres freehold. Freohold subdivided, under grass. Tho whole divided into several blocks, cnpaUe of groat dovolopmeut. Thii run, with 7000 Merino Shcon, £S5iW storllug [237 2WO Aores froehold, Crown Grant. 8300 Acres leasehold, sM years to run, ront £50 per annum, with 5000Shooji(muriiio»). Prico, fiWOO, halt cash. [215 600 Acres freehold, Cro'vii omut. 600 Acros laisdwlil, l'iw rout. 'JL'ugothcr carrying 1500 Merino Sheep. A luge portion in grass; ' snbdiridvd iiu« eight paddocks. Comfortable house, goodnurdfln, y.ird-i, &o. Prico et freehold, 453 por acre, leasehold mit £i 5 por annum. Sheop, cattle, and horsos at Viilniu ion. . [231 LEASEHOLDS. ( K Qf\ d AGUES Leasehold, Opoliki Dis. JL O«O\J \J trict, 10 yoars to run ; ront progressive, from £175 to £350. Good alluvial lints and hills that tako grass roadily, wonld Boon carry 10,000 sheep, proscut stock 4500 Morino and Orossbred Shcop. Prioo, £0000. 11,000 Acros loasehold, Povorty Bay, 12 years to run, ront £100 por annum. King fouccd and several paddocks adjoining homestead, houso, wouluhod, yards, Ac, with 5000 Shcop, with all plant and stock given in. Hall o£ tho slates in thia line have hoon bought. ' ' [185 4500 Acres leasehold, Povorty Bay, oars to run. Kent, £100 por anuam, with 1800 crossbred Sheep, 38 Cattlo, and a few Draught Horses. Price, £2iOO Btorlinit. [ - 21G EURAL SECTIONS, WOOUVILLB. Bootion 11, containing 203 a 2r 23]>, 40 acres in grass, fonced on two sidos. Price, £l 15s. Sootion 12, containing 229 a, GO acros in grass. Prioo, £1153. Sootion 1615, containing 80a, ' 10. 'acros in grass, foncod on tliroo sidos withasoven.wlre fence Price, £11 10s. 82 ncrcß Freehold, four roilos from WoodviUe lioubo, o • cos, aud good garden ; 10 nero cleared and in gr.isb. ' ' [262 SUBUEBA.N ALLOTMENTS, WOODVILLB. TOWN ALLOTMENT:), KAIKOBA. TOWN ALLOTMENTS, HASTINGS. Soveral Town Allotments, \ acre oach, Patntaki 7-roomod Uouso,,To>vn of Nupior, with i-aoro o laud M. R. MILLEE, 115 Stockjaud Station Agent. SMALL FARMS FOR SALE. THREE Sections ' of the Mount Krln Estato, containing together about 150 acres rich alluvial land, subdivided into paddocks. For salo in soparato sections or as a wholo, on vory easy torms. Apply to M. R, MILLKR, 719 Stook and Station Agout. THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE ASS00IATI0N; Tho Only Opmok possessing GovkknMknt Skcumty nnd proil'oring tlio ooinbined (idvantagcs of IjIFU NSUHANCK WITH PIIOI'ITS IiOWEST PIIBMIOMS AcouMDr.ATKu Funds op oveii ONIt MILLION STERLINQ inviolaiile statk goabanthk Most Liiibhal Conditions Extant Phomit Settlement of Claims „ LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Policy • holdora nnnblo to pay thoir pro iniums enn, aflor two years, linvo Okkoh until tlio amount iv nrroar. (with Inlorcat al 7 nor uunt.) oxeceds tho Surrcndor valuo anil in Uio ovonl of death prior to tho ex ■haußtlon of Surrcndor Valuo, tho sum as Burecl Is payablo Icsb tho arroars, TBMPBBANCB SECTION. Tho only Lifo lnsuranco Oflico in Nov Zealand •which offers to total abstainers tin mlvnntago of a Tomporanoo Section, mi premiums charged are tho sarao as in tin General Section, but tho profits will bo ascoi' taincd separately, and divided amongs bstalncrs LOANS ON MORTGAGE. Tho Association is now tending monoy oi approved Freehold Security to tho oxtonL o half tho valuo oilbrod, at modorato rates o interest. Particulars nnd forms of application cni bo obtained at the Head Olllce, or at th Uistrlet, and Residonl Agoncies. D, M. LUCICIB, Gonoral Managor. Head OlTlco, Wellington, Way, 18615. to

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7542, 12 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7542, 12 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7542, 12 August 1886, Page 4


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