Sufferers Iron hearlburn and sick heaihch,. should fake SHAHLAND'S FLril) MACNKSJA. (-orrects acidity - -i\\,-~ r.diel'. A^reenhl. , and par.'. TIUKI) A (;OOl> .MANY--HA.XT Kirs WINS ALWAYS. j While summer cold* are so pictnMen! th- lelt.'j- will iiior« than int. 1 • !.:-t yon. .Mr MaUh.'W Talboy. Kl'tlc.rpf, ILnvke's Bnv, ivi i t '■'-; :- - ■''Ku'.1.,..•.! find l'2s for 'some bottles ol liixtcr's Limn Preserver. The local 'store- has no more. I have tried n many remedies but more i'el:el from yours with one small bottle." Haxler's has an enviable record, it. is not an untried preparation, it been uivin;.; sure, welcome, prompt suid permanent relief to cold, s-ne thront. chest and broiifhinl trouble .-uffeieis. IS.-i x I ci's is wail inn; to fortilv you against (he sudden mi---1 Mi-rlit "of summer e,,lds. '2- (Jd I.ottle. Chemist or Store. You won't k.H-|) a cold or sot" ihioal abovn a day or two if you use •■NA/Oli." Act.- lik- :> clnirui. Get it to-day, l>1) dcse.s Is Gfl. THKRK AHIi rORTr.S'FIS WAITING MADE in of needf>d inventions. That idea of yours might l>e the means •!f nijiUi!!- YOVH fortune. For ad- ■■■'•' -!i t!i;-.-o niatlcrs coiirult HfiuT 'lushes. Ltd., Patent Attorneys, \'n Fcathcr.-lyn Street, Wellington.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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