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ZEALANDJA CAFE. HAVLNG pureJi&eed tho Z«ialaiid.a Cafe from Mr A. Summon, 1 desire to intimate to the public thnt I thall try to give nothing but tbe beet *ernce. Thanking all supporters for past patronage, I tract I eball con tinue to receive a fair eh&ro of bun , ice». B. J. 6PORLE. Phone 12. if C6ODBEHE~RE LAND and Coramiasion Agent an-J Kimbolton Hoed, FEILDING AGENCIES.— Ovean Accident t-ompany.—Covers iseued for ell kinds of accident and sickness, including risks of employers of labour under the Workers' Compensation Act and Employers' Liability Act. Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co. Natiou4t Mutual Life Association. ■ Properties for Sale. Money for lnv»tn>en*. WJ, COCK, Iv Mariborougli • Street, has started a Carrying Business. Furniture removed Al*t» CJrnrpl carted. Plough, Diw, Harrow, etc., work. Small paddocks. Work done by 2-horao mower, hayrake, and waggon. Paddock* levelled with Plough and Scooi*- Phono 420. , WANTED. — Purchaser for 18 Acree in Wairarapa; 1000 commercial apple trees, 300 gooseberries, one acre lucerne, half-acre bush; divided into 10 paddocks, all watered. House, built of heart timbers (12ft ituds), 6 largo rooine, bathroom, eculWy, dairy, storeroom, verandah on two aides, email glass house, ■hods, concrete cow bail and pigstyo. (Jaß, h. and c. water, drainage, etc. Three minute* from P.O. A beautiful and profitable farm. Price £3150. Write to "G, Orchard," care of Stab Office. TO RESIDENTS OF PEILDING WHY continue to PAY RENT, when a comparatively email Deposit supplemented by Weekly Payments extending over a term of years, wfll enable you to obtain a HOME OP YOTJR OWN. Full particular* and terms of paj ment can be obtained from— E. GOODBEHERE FEILDING fOYAL MAIL MOTOR SERVICE IJtEILDING, AWAHUW, j t" and OHAKfcA j Leave* Folding 8.46 ~ Awfthuri <J.BG ft.X ~ Svuon 6.15 p.v< Arrive* Oftftke* 6.45 p.., U»vc« Obakw 8.15 a.m S«t«oa ■-'• 8.45 a.ra ' Aw«bari 9.80 ».w Amvee Feilding 10.0 am Connect* with Palriioraton-liongoUM Bob At Awehuri. Fmeeh, et« , fo> the *bovo planee can be left &« thi Carbino St«.b!ee, *wi fr*istht» must lw Pr * P * id - Mr, A .LARKi THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LTD. Direct Line to tho United Kingdom. Via PANAMA CANAL. Calling at Colon, Kingston (Jamaica; and Newport News. 1" AKGB Modern Twiu-Bcrew Pafisen_J ger Stuamers, with accommodation. j 1920 Kuuhiiie 10,758 Woll'ln l'Vb. b [ Himutiika 8,808 Well'tn abt. !''•)). hi Huapohu 8.881 Woll'tn abt. Mm. 2 For further particulars, apply to : BARRAUD md ABRAHAM, LTD. Agenta. ■ C ' OAINTEit AND DECOEATOR.. Owen Streek, FEILDING. ' notice. OWING to PreraJKCH being sokl, we have removed to Shop 2 doors past Kendall's. Call or write for a Free Estimate. Satisfaction guaranteed. TAYLOR and ANDERSON, Electricians. ABSoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.N.Z.Soc.C'.E. Civil Engineer and Licensed Suruayor • KIMBOLTON ROAD Tfllechane lfiS. ("i TtEY Dress Tweeds, double width, M 2/11 yard. At SPENOE and SI'ENCE-'S Sale-
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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456Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
Using This Item
Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.