(Special To The Times). TOKOAIARF BAA'. Nov. 20. The Show, which was postponed from last Thursday on account of bad weather, was held to-day under ideal conditions. Entries in all sections were very good, the whole making a very attractive display, the children’s exhibits called lor special mention, there being very large entries and the work Icing particularly well done. There was an improvement in the vegetable sections and these, together with' all produce, were auctioned at the close of the Show bv Air AIL Langdon.
SPECIAL PRIZES. Vegetable Cup (presented by_ Air A. B. AVilliams), .AYaiapu Hospital runner-up, Air. Berridge s trophy, Air C, If. Puflett. Rose Cup (presented by Airs. Loisel), Miss Bushy, 36 points. Decorative A, Airs Holah; run-ner-up, Mr Stpneham’s trophy, Airs Steed. .... Sweet Pea. Cup (presented by Ali-s E. Busin), Airs Hollever. Cooking Cup (presented by 'Good and Cov.), Airs Corbett; runner-up, Airs Johnson’s trophy. Airs Steed. Cut Flowers trophy (presented by Air AV. Oates, sen.)—Aliss Busby. Air Berridge’s Trophy (Classes 1 — 14 sweet peas'). Airs Hollever. Air HuddlestKvrbi trophy (carnations), Airs Johnston. Air Wilson’s trophy (runner-up, roses), Airs Murphy.) Mr Bignell’s trophy (nemesia), Airs Lumsdon. Air AV. Oates’ trophy (collection from 1-acre section), Airs llolali. Mr Bruce’s tropliv, cauliflower, Air Puflett. Potatoes. Airs Sloan. Air Halliwell's trophy, fruit, Airs. Busby. Airs GAmour's trophy, sweet peas, Airs Grant. Mr Caird’s tropliv, (seelion ,i.\ Junior), Kathleen Hollever. Tokomnm Farmers’ Co-op .tropliv (fruit cake), Airs Lumsdon. Afr AV. Oates, sen., trophy (sweets, preserves, etc.), Miss Davidson. Produce, Aliss Davidson. SCHOOL WORK.'
Afr G. If. Puflott’s tropliv (junior cookery’). Betsy Doig,
Airs Larkins’ trophy (drawing', To fvaui. , Airs Stevens’ trophy (raffia), To Kaui. Airs Stevens’ trophy (modelling). E. Alatahiki.
Air. 11. Oates’ trophy (drawing) D. Oates
Air Todd’s trophy (paperwork), AI. Powdrill. Air Todd’s trophy (essay), Phyllis Day and Betsy Fivers. PRIZES. FLOATERS. (Judge: Air. Bull.) 6 var. sweet pea—Aliss Busby 1, Airs Hollever 2. 3 var. sweet pea—Aliss Busby 1, Art’s Hollever 2. Vase pink or rose sweet pea— Mrs Hollever 1. Aliss Busby 2. Vaso scarlet or crimson sweet pea —Mrs Hollever 1. Anise blue or la vender sweet pen— Airs Hollever 1. Abase any color sweet non— Mrs. Hollever. Bloom, any variety sweet pea— Aliss Busby. 1 and 2.
3 carnations, ] variety—Airs Day 1. Airs Hollever 2, Mrs Johnston 3. Carnation—Aliys Hollever I. Afrs Johnston 2. Collection carnations —Airs. Johnston 1. . 12 roses, distinct varieties—-Afiss •Busby 1 and 2. Mrs Johnston 3. 6 roses, distinct varieties—Aliss Busby' 1 and 2, Afrs Johnston 3. 3 roses, distinct varieties—Aliss Busby 1 and 3/ Afrs Afurpliy 2.
Rose—Aliss liusby 1, Mrs Afurpliy
3 roses, 1 variety—Airs Yeoman 1 Aliss Busby 2, Afrs Grant 3. Rambler roses—Aliss Busby 1. •
Spray rambler roses and climbing roses—Aliss Busby 1.
Single rose—Aliss Bushy 1 nnd 2. Champion rose—-Mrs Johnston 1. Cut flowers. 6 varieties—Aliss Busby 1, Airs Alurphy 2. Aquilegin—Aliss Busby 1, .Mrs. Johnston 2. Antirrhinum—Miss Bushy 1, Afrs Beale 2. Canterbury bells—Afrs King 1.
Delphinium—Mrs Sidwell 1, Airs Sherwood Halo 2.
.GaiUardia—Aliss Davidson IMrs Dav 2.
Fuchsia—Airs Dolnh 1, Airs Beale n Geranium—Airs Lumsden 1, Mrs Moore 2, Airs G. Oates 3. Geranium, ivy—Afrs Aloore 1, Aliss Cusworth 2,
Geum—Airs Heald 1, Airs Langdon
Gladioli—Airs G. Oates 1. Larkspur—-Airs Sherwood Hale 1. Lilies—Airs Holah 1. Nemesia—Airs Lumsden 2. Pansy—Tsoliel Langdon 2. Phlox—Afrs Day ], Afrs Lumsden
Pelargonium^—Aliss Cusworth 1
Pentstemon—Aliss Busby 1. t-Sweefc-.William-—Airs Sherwood. Halo 1, Mrs King 2. Stocks, double—Air Chine 1 and 2. Verbena—Airs Day 1, Airs Langdon 2. , Poppies—Airs Day 1.
Tritonias—Aliss Bushy 1. Any other flower not scheduled— Afiss Busby 1, Mrs Johnston 2, Airs Alurphy 3. Collection syvoet peas from J-acre garden—Mrs Sidwell 1. Airs Hollever 2.
Collection roses from -}-ncrc garden—Airs Holali 1. Airs Sidwell 2. Collection carnations from J-acre garden—-Airs Holah 1, Airs Hollever 2. A T EGETA B LFS. Judge: Air. Bull. Broad beans—Afr Puflett. 1, Airs Hollever 2. Beetroot—Airs Puflett 1 and 2. Silver heet—Mrs Langdon 1. Cabbage—Air Puflett •1, Waiapn Hospital 2, Alr.s Hollever 3. Cauliflower—Waiapn Hospital, 1, 2 and 3.
Carrots—Airs Langdon 1, Air Puflett 2.. Lettuce—Afrs Stewart 1 and 2. Potatoes. 6 _ white—Airs Sloan 1. Airs Langdon *2. Potatoes, any variety—Mr Puflett 1, Airs Langdon 2. Radishes—Waiapn Hospital, 1 and
Rhubarb—Air Puflett- 1 nnd 2. Turnips—Air Puflett 1 and 2. Collection vegetables—Air Puflett 1, Airs Hollever" 2. Collection salad vegetables—AVaiapu Hospital 1, Airs Hollever 2. •Collection culinary herbs Aliss Cusworth 1, Anv other vegetable—Airs Atnrphv 17
Gooseberries—Aliss Davidson 1. Any other fruit—Afiss Cusworth 1. / DECORATIVE. i Judge: Aliss Runeiman. Stewarsd: Afrs Carroll, Airs Brydon. Decorated table clear glass vases— Airs. Temp’e 1, Airs. St rod 2, Airs, Dav 3. Decorated table'—Airs Johnston 1J Airs Steed 2, Air? Holah 3. Decorated mantelmece—Airs Holah 1, Airs Steed 2. Aliss Busby 3. Decorated basket-—Airs Johnston 1, Mrs Steed 2. Bowl carnations—Airs Holah ], Airs Steed 2. :? Bowl roses—Airs Sherwood Hale 1, Mrs Holah 2. Airs Grant 3, Bowl sweet peas—Airs Grant 1, Mrs Hollever 2, Air 3 Steed 3,
Bridal b-iriqr.PT—\ Tr _ 'need "i a rat 3, Mrs Holah 2. Ladies' hand posy—Mrs 11 oinh 1 and 2, Miss Grant, 3. TT Cents' buttonhole —Airs Holah 1. Mrs Steed 2. Mrs Grant 3. Bowl any other flowers—Mrs Hen la 1 Mrs Holah 2 and 3. Vase flowers —Mrs Grant 1, Mrs Holah 2. Mrs Steer 1 . 3. jrxioji. CLASSES.
Gents’ buttonhole—Revel Steed 1, Joan Moore 2, Phyllis Day Lady's spray-—Daphne Holah 1. Betsy - Riley 2, Kathleen Hoi lever 3. Anv decorated articles Phyllis Day 1. Kathleen Hollever 2, Marion Stewart 3.
Vase flowers —Joan Moore 1. Kathleen Hollever 2 and 3. Wild flowers—Kathleen Hollever 1 and 2, Daphne ITolah 3.
COOKERY, ETC. Puflett. Judges : Airs TVichsteed and Airs. Steward: Air. Geo. Oates. Scones, plain—Airs AleKn’.glit, 1, Mrs Stewart 2, Airs Corbett 3. Scones, butter—Airs Stewart 1, Mrs Corbett 2, Airs AlcKnight 3. Small calces—Airs Steed 1, Sponge sandwich—Airs Corbett 1, Miss Davidson 2, Airs AlcKnight 3. Ihitter snonge—Airs Corbett 1. Miss Aloofly 2, Airs .MeKnight 3. Fruit c-alce—Airs Lumsdeu 1, Mrs Carver. 2. Afrs Holah 3. Seed cake—Airs Ale Knight 1, Airs Steed 2. Walnut rakes—Airs Steed 1, Airs AfcKnight 2Aladiera cake—Airs Corbett I. Aliss Davidson 2, Airs Steed 3. Shortbread—Airs Corbett 1, Alt's MeKnight 2. Biscuits—Airs Steed 1. White loaf—Airs Hen Id I, Airs Corbett 2, Aliss Davidson 3. Brown loaf—Airs Steed 1, Mrs Stewart 2, Miss Davidson 3. Sponge roll —Airs Corbett 1. Airs Steed 2. Ginger broad —Airs Corbel t 1. Airs Steed 2 Pikelet?i —Airs Corbett L Airs Steed 2, Airs MeKnight 3. Gems—Airs Stead 2. Cocoanut. ice—Airs Steed 1. Turkish delight—Aliss Da vie (so it I and 2. Chutney—Aliss Davidson 1. Preserved fruit—Aliss Davidson I. Jar jam—Aliss Davidson. 1,2, 3. J;u' jelly—Ali.s? Davidson 1. Any other sauce—Aliss Davidson I Dozen lien eggs—Miss Davidson 1 and 2, Peter Langdon 3. Butter—Airs Langdon 1 and 3, .Mrs IJcald 2. Honey in oomb-*-AliiSs Davidson 1. Honey extracted—Aliss Davidson 1 and 2. .. . Home-made soap—Aliss Davidson 1 and 2.
Scones—Betsy Doig l, Altv King 2. Jean King 3. Jam tarts (puff)—Betsy Doig 1. Jam tarts (ordinary)—Betsy Doig 1. Linda. King 2. Saus.-jge rolls—Betsy Doig 1. Sponge sandwich —Patsy Doig 1 and '2, Jean King 3. Light fruit cake-—Betsy Doig 1, Jean King 2. Linda King 3. Toffee—Betsy Doig 1. Assorted sweets—Betsy Doig 1, Collection ‘marzipan’—Betsy Doig.
Judge: Airs. X. Oates Steward : Airs. Grant:
Drawing in cravon. nursery rhyme -AI. Te, Kaui l. - C. Oates 2, 0. Were 3.
Drawing in cravon, fairy story— Alary Savage 1, Beryl Alnleolm 2, B. Ratapu 3. Drawing ilr cravon, any story—Al. Stewart 1, K. Alatahiki 2. Jack Corbett 3.
Drawing in era von, historical scene —D. Oates 1, J." King 2, X. Alulligan 3.
brtshwork. Design ■ for book-mark—l). Stowiirf. 1. L* Razey 2, K. Hollevor 3. Design for magazine cover • B. Doig 1, M. Walker 2. L. Burdett 3. Flower show poster— P. Day 1, P. MoKniglifc 2, J. Carey 3. Any picture—T). Day 1 and 2. PENCIL WORK* Fish—T. Mataliiki 1, J. Walden 2. Corbett 3. Group of shells—-R. Oates 1. D. Oates 2, B. Eivers 3. Bunch keys—D. Stewart 1. L. Bazev 2. AIA Powdrill 3. 4 studies handles—L. Burdett 1, It, Itansley 2, G. Hyland 3. Outdoor sketch—AL Henry 1, C. Burs ton 2. Airship—D. Day MODELLING. Toboggan and crew—AT. To Kaui 1. It. Porter 2, P, Oates 3. Airship—-B. Rataou 1, B. Ma.lcolm 2, B. Doig 3. School district —E. Mataliiki 1, JWalden 2, .T. Corbett 3. PAPER WORK. Rfiffia weaving (iron-holder) POatrK 1, K. liardacre 2, C. Oates 3. Rnff/a weaving (nurse) —Al. Te Kaui 1, B. Malcolm 2. Paper cutting (Eskimo scene) —K. liardacre 1, G. Were 2, P« Gottswaltz 3. Desert scene—M. Savage 1. E. Te Whata 2. W. Moat 3. Scene from story—G. Newton 1, M. Stewart 2. WRITING. Print script (pencil)—M. Te Kaui 1. I). Pointon 2, 1. Stewart 3. Print' script (pencil)—l3* Malcolm 1, M. Savage 2/E. To Whata 3. In],- ; 3 lines prose—W. Carey 1, M. Carey 2. G. Carroll 3. Ink: 12 lines prose—B. Eivers I, H. Carey 2, J. King 3. ink: 2 verses poetry—M. Powdrill I. K. llollever 2. L. Baz.ev 3. Ink: 20 lines poetry—G. Byland I, P. Walker 2, C. Coop 3. Ink : 20 lines poetry : P* MeKniglit I, 11. Alaurirere 2, J. Carey 3. Essay letter to chum—AL Powdrill 1, D. Stewart 2, K. Hollevor 3. Essav, original story—B. Eivers 1, L. Coop 2. P. Walker'3. E?isay. original poem—P. Day I, P. Caii-cl 2, P. McKnight 3.
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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10751, 23 November 1928, Page 3
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1,586COAST NEWS Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10751, 23 November 1928, Page 3
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