Boys!- Here are -^m^ for you- 50 suits just landed Wfc the Petone Woollen Company. ■ i *ESfe^h apes dre the new "Madrass" 'slTapte, and the j "sports" colours are browns and 'flfreys; prices 25s to 50s. They are ; the best of the best from the best : sources. One shilling in the pound . discount. — W. McKay and Son; Grey- ; mouth and Hokitika. ■ I Michelin Tyres wfiichare world renowned" 'for their value; can be pur- • ! chased in larffe numbers by motor- ; iists from liarleys. Covers for Ford carg/-are;;/a'; speciaji^^
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Grey River Argus, 27 December 1916, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2
Grey River Argus, 27 December 1916, Page 5
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