.Mule cHVrtni , than any inixtun' in wt.ji.pii';,', a rold i> -'XAZOL.'; IViiotratiii','. and ut-iui■killiui',. _ Ivi't'l' it handy' vi lioiiii', simp, or utt'uc Ts 6<l Iniv.s <!<» doses. You vvoii'i, kct'ii a <'<ih.l or soro throat, ahovi' a day or two il you uso "NAZOIj." \<-ir lik a fliann. (Jetit to-day. C>(> doses Is (id. THKHK AKIO KOHTKNKS WAITING .MADE in hundreds of needed inventions. Thai, idea of voni> niitfuf- he the means ol making YOl T U I'ortune. For adviei- ill tliesn matters euiisult .llonry Hunhes, Ltd., I'atent AtUiineys, 157 FeaUierston Street, Wellington. JS YOUR CHILD CONSTIPATED? If your t'liihl i.s dull and stupid see whether he is constipated. Nine times out of fon that is the trouble. Constipation arises i'min indigestion and slu<ir'isli mind. Chaiiilierlain's Tablets" act <lireetly <>n the liver, cleansine the system of eoni-lipafed matter and bile which hae inadp your child po stupid. (Jhamlierlain's Tablets aye an ideal remedy for chiklrfn and are pleasant to take. All Chemists and Storekeeper.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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