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J tItTE would need the whole of the \ YV advertising space of this paper . to tell you of tho many improvements ' of the ► NEW SPIRTS MODEL , lIAIII.IV - DAVIDSON '.; MOTOR I Gome in and we will show you * tho Now Twin Opposed Douglas iv type Engine / With Roller Bearings thrqughotit. '. Tho Three-speod Gear Box, with Multiple Disc Clutch running in oil. ' The Single Chain Drive, completely enclosed and properly I lubricated. The Super-heated Twin Cast Inlet p Manifold, coupled to a particularly efficient Scheliler Carburetter. ] Tho Automatic Oil Pump. ' The New Trussed Cushion Forks. ' Tho Step Starter. Tho Extra Strong Frame and ' Wheels." Come and see this latest mechanical i Masterpiece, and you will be convinced that tho Sports Modal H.-D. is easily the best on two wheels. BAIN & CO. LTD. P.O Box 108 FEILDING. [ "iuMiTvlil HOUTICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. TENTH ANNUAL SHOW. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, lt>2o. Hot.-es, Cattlo, Sheep. Competitions, Flowers, Vegetables. Farm Produce, Fruit, Broad jvnd Sweets, Industrial, Photography, and School Work. Admission: 1/1. Children under 12 Gd. Members" Tickets to bo obtained t'rum Secretary, os each. The Sofii'ty is erecting now comiiiutlioiti Cnttlo Viirds, on tho Showuround for tlie coHvenionco of i.'xhibi. U)is. Schwluh-s will ho available about iln: middle oi February. IIARTON DISTRICT A. AND P. i> * ASSOCIATION. j To bo held on the MARTON RACECOURSE (Adjoining Railway Station) on WEDNESDAY, .MARCH 3. 1020. Clumm's for lliii>(.'s, r<mics, llor>cs. Cotiipctitions. Muiilcti, Open, l.adn's , , ami I'otiy .Innipinp. Cattlo, Sln"e[), Fat Slirep. and Lambs. Logs. Cram, Fruit, and Boine Industries. Over £600 in prizes, in addition to Trophies. Entries close Tuesday, February 1". Schedules upon application to J. ROIiSON, Secretary, llox r>s, Mar ton.
Published Annually. rMHE LONDON DIRECTORY -*■ witli iui'J FortiKn Sections, enabloe iradere to commutu / cite direct with ) Manufacturers an / Oealert hi Londoß and in the Provincial Town* rtiul Industrial Centrce of tho Unitoo Kingdom and the Continout of Eur- ' ope. The naruee, addrewsea and .»tlier • details are claasifiwi uador raaro than -000 trade headings, including Export Merchant* with detailed particulars of the Good? shipped and tne Colonial and Foreijit) Markets supplied; Steamship Lines arrangtxl undo r tho Porte to which they sail, and indicating tho approiimate Sailings. One-inch BUSINESS CARDS of Firm* desiring to oxttand thmr connewtioas, ' oi Tra*l« Cards of Dealers Seeking Agencies can be printed at a co«t of £\ lOe for *acb trade heading under which -hey are inserted. LargtT advert"u;©ui?nt« from JL'2 to £16, ; A copy of the Directory w J bo njut by parcel post for £2, not* ejwh with The LONDON DIRECTORY 00. Ltd. •2j Abchurca lane. London, E.C. 4 England. ; Du»ine«i eetablished 106 year*. ,
I knows how liable the skin it toH I suffer from disfiguring blotches M I and eruptiom ; and how liable it jjH lit, also, to get cat and hurt In « I mil condition* of life—at home, H ra isn't * woman in the home, H ■or a nan in the street, butjjl ■[z.VM I!UK to-diy or to-morrow. ■ mt It may bt to check a eaddeo on- gg H tlanght of r Aiu disease, to »cothe S S and beal a ent or burn, tore- H Iα move tn Dusightl} , pimple or tore, || IS to strengthen a sprained joint, or ig / I these things there t nothing R^ e H
CHEAP KING COUNTRY SHEEP FARM. ft/fn ACRF.S, Freehold. 1 j:,U r)~t:\) Acres Maori Lease, 11 year., to run, at Ih per acre; 21 years at 2s per acre. Good prospect, of i'reoholdinj; the Native Lease at 80s per aero. 1150 Acres in gra:>s, and improviii!-', wit'l aye. and cuckfifoot hold well. 850 Acres of bush land, easy country, and contains a good proportion of milling timber. Tin) property lies mostly to tho sun aid is warm, well sheltered, and has ample water. I Buildings consist of 0-rooniod house and outbuildings, good woolshed, with three machines. Good sheep and cattle yards. 15 paddocks, with all fencing in Kofid order. No gorges or cattlo traps, and no droughts. Rail frontage to Main Trunk lino. Railway istatiou on the homestead. Price: £'7 per acre for freehold and 'goodwill of Native Lease. Easy terms. For full particulars, apply to . DALGETY and CO., LTD., TE KUITI. " FOR New Hendereon or Excelsior ifotore call at TREASURE CTCLE CO.. Feilding, Wo bavo the latest Military Models in stooC. Cataloeucs on application
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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718Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.