One nf the m-'st important |>l.ia>f> of the I'arlianii'iitar % trip to Samoa JUid i>Ui<\7 r Paeitic 'i> that e'.niiected wtih th*' invest tu>n ol trade. It ha-, loiiii ln-en t'elt thai New Zealand should procure a tarter pn>jii"rtit>n <>i the trade nf the Pacihr, and tw" μ-p, Me.-srs {Jeor<.'e Ellioit, of Auckland. aiKl K. W. Pear-M.ii. of Tiinaru. have ben elioveit to investiiralf the position, and \vil l>ail v\ith the l'arlinmentary 'iv on Satucday. Ajmrt hum llieir tuin nation, it has been arranged thai. th«-> shall confer with representatives from the Fijian Administration, and ,as a result i>l their ei!i|uine-., it hoped that New /,e;dan<i trade in the Pacific will ,-diou a considerable expansion.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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