MARLBOROXjpH KACES. CLT TO AM. BASHAM 'S 'DOC DLL. (Per Press Association.) lor the Marlborough races to-du) ■ there was idea! weather and a fail! crowd was present, while the course* j excellent. The totalisator took £9,66k . compared with £10,359 on the first day* last year. Results: — Novices’ Hack.—j Sasham (D Bvt( lur) J ; 2 -Ky]a. ((«•. Ridgway i 2; a Ta-1 kuka (J. Olsen) 3, Also run: Aston-i form, Oread, I'eriajida,. Silo, Con vic-' tion. Royal Game, Pleasant Surprise. Gourmet, AVan by ‘ a length: third a length and a Lu.'f away. 'Time 1.1 4*5, 1 t Starborough Trot.—l Sarsaparilla (T.Gilmore) 1; 4. Theda (D. Chapman) 2;; 11. .Bon Elect 3. 5 Workman 4. Alb started. Won bj- two lengths; thinll three behind. Time 3.4 G 2-5. Marlborough Cup. 7 Tiesham .(!-'.I Mcßrearty) 1; “ Waetea (H. Stuart) 2; G Bon March (C. 13.I 3 . Robinson) 3. Also run: Zero Hour, Kahuuiuu, Gamecock., Won by three-quarters of a I length; third three lengths away. Time 2.18 3-5. Dash Hun dicap.—2 Sushum (I<. Taffe) .1; 1 Tempean (0. Ridgway) 2; 93 (D. Watts) 3. Also ran: Sunbath, TTilfurd. Won by two lengths: third two and a half bcdiind. Timo 1.1 3-5. Summer Handicap.—l First Aero (P. M.-Hremly > 1: \ii.g chu.pii (-M. Mclid 9: 'l Prnii vmix il. Olseu ) ■ ’.. Alsu i'::i.: Miyiii l . i.i.lil l.nsli’i. by kaif i! : tbiil a ucxk av.ay. Time 1.1.'. AMiitni Tro:.—L' Vikutil (S. iiagek. J ; 1 Dillor, X I’ll.;,.- 1., 11 lavaJson . 2: <■ '.'■’air Dillon ; .S. Wi'i’kmuai 3. Aho I’an: Riiwoau l.u»s, I'alin billon. Jolly Ilog l ’ l '- i Nellio Pinsons, T’.nby Rose, Holicyivuovl, bates! T'asliioii. VGe: l.y a he,Ji. 'llnie Hrool by Welle-,'.~1 MT ■ : os Wejy 'H. So.-oorW I : I A'.h' <J‘. Ate Hi eati.y; i!: 5 Miaul?,'llio ,l>. V.’llttS) j. .Mil’ Him Boiiiilie, Mu n e lies ter. AsliP'rm, ITeaeai,r Sai’l>rise. Holer. Winkle. AMoiiWrni. VVuii l.'y n ’’'-SKI'.l n heiW WTiiii,' l.lii 2 -I. iJleiili, i'b t\ '■!' '1 -- li- :i" il i ’ ■ isi >n>,e• , 1 : I ll'oi'-x (I-*- *Wi:!s. 1: I Probate 1,1. ( i i.l. A?..' > ;,1. : Pam, I'l-ov. n Star. Miseoieiu. W'-a hy ■
neek. Time ' MAREBOIIOt '(.II \l* KP I' ANCkS. BLENHEIM, 1-in'ia>W. | Tilt Mar!lx,mil'll Club tie1 c-eptanees for the see,mil buy are as follows: — Awarua Welter, 140 sors, 7 iiirlongs, (opr-.ii >. -Beaumont. I 1 .’-, ftouex 9.,'. Par;, 0.1. !■. -' 1 11 . King’ ( 1ie,,;,,.. 5.9. Probate 5.4. Mwgoverii KJ. Zero ILrni 7.1’-'. Cnmn Star 7.12 I B,juh' . Gohl 7.12. I’re.'idenis Hanilieuy. 2,>0 sovs, 1 nii| e mid Sit i m d.-.-- 1 re-luun 9. Eh - Wa,-ir.i I' w -i A, i e 9.2, Brinloin,lS s.s, hllluhlllla ■'■2, I." Ill I."■■01" 7 I) ' Pgiusike Hnnilieiip 1011 . 0 'i ,r longs. --Ibini-iiips b .12. lloii.-s s.ll. I Mi-galo 9.1(1. King Clic-in Pro bale 7.7. Misgovern 7.7. Cniv.n bt-m’ j T'enipean. Lord Lc-.'Ue 7JI. I Pietoii Welter, 1.10 sms.. 7 furlongs. j-.-Moiitmi. [.ad,- |i-..'. Bonutic 9.1:1. I Axle 9.9, Phantasy 9.(1. Mandiesle: Ashiorin, 9 0. Pelorus Hack Handicap. 195 sows.. 1, furlong,-.— AJviitoa Lady- 9.9, Sa-sham S 13. Bonaiio- 3.5, Kola S.T, Phantasy 7.1:1. Sunbath 2.7. Takalia 7.7. Silo. Crea-J. 7.(1, Periiinda 7.7, Trilford 7.0. Springlaiids Trolling Handicap, 11.-i 1 j.,,v5.. I mile.-—Grey Thorpe, Miss I Mi-ib-l. Vlkoiii. Golden lo undo. L-ord fteneer, ITuinniing Hird. Itil'on’I Pride, l-hheii Billon. Polio Leaf. 1 u- ; lure. Aunerley so-r., Lumdule 12, Kil.-i-I rmgi 24. Queen Ida 3<j, Ibid Bill 30. . in 4-. Itiem-do 72. j Emrliall Banda.-ap (.-.tiddh). -luss I i‘t.ll two niilo.s.- Pei ~-i t lioin Mku'-i. . Mepldstopbel-s. ser.. Ma- Kita 21. ; I hc-dn 90, Bro.jkl, n H,dl 102, CEm - <■>-,’ IV. Win- IS2, GORIJ RACES. ) GUIiE. ITbriuiiy ‘-T,. ■ 'rhe 1,,,..,. Bacnig Club’s .'...iiiiiier J Meeting euiicjuded to-day- in fine weni Ihor, the attendmice being tmr. but I the l rael: was Giglitlv sufr. Th- totalI isatm- took tll.illil.'. 210.5031 I on 111'- same day lasi year, ami EtT.sOd : r,ii ike Im-, ting, agiiiiisl '- 2 i.-’sl'i last i \ 0; I . Bi.-sults:- ■ ! iiiarai-i lla-k li inidifap. Receipt I j Rippling Lake 2, Kapuini b. Also ran: | Ifnel; ~ ’ 1 .anteru. Paris. \ 'gar. King | I 'up. Wars ■■■r. Spearvuid. St! allui'-'.cr. i A head each way.' 1.3.1. I Autumn' ap. —Happy ..'ays >■ I Th.. Clu at 2. Mnnliui Also Bal vkiwn. Bi-mify Light. Mini by twi;'-.! a av.-i.y. Tino Lol 1 ! n-kviui 111"! .- -Bob I. A.-r.mmir 2 , King Balboa .:. Alm Mailed: Erlvul. : Bbl" ! >i--* go'.i’i. Hoseu'.'r. lan I P. i vinial. Sebultiselu-, Ci-tl Iw. Mudim-k. ' .billy Fellow. ITev h livl '••. b b M-.iij lengths; 'iliii'd a l.nglt' a«ny- I inn ' 1.10 1 J. I 'rugressii <- 'I r-1. b-'i’ 1 ■ , Fosbury It. Klug Pong Bel l W Vis ' . .." : Auld lb-rlo,A-' L'i"i M illku I '-. Kiivalo. Ilo'vri B'-11. Mtellamaris. ' Slv-k'i'le .h.i’.ior, l-’irsl Water. Kaihiku I -I'raoi '. < hild, Gill'e- 1 ’nlluui. 91. Ti'ow as. Brii'klavei-, boil.' Boni. Wiui oy ’ |l : i|.,| ~ l-ugth away. 1 mie I-'.I I Seeond .lumper, ’ llaiiilienp.--Kannw | I. ,s.d.liers Pride I’, Xav.v Cut "■ Ms' 1 iimi.-.l: ilighlmrn, Thisl L"WW .lolls i (.Hail, Cogue, bwim Ashore. \\eu by a I V ek; third a lengths away. Time 2." 1 Porur.’.'h Hanuiea |l. —Lu'. a 1- Monox lide 2, Ailin' ii. Also .rat'i Marumnt ' Bi-a-ity Light. Bloein. All Style, 1 «oi i .•aise,’Killmrry. Twirls. Won by two i b-vili ,: third half a length away. lime I Lull 4 m ' Telegraph Trot.-Polly Hom I, .-out |2, South Star :l. Also stm-tod: Prey | Stone, Dillon Blake, Mattie’s Gul, ooy
Chlims. fji-oitlsli Minstrel, T’c-rii-.-t ! Pointer, Hon.', r, Bylas. W.-i by o' neck; third four lengths av.nv. Time 2.21. President's Huudi<\\'.- —Fill! iSwiiig J, I Courtly Rose 2, (ildigio 3. run: | Apache. Won by three lengths; third I length away, 'limo 1.54 4-5. WAIAi’E liACTis GJSBOBMi. I'.-b. 27. Rosult.s at Wo.iapu Races were. - , Tcpuni Memorial.— Hampton Court j 1, Tnaparu 2. Cymiha 3. Alsu run.-— | Momentous. Free Kick. Alairano. Won ■ by eight lengths; third five behind. Time 1.13, AVniapu Stakes, — Garzon 1. Uuj- Day i 2, Heather Bench 3. Only starters, Won' by threp qmirtery of a l p, 'gth; third ■ three Wiiml, Time 2.18/ GENERAL NOTES. -The imported horse lat piim. ry, >m>! boon plticcd on the easy list, but wibl be sot going again. Evidently R. Hannon has hupcs of! Lord Star Ptandiug anothi r preparn-' tion. for he has the i.". .! M'lltl'.id j gelding entered at T<- Aroba. lad Star hay been off the Hi-om- for about J two years, lie milks among !!;>• best | that the Waikato uwner has ru/cd Ti l reccnT years, R. \\. King expects to get/ uuny to! Sydney with Aberfcldy on Friday next.! JCbcrfeLly is building up nieeJr ; should be an improved horse ia tliej An effort was made to purchase Whi te Fang at. Wanganlli. but t l ,c! owner was not anxious to sell. Next month will be a fairly busy per-J iod in the South Island, us the Otautau meeting will be held on March 3. Nelson i on March 5 and 6, Bunks Peninsula on, Mareli (>. Southland on Alorch Hl ami 11,. ..aimatc on March *lB. Oamaru on! March 22 ami 23, am.l on zdarch 13 tue| Tlmaru Trotting Club will hold a mcet-i ing, This will be followed by the New Brighton meeting, to be held on March 18 and 20. Hymestra was a warded lirst prize kt the Mastcrtpn Show l ist week in the I thoroughbred sialliou class, v. ith Grey-1 sn<mr seCofid. There was much talk at Wanganui about the punish merit iutilcted on L. G. Morris mi Saturday. )dorris, who wnji the JaeksoH Stttkes on Rer<Irnounu, was stood down for '.lie re|ma|ii lcr of the aftermvju, and it was I stated lo the press that the charge I against him was one of cureless riding |in that event. Morris hud been on the j carpet carb/’ in the day, ulmig wdh ; several others, in consequence of c in the Ok«'!‘i. Hack Bai. Iwap, I but the stew ards did nut cuiisid"r there I whs sufilciont evidence >u justify their taking action. Although one approernes ai\v on !<mv<.ur to pu? a stop to ! cureless ridi.) r, Morris seems to have been a. little unlucky on ihc present oecnsiou. Guy Bird has been sent Lome by K It is understood that the steepleclmuors Whipcord and Tigorlaml will lie trained in future by F. P. Claridgc for Sir Clms. <himpbeii. Wlum in RLongley’s stable, the pair paid their v.ijv, and at th fir age they tpui hardly be expected to do mure. I > Route is to remain with Longley for t.h<‘ limo being. Boiioniel and Ophir ar*' 1 expected to rnnhu their reappearance at Riccarton shortly, and will be prepared for winiter racing. I Viewpoint, who raced disappointingly lat Wingatui and Rimut’un. has been I sent home to the West Coast, but lus Rtuble mate, Guosestep. will remain for the Bunks Peninsula meeting to be held next week. The Australian-bred pacer Prince Denby was shipped on Tuesday’ rJgbt on ins way to Perth, whore his ownei resides. He was accompanied by a two-year-old by Author Dillon from Son Spray, who has shown a good deal of promise. For the fifth year in sucefssion, idi< Otahuhu Cup was won t\y an Auslm linn horse. Grand Voyage won ii 1922. Sheik iu 1923. Delavan Quest i) 1921. Orion in 1925. and Machine Bri'*!-' this 1 vear. As somebody remarked “tin- Otahuhu Cnj has been a great rnee for the Austialiaus iu recent y ’ i mm iuiiii«niMi>wiwi i m ’iiiMipni wiw
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Grey River Argus, 26 February 1926, Page 6
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1,575RACING AND TROTTING. Grey River Argus, 26 February 1926, Page 6
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