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Greetings to all. Good thought to all the world. Good thoughts at nine al wavs. Good thoughts to Dad and Tc Wiho. Good thoughts to ourselves. Yes, Kia Ora; throe cheers’and Hire cheers for Te Wihoi. I wish I ha known you wore willing to colled Hazel; I could have found plenty fo you to do, and not by yourself either Yes Mr Webb and comrades deserve on good thought, and so do you. dear, fo you are not bOfoind with your little, t keep the starving children of Russia NV hat a lovely lot of toys you and you Water have, Lily, and I am sure voi love to play together, don't you?* am wonuering where Mary Ana i.*Suppose we all sit down for a few min Utes to-day and send her good thought just to Jet her see we want her to writ' to us. Keep on sending your goo< thoughts Annie, for good thoughts wil always produce good actions: and yoi are full of good thoughts, little Sun beam. Dear Eddie, you are not tin only that has to sutler the ridicuh of his comrades. Every man who trie; to respect humanity has been jeered a and laughed to scorn. ,Why; Christ who taught all love and beauty, wa: jeered at and spat at and ridiculed Be brave do not ever give in, and th< day will come when those who mak< fun of you to-day will speak of yoi with pride to-morrow. Do not let thei; jeers hurt you. Send them good thought; and keep on. You are one of our bos' Sunbeams. So the two Sunbeam Ed die’s arc to spend a holiday together 1 hope you have a good holiday. Yoi "will bo able to tell us all about it whei you write. Yes, are jusi a Sunbeam and a true boy. for boys d< do not like school, do thev? What : glorious old world it would be if wi could gain knowledge without study ch. 1 should like to see Dot Te Wihoi is our guiding star, Jack Welcome back Lena. If you keep youi good resolution Aunt Flora will bi pleased. Gladys; Eddie needs all oui good thoughts, so keep sending him good thoughts. What a pity it has been so rainy and wet for your holidays. Tommy. I think children love’ ihc warm sunshine as little flowers do. 'lhc Genoa Conference has failed. Well that is good news for the friends o’ labour all over the world, ft is a sure sign that capitalism is breaking up when conference after conference fails in its objective. 1 am very tired tonight, and must ask the Sunbeams Io forgive me if my notes seem as tired a 1 am myself. Good thoughts to al] the world. “In all the world of intellectual progress thought has worked wonders, and earth’s grandest men arc those who have thought good thoughts.’’ AI’NT FLORA. SUNBEAMS’ LETTERS. Dear Aunt Flora—Good thoughts to all Sunbeams and Uncles, yourself and Tc Wihoi. J 1 am sure dear To Wihoi will appreciate all the nice tilings said about her and she will know how much her letters are appreciated. We are still having bad weather. Our school has started again. I am glad, because I like school. Cheer up and don’f take any notice when ignorant people chaff you! Good thoughts to all the world and to Dad TOM M Y. Westlaud My Dear Aunt Flora and Sunbeams, Greetings to you all from Te Wihoi— My Dear ones all, the battle is now o\er and although the odds against me were overwhelming the fight was (as the politicians say) a clean one! Tc Wihoi admits being overpowered, but dear ones ,shc bears you nd ill will. She congratulates you on the firm way you have persevered, amF after ail claims herself to be a winner, but how she is going to keep her own end up in the future -will again depend on circumstances. My very dear ones, you have more than once put good thoughts to the t-est and shown that there is nothing can stand up against it. Yes. good thoughts will win every time; and are you now prepared to make another test case; this time to. take To Wihoi with you? She has got 1 a battle in her mind ’s eye, and oh, I dear ones, if we can win that, it will | indeed be a glorious victory. Sunbeams, let us all attack our Dear Uncle Ted with good thoughts; let us leave, him no peace until he has sent us a letter written in his usual lovable old style- Arc you prepared to join in. clear ones? 1 know you are. but. Te Wihoi is going to lead off. My Dear Lucie Teel, are you listening? Your own little flock of Sunbeams has came to do battle with you. We are going to use your own weapons, the ones you gave us, “Good Thoughts. ’’ D'*ar Uncle, vve want to hear from you; we claim it to be within our right, you being the Father of our Sunbeam Circle. It was yourself who brought ns together, and now we have lost you, but we intend to find you again—make up your mind fur that. We know the power of good thoughts now, and we arc going to take you by storm. We are going to smother you. Send us a. letter, dear Lucie, and do it kindly; it will gladden our hearts. You know that we Jove you, we love you through the Sunbeaiii Circle, or so many of u.~ would not be here together to-day. Dear Uncle Ted, wo arc going to win you. Good thoughts to you always! My Dear Eddie, it ( only right to single you uut. you .'re in trouble, but dear one, it only nasty people who say nasty things. We should never take any heed, but laugh. If the nasty ones also laugh, ask them <lo they feel happy, and if so, ask them to join you in a big • laugh—say you also feel happy. Te Wihoi was exactly in your case at one time, but dear Uncle Ted came to her rescue, and after that I could shake the nasty ones oft lik-a so many lai •• Cheer up, dear one, you have got a brave mother. Kiss her lor Te Wihoi! My Dear ones all, I scarcely dared to* look at our page on Saturday. Truly, it makes the heart swell so mii'h that' there is no further rom-.i; bul dear ones, you will forgive me if I s«ay nothing, but think the more. I' w could only creep into each other’s hearts ami stay there,'all would be ; well. Love ami good thought ■ to yon ' all. from SUNBEAM TE WHlOf. 1 Mananui. ' Lear Auntie and I nclcs till—-this is . my first letter to this wonderful col- ' limn, and I. wish to be one of your I Sunbeams, as 1 take a great , in reading the other Sunbeams’ letters. I am Id years old and in stand- * ard IV.. and we have just had our

tirst term examination, and we jj.ov have our winter holidays. Home week ago our teacher took us for a wail in the bush, and several snapshots, o us. 1 have a JJttl-o baby brother thre< months old. We arc having very bac wen (her down this way. I have n< mure news just now to tell you, so ! • must (dose now with good Ihought and best wishes from SUNBEAM ELVINA. ‘ * Roseneath, Wollongong. ( Aly Dear Uncles and all Sunbeam: —lt is a long time since I wrote t( our corner, and 1 feel very sorry wliei I see the, nice letters the other btth girls write. .1. have been wondering il ’ i: would bi- a. nice idea for the Sun beams to write, their age against theinames. We could form a better opin ion of what each one was like then We pass the page around manv friends, and they think the friendshi| wonderful; but they invariably ash i tiie age of our little people. It strike; I me as being rather interesting. Oui summer has broken at last and win lor has come in quite suddenly. r lhing. s were getting serious with the man 01 the land. We had had no rain fol many months, but wo had two beauti ful days’ rain and the old milkman Y face is all smiles. It was a dreadful thing tn happen our courageous aviat or, Ross Smith. Truly enough, “In the midst of life we are in death. ’ The aeroplane that he used in his original flight from England to Australia was on exhibition at the Sydney Royal Agricultural Show at the time of liis death. There has been an airoplane here all the week, taking* pas sungers, the rate being 30/- for 75 minutes. I didn't go up. Mamma says she prefers “terra Anna.” At least one has an understanding there! I must tell the Sunbeams two most important things this lime, the first being a very sad calamity. I was busily playing one evening when I had the misfortune to tall and break my ]itti-e tooth. 1 naturally cried a great deal and was very sick for three days after. Even now I have to be, very careful how L bite, but still J could I a great deal worse. If it had been m.v nose, it would have shocking, as I will grow another tooth some lime, but I. v. ill always have the same old nose. Mv next news is not nearly so heartrending. Il is only that Alum lias put me into trousers and I'm a real man. I’ve got a sweater and cloth trousers, and vnu'vc got to hear the exclamations from the ladies to know what a I'l'n Dud will have to keep the girls away from the fence! It's really awful the way they pull me around io "ve if they “fit.’’ Of course 1 protest, but I’d much better save the energy for all the effect it lakes. I've written a very long letter on practically nothing this time, I ncle Ted, but you will excuse as “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest mtn!’’ Before conclmling I must mention Mamma was very gratelul to tlm two little Sunbeams for especially mentioning her only little Sunbeams, (iood thoughts 1o all our little people. Good thought Io all ihe world SUNBEAM JIM, aged I'J mouths. Te Namm Dear Aunt Flora—Greet ings .greetings to you all! 1 am very pleased to see that, our denr Te Wihoi is back once more, but I am very sorry to hear of her dear Dad's juisforlum , however, 1 send them both many good thoughts, and hope their trouble, will soon be over. I welcome all Ihe new S-uiibeam- am! hope they keep on writ-, ing and do not forget us, like some ■ (•ther Sunbeams did. We have not httd a letter from our Dear Uncles for a h, lime, but I suppose they are having a good rest and will write again soon. Sunbeam Aladge has been spending the week-end with me. She went lunire vesterduy. N\ c are going to have our winter holidays next month, and I will be very pleased lor I, do m>‘ like going to school. All our cows exci'pt three, arc dri-ed off .tor lib' winter. A\'e are making a garden at school. Sunbeam Willie made the fence and gate, so that the cattle and horses cannot get in and eat the plants. One of our calves met with an accident. I found her jammed between two logs. She had been dead about two days when she was found. Please find money enclosed for the Famine Fund. 1. think I will diaw this letter to a close now for it is nearly dinner time. Good thoughts to all the world al nine. From SUNI3EAAI CLAIRE. P.S., I am sending -.1/- in slumps. Sunbeam Claire. (Aunt Flora thanks Sunbeam Claire). 131akeow n. Dear Auntie and I nclcs. —Grc-etings to you. and all our Sunbeams, also to Dad, and Te Wihoi. I was surprised to see, two more letters in i ruin Blaketown. I am giving 2/H towards the Russian Lamine Fund this week. f am sending .good thoughts to aft the starving people. \\ e are going Rack to school on Monday alter having a pleasant holiday. I hope Io see a let - f ter in from Sunbeams Edna, and .Lena and I hope they will continue writ I ing. 1 was sorry not Io see a letter I I rum Dad last week, and I. hope to seel ;i lovely big one in this week, as 1.1 rnjoy reading his letters. .1. must I close now. with thoughts to all the world al 111110 sl NBEAM HAZEL. (Aunt Flora thanks Sunbeam Hazel)Dear Auntie —Greetings to all the world. To Auntie and Dad and Te Wihoi and all our Sunbeams. 1 was ileased to sec so many letters in last Acek’s paper; but I missed Dad’s Jeter v- rv much. I hope 1o see a h'tler mni Dad this.week. J feel very sorry or Sunbeam Eddie. There are a Jot people, here just like you have got \lk re you live; but I take 110 notice, il them. They can cliiK'k off as much is they like. Perhaps if they were to ’cad the Vag’s ('olumn, they would • g't ((liieatml a little; so keep going ■ eddie. I will close now with good Imughts to all the world and the poor .sENHEA'! ' ME. Millcr’on. ] Dear Aunt Flora —Greetings and <- s’od tliougl’.ls to vott Auntie and 10 ( II (o;r Uncles and to Dad and Te Wih- ] i. Good thoughts at nine always. I s o hop? they will stop with us al- | rays now. Our corner seems to De ;l j much brighter, To Wihoi, when j h see your mime in it. I suppose it s - because you worked so very liard at j lie start to make it a success, but you j id leave such a big gap and all the | cw Sunbeams did not seem to fill it p. We did miss your loiters so. L louglit. it was guod-bye to our corT when you left, Tc Wihoi, then Un-

'■ de Ned, and Unde Jinl, and if we • do not all keep a tight, hold of Aunt >• flora, she may go also! Sunbeam Eddie, of Te Nainu, w'j. will all be jolly - glad to see you arc are any of the other I Sunbeams that come to Alillerton. ’ Good thoughts to all. From tfI’NBJJAAI EDDIE. T'e Na mu Dear Aunt Flora, Uncles and Sunbeams— Greetings to you all. I am sorry to say I -will be leaving Tc ’ Namu soon. I am glad to see our ilear ' Te N\ ihoi writing again. I am send- : ing 17 to the Russian Pamine Fund. ' 1 did not read all the Sunbeams’ letteis last time. We an* only milking four cows now. Sunbeam Willie milks them when he comes home from school. 1 will dose now with good thoughts to all the world at: nine. From SUNBEAAI WINNIE. ' (Aunt Flora thanks Sunbeam Winnd) Mananui Dear Auntie. Uncles and Sunbeams. — Greetings to all. 1 could not write last week as .1 never ihought about H until bedtime, and then it was 100 late. We have had our first term 1 ev amination, and we now have our winter holidays. Some weeks ago our teacher took several snapshots of us and a few-of the creek. We have 11 fowls, three ducks and two pigs, and we have a little Persian kitten. its name is Fluff. 1 thin]< this is ail just now. With good thoughts to all the world from. S UNBEA Al ROSE. Te Namu Dear Aunt Flora—l am writing this all myself. We gave our little kitten Fu.-s. to Sunbeam Lily. M'c milk three cows in the morning. I have been going to school four months now and I am in Primmer IL Good thoughts to till the world from. SUNBEAM JEAN. t Tc Namu Dear Auntie. Undos and Sunbeams —(rivetings io you ail and good thoughts to Te Wihoi. Please, accept J. G from my brother Ronald ami myself for the Russian Famine Fund. We have a little pup ami I would like to have sonre of the Sunbeams name him. Yes. Sunbeam Wat tie, I hope to halffill tjie page. I milk tour cows when 1. i.ome home from school. Sunbeam Winnie is living at our place, and I am sorry she. is going away. Good thoughts to nil Hie world at nine. From SUNBEAM WILLIE. (Aunt Flora thanks Sunbeams Williv and Ronald l . Te Namu. Dear Auntie and Uncles. —Greeting io Te Wihoi. Greetings to Aunt Flora, greetings .-iml good thoughts Io ail k world. J spent the weck-cml with Suid'cam Olive, and we had a good time together. We must be sure, Sunbeams not to Jet Tc Wihoi leave our I column again, and the only way to keep her, is to kee]> on villi goo'T | thoughts. 1 almost forgot to welcome little. Winnie and Wiliie to our circle, ami I hope when A\'innie leaves To Namu, she will not forget our ((dumi). Weil dear Sunbeams, this must be all at present. With love and good thoughts to all. From SUNBEAM! KIA-OKA. Alillerton. Dear Aunt Flora—Good thoughts at nine to you. Auntie. and Te Wihoi, ami Dad- good thoughts always! Wo started school again. Lii.e Sunbeam Gladys, 1 like school. Do any of the Sunbeams know what became of cur other Jack J have, been looking lor a. lettvr from him in our corner. Good thoughts from WESTLAND Aly Dear Auntie, Uncles and Sunbeams.—Greetings to you all from Dad. My dear ones, last week there was no litter from Dad. Our grandma, who has been an invalid for upwards of 3t' years, had. the misfortune of a fall, when she broke a. thigh-bom', an' l upset us so much that il pm cv'ry- ; tiling ou‘. of joint. She is in tlu* bos- ; pital now, ami, all things considered, is doing fairly well. Aly dear Sun- ■ beams, last week there was quite a ■ Hutter in our page. Of course, you have got your Te Wihoi back at last, and that no doubt accounts for much. That many of you are pleased over I the event there can be no doubt—your > letters provc that; ami little ones, ' poor old Dad was also very pleased, and although he never told you be- ‘ fore, 'J’e Wiliui .is Dad’s own dear ' little girl- He loves her vt'ry dearly more than any of you could think, and his one great hope how is that she , may never have cause for leaving you ] again. Yes, little ones. Dad had an- | other .cause 1o make him feel glad .■iml joyful; when he caw.v home last ■ Saturday evening. He sat fi down by th« tire and had a look over our page ( of letters; and then he laid the paper <- ;• t i 1' • a n 11 begun - | and look. I little ones, he has been smiling ever > • ince. Oh, those* good dear I Sunbeams, got old Dad right to the t core. They arc of tire right: sort and ' come from ihe .right, place, as Dad 1 -.aid once before: ‘‘lt's good thoughts > from sincere little heart;- that count. 7 ’ Yes. little ones, and it is lor this A reason that poor old Dad loves you ‘ so. He b-elicves that you arc as yet ’ jntainted by the doings of a wicked system, and he. would do anything and evervthing possible to keep vou so. lb' believes that one way Io keep you jntainted is Io try and induce you Io j ake an ev *r livelier interest in our (| ■'iinbeam Linde, so that you will ti cl| kn • roud of belonging I" i't, and further q hat. you. will learn to heartily love j .»ur dear Auu! Flora. She will lead .011 on bravely, U'cause slio loves p .•on ail dearly, be (juile sure of that j iioi see li'lle ones, .Yuutie docs not e ■xpret great letters from you with big p vords in them-— just a few simple a verds of love from each one xxill a uuse hi'f to smile joyfully for the g vmaiiider of the week, Auntie P mows how Io find a true heart, ami tl m:k, little ones, when you feel tired 11 C writing and want Io take a little ( cst, von should tell Auntie so. Site I’ as a I'i’dit to know, and see, it will 0 1 . t c how courtesy and self-respect on your art. Y r ou know courtesy is due Io li. and to be courteous up io a point s loveable, while lire other way, to imply leave off writing ami say nothng shows shocking rudeness. Dear -p '.ddie, you are in trouble, and to say \ w n you, “Don't mind nasty people's VI asfy doings” would be only foolish-I ai ess. But dear one, try to bo liravo, n< ry to master the situation by meeting Bo osc people singularly, and then say ha

to them: “Friend, on such a day you tried to hurt, my feelings, try not to do it again. Some day you may know the wrong of it, and then you may feel very sorry and ashamed.” Say, this in a quiet but dignified tone. It is your only hope, and look Eddie, you may gain glorious victory. Love and good thoughts to you all from DAD. Newton. Flat. Dear Aunt Flora,—Greetings to all the Uncles and yourself. It is a long tim-e since I wrote to the Sunbeam Column, but: I will try and write more regularly in future. Aly two sister Sunbeams Oenone and Elaine are away at school, so that: is why there have been no left-e/s from them. Sunbeam Rosemary is also away. Alay and Charlie told me they were going to start and write again. Aly calf Billie is quiet, and I can ride him anywhere. He will com.' to me when 1 call him. .1 will close now- with good thought to all the world. From SUNBEAM ENID. I am enclosing 2/6 for the Russian child run.—Enid. (Aunt Flora semis thanks to Sunbeam Enid), I’aroa. Dear Auntie and Sunbeams.—Greetings and good thoughts to you Auntie. Uncles and Dad, and to our dear one, To Wihoi ami Sunbeams. Greetings to the whole, world, and to the starving children in Russian. Wo have been having terrible weather lately; there has hardly been a fine day for the last week. But as it is becoming winter time, we arc likely to have more min Our school ro-opens again on Alonday after being closed for a fortnight’s holiday. I was very sorry indeed when I noticed that a letter from Dad was not in the paper last week, but I suppose he has more sorrow and troubles. We send him good thoughts, and hope j that he will soon write again. I find that Dad's letters ar«- very interesting I and I miss them very much, when, he docs not write. I will conclude now. dear Auntie with good thoughts to all the ■world, and good thoughts to Tc ■Wihoi and Dad* from SUNBEAAI GLADYS. Tc Namu. Dear Sunbeams and Auntie. — A hearty w’dcmie to Tc Wihoi. 1 cannot tell you how phmsed we all were at sceting your l-.-iin the “Argus./ Te AYilu.j, I Impp j: ’-vas good thoughts that cheered von- Ais" good thoughts to Dad. Welconi‘‘, Sunbeam Rose. Last night I arrived home from spending the v..ek-eml at Sunbeam Claire's place. I enjoyed myself very much. A\ * had nice* sumiy* days. 1 am a bit late in writing this week as i. usually write ( oh Sundav afternoon, but. as Dad is going down to the Bo;-‘ Oilice. I ihought I ".'mid drop a line Io help the other Sunbeams. Good thoughts to all the world al nine. St NUE ' M Al AT-GE.

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Grey River Argus, 20 May 1922, Page 8

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SUNBEAM COLUMN Grey River Argus, 20 May 1922, Page 8

SUNBEAM COLUMN Grey River Argus, 20 May 1922, Page 8


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