INSECT BITKS. If an insect ntings you on the hand, apply Cii.tmherlain'ri Pain liaLin. It will jirovent any swelling or paiiiiuhiGSs. SHARLAND'S MALT VINEGAR is not only palatable.--it is wholesome. That is KTiar.antcHxl, No mineral acid in SHARLAXD'K. At afl grocers in hulk and liottle. Furniture, Floors, and Linoleums lik(« new when rubbed with "TANOL." llringti up wood grain and pattern—gives a lasting polish. OFTEN .MISTAKEN FOR RHEUMATISM. One sign of liver trouble is a screwing pain in the shoulder, which is often so severe as to I'eel as if a gimlet way being driven in. Many people suffering this way imagine it is rheumatism, and nil. in liniments and think ihey an , 110 good because they do no), lose the pnin. All Iliai. w necessary is a course of Chamberlain's Tablets. They are. the safest, surest and host medicine for a sluggish liver. The use of Chamberlain's Tablets i» not followed h.v constipation. Instead you will find bowels act more regularly nnd naturally than before. All chemists and storekeepers
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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