Noninin Ross, the American chain- 1 pion swimmer, "ill probably visit Wellington. 'The Cliristehurcii Sun states that to the marine engineers' strike, in Australia, the vessel in wkieli Ross was to return has been delayed. It is therefore anticipated that' he will be able to cross to "Wellington and complete a short tour ol the North Island, finally catching liis hont at Auckland. Tin- Australian A.ssocuition is agreeable to this course. and the Council of the New Zealaml Amateur Swimming Association is now awaiting the consent of.tht' chaiupion before moving further. If arcan ho made for Ross to come to New Zealand, it is anticipated that he will arrive in Wellington about- March 1. About 10 days would l>e spent in the Dominion, and probably carnivals could he arranged in Wellington, Palmersto» N., Napier. Hamilton., and Auckland. Tho- tune at the champion's disposal would possibly preclude v visit to or to Canterbury. However, a visit to New eZaland, even if limited to th>one Island would do immense goou to tlie {.port. H-iss has new methods, and during his Australian tour has shown himself willing to impart instruction whenever possible. Apart altogether from the {stimulus to swimming which the visit, of the champion would l>o. surf to create, tilt- educational benefits would be passed on.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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