WAIPA CLUB’S PACES. THE ANNUAL MEETING. POLONET WINS THE CUP. (by TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATIONTE AAVAMUTU, Dec. 14. The AVaipa Racing Club held its annual meeting at the Te Aivamutu racecourse on Saturday. Results '• Pirongia Handicap Hurdles, one mile and tv hall'. —Knighthood 1, Prince Abbey 2, Kawir 3. Also started: R'ipling, Importer. Advent. Submerge, Lady Hill, Kashmir, Gay Pains. Kiliikihi Handicap, six furlongs.— Muria 1, Loch Abbey 2 Lord' Loppy 3. Also started: Jolly Princess, Nocturne, St-rongholt, Gold Pern, Tresor, Areheen, Uncle Jack, Winnie Abbey, Pagoda, Connemara. ■•Waipa Plate, five furlongs.—Zanna 1, Illingar 2. Also started: Haurua, Maurea, AVaitu, Ellah, Sam. Jasper, Gate, Royal Bonus, Master McPeake, Lightwood, Cuplialon, Star Comet, Gay Comet, Vernier, Bavu, MUs Ford, Narpara, Topping, Bonnie Abbey. AVarnui, Lilac Domino, Bright Comet, Papatu, Athenry, Thurnrosae, Kiki, Nave, Queen Lupin, Royal Mint, Judge’s Box, Town Mail. ' Te Awamutu Cup Handicap, one mile and a quarter. —Polonet 1, Cherry Ripe 5 2, Alforfc 3. Also started: Illumination. Boomerday, Matinee, Gold Jacket, Tinokaha, Lapidary,. Irene Bruce, Peter Rosa. Plying Handicap, six furlongs.^— Broadwood 1, Master O’Rorke 2, Heisler 3. Also started: Te Kara, Finelli, Tama-iai-roa, Diamond Moon. Paterangi Welter Handicap, one mile.—-Gala Day 1, Right and Left 2, Gold plane 3. Also started : Kstkonia, Gold Ivip, Smoke, Shebang, Maurea, Sea De’il, Greek Son, Tresor, Starland.
Orakau Hack Handicap, seven furlongs.—'Desert Glow 1, John Dix 2, Ngarara 3. Also started : Constellation, Zanha, Kaikahu, Titaness, Uncle Jack, R,a,rangi, Connemara, Rahepoto, Curraghmore, West Abbey, Carleen. Bright Comet, Lady .Cintnai, Gayi Comet. Waitu. Mangapiko, Ellah, Genetra., Last Watch. j Olfaupo Handicap, seven furlongs.— Joy Ride 1, Regent 2. A 1 so> started: Passionless. Zircon; Kahikatea. Nocturne, Right and Left. Master O’Rlorke, Peter Maxwell. Gold Bud, Smoke. Infante, Mia Bella., Brushwood Boy, Pagoda, Yankee Dan.
The weights for the first day of the Stratford Racing Club’s New Year meeting have been declared hv Mr. W. Russell (handieapper) as follow: — Tariki Welter Hack Handicap, seven furlongs.—Sunny Vale 9:11, Carnbee 9.8, General. Pryde 9.6, The Curragh 9.3, Blue Peter "9.1, The Emporor 9.0, Arsene Lupin. 8.13, Interest 8.12, Mountain Bell 8.10, Ore Ore 8.9, Eliah, Lady Sanforte, All Wind, Cooinda, Objector, Enthuse, Fire Brigade, Cairn Eye, Captain Gazely, Gold Rangi, Craigowan, Pouri Hoi ho, Lupass., Ratapiko 8.7. Stratford Cup Handicap, one mile and a quarter. —Admiral Codrington 9.0, Avola 8.9, Stork- 8.3, Correspondent 8.0, Sir Pam, Irnpxika . 7.6, T'ino-, kalia 7.5, Oleasanta, 7.3, Euchre, ’‘Estlionia 7.1, Black Cruiser, Glencairn 6.13, Thunderclap. 6.12, The Banker 6.11, Mangawhero 6.10, Abbey Bell 6.9, G-len-gariff 6.8, Sunshot, Maunu, Miss Mickey 6.7. Ohura Hack Hurdles Handicap, one mile and a half.—Miss Mickey, 11.0, Waimatoa 10.4, Te Kawa 10.2, Sling Camp 9.12, Velociform 9.10, Amber Tip.s, Silent Knight 9.9, Big Push 9.8, Dignity 9.5, Cushat, Gold Peak 9.3, Athens 11. 9.2, Roaming, Loved One, Lady Comet, White Ranger, EldenJiolm, Chesforte, Silver Mill, Cora Paul, Craigowan, Pouri I-loiho 9.0. Juvenile Hack Handicap, five furlongs—Zaza 9.0, Solferange 8.12, Roburite 8.6, Bonogne 8.5, Star Area 8.0, Troilus 7.11, Enplionium, Insurance 7.8, Vaward, Roburant, Gold Cellector, Catmint—Pattoha colt 7.5, Bahama, Anchor, Avolo, Lucernal 7.3, Bisox, Seastar, filly by Taimaka— Captain Webb mare 7.0.
Douglas Handicap, siix furlongs— Rational 9.6, Reremoana 8.8, Halgina 8.5, Lady Bentinpk 8.2, The Lamb 7.18, Orchid, Waimatoa 7.11, Irapuka 7.10, Big Push 7.9, Tinokaha. Pouma 7.0, Sunny Jim 7.3, Abbey Bell 7.2, Black Cruiser 7.0, Awake 6.11, Rehutai, lioii 6.9, Muria6.B, Maunu, Emerald Hill, Pagoda 6.7.
Midhirst Hack Handicap, one mile — The Banker 9.0, Glengariff 8.11, Sunshot 8.9, Solferange 8.5, GeneralPryde 7.12, Treadwell 7.10, The Curragh 7.9, Merry Ann 7.7, Arsene Lupin, Dignity 7.5, Sftnsalino 7.3, Lady Comet, Closefire, AV-Kite Riangeir, Enthuse, All Wind Aoetoa, Taitaiata, Sir Douglas 7.0.
Railway Hack Handicap, six furlongs— r le Kawa 9.3, llelmtai 8.11. Muria 8.10. Solferange 8.6, Sunnv Vale 8.5, Papanonga, Carnbee 8.2, Roburite 8.0, Lusylvia 7.7, Blue Peter, W r ee Sandy 7.6, Lord Loppy, Mountain Ore 7.5, Arsene Lupin, Troilns 7.3, Inter-, est 7.2, King Neva. Mountain Bell 7.1, Mapara, , Utah, Lady Hazel, Gold Rangi, Lady Sanforte, Lightwood Hallowmoon 6.12. TARANAKI JOCKEY CLUB. CHRISTMAS MEETING.. WEIGHTS DECLARED. WELLINGTON, Dec. 14. The following weights have been declared by Mr H. Coyle for the first day cf the Taranaki Jockey -Club's Christmas meeting:— Borough Juvenile Hack Handicap, 5 furlongs.—-Soii’erange 9.0, Bonoguo 8.8, Shut-Eye 8.5, Star Area B.L, Insurance 7.9, Roburnnt, , Bon Don, Potona colt 7.7. Bahama, 7.6, Avolo, Anchor 7.5, Bisox 7.2. Luc-ernal 7.0.
Ballot a Hade Hurdles, If miles and 110 yard's.—Miss Mickey 11.0, Equitable 10.11, Te Kawa. Waimatoa 10.3, Sling Camp 9.12-, Amber Tips 9.0, Silent Knight 9.8, Yeloeiform 9.7, Gold Peak 9.5, Lady Hill, Craigo.wan, Eldenholru, Chesforte, Loved One, Athens 11., Lady Comet 9.0.
Stewards’ Hack Handicap, six furlongs.—Rehutai 9.0, Muria 8.11, Sunny Vale, Solferange 8.9, The Banker 8.5, Carnbee, Papaponga 8.3. Treadwell 8.2, Wee Sandy 7.10, Blue Peter, Lord Loppy 7.9, Mountain Ore 7.8, Lusylvia 7.7, interest. Arsene Lupin 7.5, King Neva 7.3. Ellah 7.2, Lady Sanforte, Fire -Brigade, Lightwood 7.0. Christmas Handicap, l. 1 , miles. —Tim> kaha. 9.0, Irapuka 8,11, Euchre 8.9, Glciuairn, Kahikatea .8.7, Black Cruiser 8.6, Esthonia, The Banker 8.5, Glenganlf, Abbev Bell. Sunshol. Eerie 8.3.
l.epperlon Welter Handicap, 7 furlongs.—Sunny Yale 10.7, Matin Bell Iff.2, Carnbee 10.1, General Prvde 9.11. Blue Peter, The Curragh 9.9, Lusylvia 9.7, Merry Ann, The Emperor 9.6, In-
Lcrcst 9.-5, Dignity 9.1, Sausalino, Arsen© Lupin 9.3, Sir Douglas, Pouri Hoiho, llatapiko, Ore Ore, Roaming, Lady Comet 9.0.
Flying Handicap, six furlongs.—Rational 9.7. Master Sandstone 8.10, Orchid 8.0. Yoma 7.13, Tinokoha 7.11. Big Push 7.9, Sunny Jim, W aim a tea 7.8, Abbey Bell 7.5, Black Cruiser 7.4, Thunderclap 7.3, Muria, Hori 7.0, Emerald Hill 6.10, Pagoda, Maunu, Festive 6.7. AUCKLAND MEETING. WEIGHTS FORMING!! EVENTS.
Following are the weights for the first day of the Auckland Racing Club’s summer meeting:— Robinson Handicap, seven furlongs — Piquant 9.0, Lackliam, Archibald, Lapidary, Daylight 8.6, Whetunui, Desert Glow, Quiescent, Constellation, Ring the Bell, Pinon 8.2, Zanna 8.0, Arch Ami 7.11, Passionate, Mxiseari, Kilris, Strongholt 7.10, Tactician 7.9, Finnoie, Bevis,- Uralla 7.7, Cherry Ripe 7.5, Explorer 7.3, Sleepy Sol, Exactly, Cawnpore, Pitch, Princess Nata, Monday, Winkle's Wheel, Electrode, Frowning Beauty, Blue Joy, Curraghmore, Bahepoto, Lady Cintra, Genetra, Quinsilia, Fiery Lad, Drolatiqiie, Phoenix Park, Orozino, Gaqxxi, Opaloid, Te Monanui, Otauru, Kaikahu, Golden Sovereign, Narcosia- 7.0.
Grafton Hurdle Race Handicap, two miles.—Landbird 11.7, Starlaiid 11.3, Bullford 11.2, Tinokaha, Santiago, Maungit, Demagogue 10.10, Explorer 10.7, Pine Arch, Miss Melva. 10.6, Admiral Codrington 10.5, Sen De’il 10.2, Crown Coin 10.1, Royal Abbey 10.0, Mia Bella, Narrow Neck 9.13, King Abbey, Pentagram 9.12, Rippling 9.6, Cool Stimulants, Prince Abbey, Athens 11., Otauru, Advent, Ardnalea, Irish Jig, Guianform, Tetahi, Glenotus ,9.0. Nursery Handicap, 5 furlongs.—Lady Cavendish, King Lu 9.2, Shirley 8.12, Mimetic, Tiega 8.5, Gold Box, Romantic, Bank Draft, Nadarino 8.0, Master Mind, Judge’s Box 7.9, Merry Damon, Paddon, Royal Mint, , Star Stranger, The. Mahdi, Gold Mint, Uranium gelding, Golden Autumn 7.8, Nastori, Bennance 7.4. Holymond Ohui 7.3, Oration, Le Clioucas, Gold Acre 7.2, Air Queen, Ad a vale', Oreum 7.0, Queen Arch, Waning Light, Luxurious, Ohineinuri, Lomint Charis 6.11.
Christmas Handicap, 1 mile.—Surveyor 9.10, Royal Divorce 8.12, Bonetter 8.10, Tarleto.n 8.8, Inferno, Ruapapa, Kick Off 8.7, Count Oavour, Alert 8.1, Loyal Irish 8.0, Quest 7.12, Pompey 7.11, Bright Day 7.8, Glenross 7.7, Footfall, Raceful, Spoony, Town Bank, Matinee, Lady Ridicule, Gold Jacket 7.3, Landslide 7.2, Zirconl 7.1, Mo.unt». Marta., Starmist 6.11, Tresham, Rouex, Prettyman, Forest Gold, Sandstar, Master Doon 6.10, Dazzling Light 6.9, Gala Day, Jolly Princess, Master O’Rourke, Nocturne, shebang, Charlady, Smoke, Lady Rewa, Go/lden Glass, Namutere, Malatour 6.7. AUCKLAND RE-HANDICAPS. \ AUCKLAND, Dec. 14. Auckland Racing Club’s re-handicaps .i re: — Auckland Gup.—Polonett, 61bs. Christmas Handicap.—Gala Day Tibs. AUSTRALIAN RESULTS. i iY CABLE-HPRESB ASSOCIATION-COPYRIGHT. SYDNEY, Dec. 14. 1 Moorfield race results are: Maiden Handicap.—First Division: ,• White and Black 1, Bosh. 2, Koala 3. ! AVon by three-quarters of! a length. 1 Time, LI6J. Moorfield Stakes. —Amlais 1, Queen Lovesign 2, Coleus 3. AVon by two - lengths. Time, 1.15 L
LONDONj Dec. 13. F. Rees, the jockey, won his hundredth race under national hunt rules this year, a feat no other jockey has ever approached., TROTTING. NEW BRIGHTON MEETING. FIRST DAY’S RESULTS. CHRISTCHURCH, Dee. 14. ' The New Brighton Trotting Club’s summer meeting opened yesterday in fine but windy weather. • The track was in good order, and the attendance was up to the average. The totalisator investments were £25,294 10s, compared with £27,344 on the opening day last year. Results:
Trial Handicap, one mile and a half. Bingenette (Warren) 1, Woodbine 2, Queen Ida 3. Also started: Peter’s Pet, Mount Royal, Lady Fan, Zelica, Te Rapa, Audo Bell, Huia Son, Wakefield, Brent Boy, Elect, Welcome "Whispers, Cabin Girl, Dragoon Junior, "Wild Hebe. Won by a length, four lengths between second and third. Time, 3.39 1-5.
Improvers’ Handicap, one mile and a half.—Ocean Spray (j. McDermott) 1, Logan Holme 2, Kiribingi 3. Also started: Wainoni, Yen, Harley Dillon, Binsearth, Lady Trafalgar, Magala, Nibbiard, Lady Rockaway, Dalmenv, Nellie Audubon, George Grafton, Gracie Thorpe, Ando, Black Admiral, Hustler, 1 The Toff, Guy Fawkes, Albert Logan, .Plywood, Henry Tracey. "Won by a length, six lengths between second "and third. Time, 3.34 2-5. Mace Memorial Handicap, two miles.—Dalmihinc (M. B. Edwards) 1, Brutus 2, Pedro_ Pronto 3. Also started: Tala ro, Olive Huon, Pinevale, Event, Browmvood, Yera Logan, Wild Thyme, Partner, Waitaki Girl, Escort, Ouimet, Whispering Willie, Loganwood, Pearlie Chimes. Won by a length, the same distance between second and third. Time. 4.37. Bowhill Handicap, two miles. —Rosie Nut (F.' E. Jones) 1, Annie’s Dream 2, Stunt Artist 3. Also started: Axtel, Oriole, Miss Babs, Billy Dillon, Squatter, Bright Bell, Mahene, Crusader, King Abdullah, Transport, Renown, Reappear, King Dillon, Prince Burlington, Avenue, The Rook. "Won hv six lengths, three lengths between second and third. Time, 4.40 3-5.
Sea View Handicap, two miles.— Tiny Moon (G. F. Robinson) 1, First Fashion 2,' Audominion 3. Also started : Carbine, Marvin Drift, Duke Bingen, Pieter Timmerman, Wonder "Why, Master Audo, Proud Ata, Ingle Bingen, Nelson Bell, Johnny Bells, Mangontu. Won by three lengths, six lengths between second and third. Time, 4.50 4-5. Dash Handicap, one mile.—Glenelg (A. Butterfield) 1, Glen Sun 2, Lee Todd 3. Also started: Mountain Chimes. Peter King, Ben Dillon. "Won by a length, eight lengths between second and third. Time, 2.18 1-5. Wainoni Handicap, one mile and a half.—Jack Potts (B. Jarden) I. Onyx 2, Elite 3. Also started: Pakoti, Lightning, Emperor, Adair, Fancy Buy, Gleaming. Won by a length, half a length between second and third. Time, 2.53 1-5.
Electric Handicap, one mile.— Coronel (F. Holmes, iinrr.) 1, Gold Bud 2, War Bond 3. Also started: Peter King, Quiver. Silent Sign, Hare wood. King Karri, "Weaver, Rex Coronado, G.lcn Mavis, Phil Smith, Tobermory, Coldstream. Won by a neck, 10 lengths between second and third. Time, 2.16 3-5.
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Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 15 December 1924, Page 6
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1,802SPORTING. Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 15 December 1924, Page 6
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