The usual monthly meeting of the Greyonouth Harbour Board was held la,st evening theie being present: j Messrs Steer (Chairman), McLean, Perkins. Ryall, Irvine and Leitch . The Treasury wrote remitting ,£407 is railway and wharf revenue for period ending 28th April, iqi 7.—Received. The Secretary of the Marine Department wrote stating that the Minister was glad to know that the rosition ergarding reduction of expenditure had been boldly faced, adding "Of course it is understood *h«t it is absolutely necessary that the port should be maintained in an effit ient condition." — Received. Secretary of the Marine Department wrofe stating, that Mr. Morris .'rid forwarded his resignation to the -^mrt ment ,but it should have. gone -ti the beard. The letter inquired if the had received the resig-iMion. The board decidpd that the 3ep?rtment be informed that Mr Morris's .se^t is vacant. Secretary of Marine Denartntpit nsked th«> board for copies of its ba'^ncp sheet. W. Buchanan and party, .notified ■ thpir intention of rn'sta.lirne 1 ; a briffht I'trht in connexion with mining oneratinns shout hnlf a mile ,sou*h ff Ptint tnizphprri nnd visible from ♦' «• *p»i. The Marino Department r.ntified that Hie light must not be pxhU.itofi vi Ml it has bpp.n a"tho''i <s 'v* r«v the t*r'>nr\ ment and asking the Harb > it M.-.-ter to report on v same. Tantan Cox in his report stated that he <M\ n: t think j the light, would interfere wnh ship ping. — Received. . Mr. P. McKenzie, Surveydr of Ships stated that it was not usual to give written instructions when inspecting machinery. A copy of the letter will be sent to the engineer concerned. The Greymouth Borough Council wrote asking that the board co-oper-ate with it in its request to the Government that representatives be appointed to the Legislative Council for the electorates of Grey and Westland. Mr. McLean moved - that the borough be given the^ board's hearty approval; This was carried. ' In reference to the rent due r-n a Blaketown section P. Moran is to be informed that unless rent is paid at once proceedings will be taken. The Secretary of the Greymouth Port Waterside Workers Union wrote complaining of conditions of lights on waterfront, stating that the new light opposite the timber berth is useless The board referred the matter to its En gin per for report. A. Steel offered £1 10s for building at Blaketown recently occupied by F. Gardiner. The matter Xvas referred to the Engineer to report to next meeting. ' The question of r>*nal ' charges on vessel was further deferred. Mrs A. L. Porter application for section 54 Dobson was granted. HARBOUR MASTER'S REPORT. The Harbour Master's report w.as as follows : — "During the month the bar h^s maintained a fair average depth. On the 20th Tune a moderate fresh scout- ' ed out the bar to 14 feet L.W.S.T. "The average depths at H.W. for June, were: — Springs: June 6th. bar •20 feet 6 inches; river 25 feet. June 20th. bar 24 feet 6 inches: river 25 f»et.. Nearjs, Jun" 13th. bar 21 feet 6 inches ; river 25 feet. June 28th. bar 22 feet 0. inches ; river 23 feet q inches, r Mean average for month, bar 22 f p.et ; river 25 feet. ■ "The rainfall registered was 9.45 inches, and fell on 15 days. I "The shipping for the month. was: Inwards: Steam *r. 2^.2<;2 tons : 1, 00 tons— total 52, 2-?^t;i tons. Outwards: Steam 40, 21 104 tons; sail 1, no tons-^totai so. 2120-? f nn« "Thp tug.— On the m'h J"ne J. Alexander (fireman, etc.) left the board's service, and S. Compson has hep" in engaged in his stead. "The suggested requirements of thp Court of Survey, have been carried out and the yessel is*re.°dv for a' new declaration of «urv.v. On June 2^th the tug went to the assistancp of a fishing launch. When the call, was made, the boiler was opened up. and emnty with doors off, within an hour a- half she was ready for sea, uride>- * full head of steam. "Mr Addison has been ill sinre the 20.A June, and there is very' little improvement in his condition. Here at-plp-ise find «in application from Contain Morßherspn which tT trup* the board will favourable consider. There is ;■■• nothing else of importance to renbrt. The ordinary rrvitine duties hay- been regularly attended to." ■ "The harbour . fund account has a >ioh being made and that Mr. Addison bf 4 "• <rranted a month's holiday. •The report was adopted. FINANCE REPORT. The report of the Finance Committee was as follows: — "Receipts. The following amounts have been received since date of last meeting: Railway and wharf revr enne. £4 "5 6s nd. less contra. ;£8 55 nd, .£407 is; towages £15; sale of hardwood £1 us 6d; sale of. old rope : £13 10s ; refund expenses Court of Survey, tug Westland us; rents £2 ; special rate on coal .£3l 18s 3d ] —total ;£<;2:v us qd. "The balances on the various accounts are as follows : General account. Dr. ;£iq,4J7 6s id: insurance fund account Cr. ; loan account Dr. j£i2,2iß i7s iod' -.snecial rate on coal account Cr. qs. "The. harbour fun daccount has a debit balance 0f ',£21,3.84 15s id after allowing fov nnvment of ,£6,500 for interest and sinking fund. Your committee recommends that accounts amounting to 2s be passed for payment." It should be stated . that l°ss thr>r> £100 remains to be paid of the ar^nuni of /6.8q6 2s. The report was adopted. ■» • ■ \' . While some ' New Zealand officers were assisting to examine about , a thousand German prisoners on tie western front (writes a "Post/s" London correspondent), ..one of the Huns, recognising, the New Zealand hat, called out, "Eh, New Zealander ! Do you known anybody at Taumarunui 1" He spoke perfect English. During the war bargains are hard to get, but we have secured an exceptional one from the Kaiapoi Woollen Co., which consists of 125 Ladiiftt' Tweed and Gabardine Costumes. The lot was; purchased at one price of 49/6. Come in early and get your pick, for these costumes are tailor-made, wellcut,, newest styles, silk-lined, and the usual price 70/- to 95/- — At C. Smith, Ltd., the Wholesale Draper, Clothier, Boot Importer and House Furnisher, ' Greymouth and Wellington. — Advt; Sale Prices in, . Children's Co.ats} Small Sizes, 18 to 24 inches, 8/6, 10/6, and 12/6. Maids .'( Coats, 14/6, 15/6 and 18/6 each, forftierly 21/- to 3^/-. Real Bargains and. weeded these eon 3, days at Walker 'l Sale, Boundary ;street.r-Advt. I ■ . ;
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Grey River Argus, Volume 04, 4 July 1917, Page 4
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1,075HARBOUR BOARD Grey River Argus, Volume 04, 4 July 1917, Page 4
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